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How do gay incel communities exist?

St. Charles

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Some good points raised in here. The relationship question is a genuine problem in our community and shouldn't be dismissed.


I will add though: if we go back to the original defintion of incel, I don't think it is a genuine problem to be involuntarily celibate as a gay man. Perhaps in some fringe cases, but broadly I think men are so easy, grindr is so accessible, and our community is so sexualised that anyone can find someone for sex. 


So gays who stay virgins are doing so, in my opinion, as a choice - and a totally valid one. I don't have much sex by choice. But I definitely side eye the idea of being a 'gay incel' in its literal definition. 



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6 hours ago, Pikachoo said:

I have never dated anyone, although I would like to, because of my own massive insecurities. do I count as a gay incel?

gurlll, you didn't hear this from me, but someone told me you were the leader!!

op! djdsnfldskfnlkdsfdsf

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I think it’s different for gays because the dating pool is way smaller, I mean imagine living in small town Montana or something where your chances of meeting other gays irl is slim to none and your nearest Grindr match is 50 miles away…. It’s really not fair for those guys who live outside of big cities and I could see how that would create resentment and frustration especially when you have the entire world at your fingertips with social media. I wouldn’t blame them :cm:


I also haven’t seen that weird alpha sigma incel talk amongst gay men ever so I hope that doesn’t exist :toofunny2: 

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Just bc we're gay doesn't mean we're attracted to every other gay or that we'd **** anyone just to have sex. What is this logic? :deadbanana2: I'd rather never touch anyone ever again than resorting to ******* a gross man to get some action.

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The only incel ones are the guys that focus on masc4masc. They obsess over how straight they can act. I think they fit into straight incels because they also have a hatred of women. It’s fine to be masculine but focusing on that is just weird af. I’m not very masculine but some guy I hooked up with kept being like we need more “masc” and “dl” guys like us. I kept asking him what do you mean by “dl” and he’s like “you know we don’t make it public that we’re gay”. It pissed me off, having an introverted personality (meaning I don’t go to clubs or have girl friends, dressing plain, and having a smokers voice doesn’t make me masc. My interests are so gay, I’m on atrl for fucks sake. These men are so obsessed with appearances when I know they actually have gay af interests. Making your tinder anthem a Travis Scott song doesn’t mean your masc, you’re just playing a tired ass act.

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Idk but after listening to Mind Your Business by Britney Spears I just kinda mind my business as to how people feel about what they and others do in their bedrooms. 

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