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Biden won student debtors by +16 in 2020 - they're now +3 for Trump in new poll


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4 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Guess I should show my displeasure with Genocide Joe by... voting for Genocide Joe, then.


Cause really, abstaining from voting is treated just the same as a vote for Trump by liberals anyway. There is no greater sin than doing anything other than voting for the Democrat "to protect democracy as we know it" which is constantly under threat every single election. Every election is "the most important one." Always. And if you don't vote Democrat, you're a traitor to the country, puppet of Putin, etc.


I'm not planning on voting for Trump, and you're going to say "I wasn't talking about you then," but let's be honest here. The goalposts are always getting moved and what you say now won't be the sentiment if Trump actually ends up winning in November. Nonvoters will be demonized and scorned for not sucking it up and voting for Joe, as will third party voters, just like they were in 2016, even though both groups who didn't buy into the corrupt oligarchic duopoly make up a plurality of the population.

Literalllllyyyyy thissss… 


I can see all these libs sanctimoniously claiming rn that they “understand not voting” end up frothing at the mouth at leftists come Nov 2024. They’re too predictable. Already in these kinds of threads some of them try to “oH sO yOu wAnT tRuMp” any critique of Biden :cm:

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**** I gotta get married before the elections then... if not I'm screwed getting that gc

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8 hours ago, DougAF said:

If a second term trump presidency is the wake up call the stupid ass DNC needs to cut this **** out, then we have to take a step back to go two steps forward. 

The 2016 election WAS the wake up call to the DNC. They put the fix in 2016 to get Hillary nominated and loss. Their solution was to put the fix in for Biden. The results are plain to see. 

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6 hours ago, Mike91 said:

Polls are irrelevant in 2023. I don't know why people still pay attention to them. Most Millennial and Gen-Z voters are not responding to political polls. :rip:

This seems like major cope. :rip:

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8 hours ago, Mike91 said:

Polls are irrelevant in 2023. I don't know why people still pay attention to them. Most Millennial and Gen-Z voters are not responding to political polls. :rip:

This one was different, which at least makes it interesting - it was a Dem aligned public policy and marketing firm, as opposed to a traditional pollster. They polled people like a random market survey (so the people polled didn't get any bias or sense it was a political survey until the election questions).


I don't think it's hard to imagine something like working class students (who already have iffy turmout) seeing like a 25%+ drop in turnout come 2024, especially when 2020 was already a unique increase due to the promises Biden made. 

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Biden would’ve done more if it wasn’t for the stupid republicans getting on the way… but I guess people think its better to go back to Trump


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10 hours ago, mrpartyrocker said:

Americans just like to torture themselves at the end. Having to choose between biden and trump is delusional to think it’ll be better with one or the other. Y’all deserve what you get :rip:

And how is that the average american's fault? please think before writing down just about anything that comes to your mind :rip:

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13 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

people really think a president will magically make their lives better. and as soon as it isn't the case, they get upset and switch like baguettes.

what is even the point of having a president then? if what you're saying is true (that the president won't and shouldn't make anyone's lives better), then why do we have to deal with liberals (like the ones who liked your post) guilt tripping us every time on threads like this as if the votes for the president is a life or death matter? 

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1 hour ago, AMIT said:

what is even the point of having a president then? if what you're saying is true (that the president won't and shouldn't make anyone's lives better), then why do we have to deal with liberals (like the ones who liked your post) guilt tripping us every time on threads like this as if the votes for the president is a life or death matter? 

of course a president has some impact on our quality of life. whether directly through laws that affect us or indirectly through economic or social initiatives. But a president will not suddenly make you a happy person. will not suddenly make you rich. you will not suddenly be able to afford a Mercedes. your problems from 4 years ago will not suddenly resolve just because of a new president. some people really think life will start getting good because someone has been in office for 4 years. any noticable change will take longer than 4 years to accomplish anyway. 

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10 minutes ago, Pikachoo said:

of course a president has some impact on our quality of life. whether directly through laws that affect us or indirectly through economic or social initiatives. But a president will not suddenly make you a happy person. will not suddenly make you rich. you will not suddenly be able to afford a Mercedes. your problems from 4 years ago will not suddenly resolve just because of a new president. some people really think life will start getting good because someone has been in office for 4 years. any noticable change will take longer than 4 years to accomplish anyway. 

if what you're saying is true, then the same can be said if a republican gets into office, which is then at odds with what the liberals love to scream at people whenever they express discontent with electoral politics or even the political system as a whole, no? :celestial5:


why the hysterics over Trump "RUINING democracy and life as we know it!!1!!!1" if what you said about noticeable changes is true? :celestial6:

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2 hours ago, AMIT said:

And how is that the average american's fault? please think before writing down just about anything that comes to your mind :rip:

Obviously I was referring to those that support Trump!!! 

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24 minutes ago, mrpartyrocker said:

Obviously I was referring to those that support Trump!!! 

That is really not clear in your other post, but ok fair enough. But lemme note that people have been voting against their own interests ever since voting was a thing, mainly because of heavy propaganda and that is still very much true today. 

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1 hour ago, AMIT said:

if what you're saying is true, then the same can be said if a republican gets into office, which is then at odds with what the liberals love to scream at people whenever they express discontent with electoral politics or even the political system as a whole, no? :celestial5:


why the hysterics over Trump "RUINING democracy and life as we know it!!1!!!1" if what you said about noticeable changes is true? :celestial6:

because my opinion is based off the presumption that the president is working within the current legal framework. I trust other republicans to respect this framework as past republican presidents have. would i be happy with their policies? no, but my daily life would not change that much. Trump refuses to operate within this framework, and that to me means unchartered territories i cant predict.

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31 minutes ago, AMIT said:

That is really not clear in your other post, but ok fair enough. But lemme note that people have been voting against their own interests ever since voting was a thing, mainly because of heavy propaganda and that is still very much true today. 

Yeah I just meant that people think voting for Trump instead of Biden is some sort of payback to Biden’s misleading campaign. Obviously none of them are good, but it’s like choosing the worst out of 2 really terrible options

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I have not met one Biden supporter let  alone a young person eager to vote for him. His supporters are in the same realm of delusions as the MAGAs 

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when Biden’s term ends his approval rating will be worse than Trump’s. At baseline republicans hate Biden and now he’s essentially alienated the democratic party with his handling on just about everything but particularly student debt crisis and now the genocide in Gaza. 

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19 minutes ago, Nova_23 said:

when Biden’s term ends his approval rating will be worse than Trump’s. At baseline republicans hate Biden and now he’s essentially alienated the democratic party with his handling on just about everything but particularly student debt crisis and now the genocide in Gaza. 

At the current rate, he's speedrunning a race to the bottom and could easily compete with Bush 43's second term and Carter. It'd be a given if partisanship wasn't keeping him afloat, because more than half of Democrats will keep him just above 30% due to their cultish support of any politician with a D next to their name.

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