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Update: SCOTUS rules unanimously to put Trump back on ballot in Colorado


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9 minutes ago, DougAF said:

Why should judges that he appointed be allowed to have any say in the matter? :rip:

I mean... that's kinda exactly their purpose, no? Especially since this particular case stems from an interpretation of the constitution. 


But this is also exactly why I plugged my nose and voted for Hilary in 2016 because I still understood the SC matters, even if it is a complete farce now.

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The judges he appointed will save him 

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lol "Decide."

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32 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

I’m not reading any articles. Can somebody please summarize what the argument against him running is? I thought the only requirements for president were over 35 and born in USA

14th amendment

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If both Trump and Biden are put aside by the system, that would make a very interesting election in 2024.

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Honestly, the judges he appointed aren’t even owned by him. They were chosen by Mitch and the pre Trump establishment. I wouldn’t be shocked if they disqualified him just to anoint Nikki Haley for their donors. 

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15 minutes ago, 19SLAYty9 said:

Honestly, the judges he appointed aren’t even owned by him. They were chosen by Mitch and the pre Trump establishment. I wouldn’t be shocked if they disqualified him just to anoint Nikki Haley for their donors. 

That would be the best thing Republicans could do for themselves. The moment Trump is disqualified, Joe Biden's presidency is over.

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13 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

That would be the best thing Republicans could do for themselves. The moment Trump is disqualified, Joe Biden's presidency is over.

Would Trump go quietly? He will burn Republican Party to the ground if he is not the nominee. 
Right after Jan 6th when some republicans were starting to turn on him he threatened to create his own party if they even thought about dumping him


He would torpedo who ever the republican nominee was and probably start his own write-in campaign 

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Okay, so he will be allowed to run. Next. 




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It would've been a kii if they denied him but they won't so this is a waste of time.

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he was indicted TWICE, he already isnt allowed to run, isnt he?

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With all his criminal charges he should be prohibited to run for any office but most judges of Supreme court don’t give a single f about morals and actual justice, so they will allow this orange pig to run his $hit show once again :clown:

Edited by Gottasadae
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The Supreme Court that has been notoriously passing Republican laws against human rights? Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll let him run.

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ATRLers are more qualified than this man. 

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I don’t think the Court wants to meddle in a presidential election again after all the backlash they got for Bush v Gore.


A 9-0 or 7-2 vote in Trump’s favor seems likely. 


6 hours ago, DougAF said:

Why should judges that he appointed be allowed to have any say in the matter? :rip:

Another reason why they likely won’t take him off the ballot. The people decide, not courts. At the very least Clarence Thomas should recuse himself though given his wife’s very public support of January 6th.

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It will likely go 9-0 against Colorado. They will rule they can't apply the 14th Amendment because Trump isn't even charged with insurrection, the special prosecutor declined to go that far in his indictment. Most of the charges pertain to election fraud, easier to prove as all the people that have already pleaded out were involved with trying to coerce state election officials to change results. For the issurection charges, they would have to prove a direct connection between Trump and the insurrectionists. But, it seems the FBI has more connections with the insurrectionists, and it would be easier to prove the FBI caused Jan 6th than Trump.

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4 hours ago, chessguy99 said:

It will likely go 9-0 against Colorado. They will rule they can't apply the 14th Amendment because Trump isn't even charged with insurrection, the special prosecutor declined to go that far in his indictment. Most of the charges pertain to election fraud, easier to prove as all the people that have already pleaded out were involved with trying to coerce state election officials to change results. For the issurection charges, they would have to prove a direct connection between Trump and the insurrectionists. But, it seems the FBI has more connections with the insurrectionists, and it would be easier to prove the FBI caused Jan 6th than Trump.

I could see it being 6-3. Don't forget that the liberal justices are just as partisan and factional as the conservatives are, and will vote against what the majority ruling is to make it a party line vote purely for the sake of it. Liberals will never forgive them if they actually make it a unanimous vote in Trump's favor, and they know that.

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8 hours ago, chessguy99 said:

It will likely go 9-0 against Colorado. They will rule they can't apply the 14th Amendment because Trump isn't even charged with insurrection, the special prosecutor declined to go that far in his indictment. Most of the charges pertain to election fraud, easier to prove as all the people that have already pleaded out were involved with trying to coerce state election officials to change results. For the issurection charges, they would have to prove a direct connection between Trump and the insurrectionists. But, it seems the FBI has more connections with the insurrectionists, and it would be easier to prove the FBI caused Jan 6th than Trump.



There are essentially three arguments that will be addressed:


1. Whether a federal candidate can be removed from certain state ballots. This will be a 9-0 ruling in favor of Colorado, as, for primaries, states already do have differing standards. Ruling otherwise would require an overhaul of the federal election procedure.


2. Whether the president is considered an officer under the 14th amendment. This is where Trump will most likely win in a 5-4 or 6-3 decisions. But i can also see him losing in a 5-4 manner as well.


3. Whether Trump was given proper due process prior to being removed from the ballot. This one will also be a close decision, as the Supreme Court is going to have to interpret what due process flows down. My prediction is that they say there needs to be a finding of fact by the proper election officials (ALJ, Commissioner, etc.) of each individual state, and send the argument back to the states. This portion is going to be such a mess and the longest part of the opinion. But i can gurantee you that a conviction will not be required, as even Trump’s own attorneys dropped that argument in cert, along with the amnstey argument.

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4 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

I could see it being 6-3. Don't forget that the liberal justices are just as partisan and factional as the conservatives are, and will vote against what the majority ruling is to make it a party line vote purely for the sake of it. Liberals will never forgive them if they actually make it a unanimous vote in Trump's favor, and they know that.

Maybe Sotomayor, but Kagen and Jackson have shown they are more dedicated to following process than what liberals think of them. Whoever argues for Colorado will have to lay out a clear process to how they are following the whole constitution. The main sticking point will be Trump hasn't even been tried and convicted. If there was a conviction  that was being appealed, there would be no problem, even Barrett, another justice who is grounded in process, would rule against Trump.

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1 minute ago, chessguy99 said:

Maybe Sotomayor, but Kagen and Jackson have shown they are more dedicated to following process than what liberals think of them. Whoever argues for Colorado will have to lay out a clear process to how they are following the whole constitution. The main sticking point will be Trump hasn't even been tried and convicted. If there was a conviction  that was being appealed, there would be no problem, even Barrett, another justice who is grounded in process, would rule against Trump.

All 3 of them voted against striking down Biden’s student debt relief that was specifically and deliberately crafted with the weakest justification possible in order to lead to the Court striking it down. If that was a 6-3 decision, this will be as well.

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Just let the people decide. if trump wins because more people voted for him. That’s because Biden was stupid choice  by the Democrats. If republicans are smart they let trump sink and move on from him and push Niki Haley full support then Biden will lose 100% no doubt. People don’t want to vote for trump or Biden at least the more reasonable people don’t.  Let’s not act like democrats are somehow saints. Biden is basically just a puppet president for the democrats otherwise this would’ve forced Biden to step down and pick someone else to run for president. 

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I wonder how many bribes Clarence Thomas will take for this one

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