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Should the United Kingdom become a confederation?


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Question mainly for the UK girlies since we're all affected differently by the way the United Kingdom government works on top of how each of our individual countries work, but intrigued to hear outside of the UK opinions too. But I'm intrigued to know, considering each of the four countries history with independence questions, Westminster's troubled view with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, veto powers and a very divisive nation, do you think a confederal UK would work? Four separate sovereign states with an equal confederate board, no laws can be implicated Union-wide unless all four sovereigns agree, using the board to strengthen trade deals and allowing more financial and legal freedoms to each individual county without a "central government" having a subsidiary power to veto something they don't like.


I understand the idea of a "confederation" is perhaps outdated and problematic/troublesome, but do you think a new and modern confederation of a highly developed and modern territory could work?

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Wouldn't ENG just dominate the rest? Even if all have to be in consensus, they could just whine and complain and the sheer number of them could force the others just to agree. There's no perfect way of governance. 

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I think the problem with giving all 4 nations equal powers is that England is so much bigger than the other 3.


I think the way forward for the UK is further devolution. Move money away from central government and towards regions (not just London and the South East). Enough of this levelling up bullshit and making local areas bid for scraps. Give local areas the money the need to genuinely develop and support local public services. 

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7 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

Wouldn't ENG just dominate the rest? Even if all have to be in consensus, they could just whine and complain and the sheer number of them could force the others just to agree. There's no perfect way of governance. 

Right now England dominates general elections in the UK as it is, they have the highest population and most seats/constituencies. If the UK was to become a confederation there wouldn't be a need for general elections if each state has sovereignty. Each state would only need to congregate for smaller issues and would feel like less of an unfair decision on each individual country.

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being serious I think the ultimate fate is Scottish independence, Irish reunification and maybe Welsh independence or at least much greater devolution in Wales. We're just living through a messy period until the first domino falls. There's no saving the UK.

Edited by Gelato
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Not a uk girlie, so thake my comment as you wish. England is the problem. My feeling is that girlies sitting in Westminsters are living in 1880's and rulling over 1/4 of the world. It's always them and what they want. I mean, they could not live inside EU

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How about independence for Scotland and Wales, and Northern Ireland joining the Republic of Ireland? 





Edited by Pendulum
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Yes, I believe so.

I live In Scotland so I'll comment it from my POV, the fact that Scottish politics is still very much driven by what Westminster dictates, whether that be certain laws or the budget provided. I remember one of the "promises" David Cameron said pre-Indy Ref was that Scotland would get more devolution powers if they voted to remain.. but alas, false promises.


I feel like we're going to be in a cycle fighting for independence until we get it, and even if I do support Scottish independence, it's also a bit tiring to see it being such a political topic in Holyrood. I'd rather them be able to focus on the actual important things and have clear parties,and perhaps free from the grasp of Labour/Conservatives. The SNP are a bit annoying in that regard, since it's a collection of people across the whole political spectrum under one cause of "independence" which gets us into the mess with the latest Gender Reform bill, where the own party can't come together to agree to it. I feel like this cycle will never end until we get our independence and can focus on the actual priorities in our country.


It's greatly upsetting to be in the situation we are in now, with our laws getting veto'd by Westminster and obviously forcely being taken out of the EU when our country voted majorily to stay. However, I do get people have a sort of "British" pride which contests with their political beliefs.. so a confederation could work - perhaps the best of both worlds. 



The amount of people I know personally who voted to stay in the UK just because they support Rangers as a football club is actually INSANE :doc: So a confederation might still keep those people happy hihi

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2 hours ago, Fevesy said:

Yes, I believe so.

I live In Scotland so I'll comment it from my POV, the fact that Scottish politics is still very much driven by what Westminster dictates, whether that be certain laws or the budget provided. I remember one of the "promises" David Cameron said pre-Indy Ref was that Scotland would get more devolution powers if they voted to remain.. but alas, false promises.


I feel like we're going to be in a cycle fighting for independence until we get it, and even if I do support Scottish independence, it's also a bit tiring to see it being such a political topic in Holyrood. I'd rather them be able to focus on the actual important things and have clear parties,and perhaps free from the grasp of Labour/Conservatives. The SNP are a bit annoying in that regard, since it's a collection of people across the whole political spectrum under one cause of "independence" which gets us into the mess with the latest Gender Reform bill, where the own party can't come together to agree to it. I feel like this cycle will never end until we get our independence and can focus on the actual priorities in our country.


It's greatly upsetting to be in the situation we are in now, with our laws getting veto'd by Westminster and obviously forcely being taken out of the EU when our country voted majorily to stay. However, I do get people have a sort of "British" pride which contests with their political beliefs.. so a confederation could work - perhaps the best of both worlds. 


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The amount of people I know personally who voted to stay in the UK just because they support Rangers as a football club is actually INSANE :doc: So a confederation might still keep those people happy hihi

Also Scottish so I get your feeling, from Glasgow so I completely understand the frustration of unionist rangers supporters :skull: I firmly believe in my lifetime I will either see this confederate UK I’m talking about or an independent Scotland. I’d prefer the latter but maybe the former isn’t such a bad idea.

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