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Southwest Airlines is praised for ‘customers of size’ policy


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I now identify as obese and overweight so I hope when I fly Southwest they would give me 3 seats to accommodate my massive body

Regarding the people who will be moved to accommodate for my gargantuan stature? Not my concern

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7 minutes ago, JanStan said:

I agree that the country is overweight as a whole. But you can be obese or have a high BMI and not need 2 seats. That is the case for the majority of people.  It’s dishonest to suggest that having a high BMI is the same as being fat enough to NEED two seats. If your size encroaches on the comfort of the person sitting next to you you should buy two seats. 

Obviously, this is just a fact, but if trends continue the country will soon be OBESE as a whole, which is different than overweight. These plane seats are just too small for people nowadays for the most part, and companies need to find ways around this somehow.

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9 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Obviously, this is just a fact, but if trends continue the country will soon be OBESE as a whole, which is different than overweight. These plane seats are just too small for people nowadays for the most part, and companies need to find ways around this somehow.

This will sound harsh but I don’t mean it disrespectfully. It’s the fat people who need two seats that need to find a way around their weight problem somehow. That or buy two seats. 

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2 minutes ago, JanStan said:

This will sound harsh but I don’t mean it disrespectfully. It’s the fat people who need two seats that need to find a way around their weight problem somehow. That or buy two seats. 

We can look at the prevalence of obesity as an individual's issue, but considering the numbers continue rising despite efforts to combat it, it appears to be a systemic issue that needs systemic and holistic solutions. The American food system is in need of a huge overhaul imo.

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1 hour ago, GraceRandolph said:

How are people supposed to lose significant amount of weight before a flight though? Most recommendations only allow a loss of 1 lb per week. 

Lmao I just mean generally people should be doing that instead of getting free stuff for a problem they caused. They shouldn’t be getting seats for free and taking them away from other customers because of something they can control*


That is unfair and isn’t “inclusive” it’s just annoying for other people

* bar exceptions 

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First you can’t refer them by their actual and factual size, and now they can kick you out just to accommodate them for their comfort at the expense of others? The size privilege is showing.

Edited by truthteller
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6 hours ago, Smarticle said:

I don't want to visit you during your McDonalds shift :sleigh:

Burger King isn’t giving you any PTO? :santa:

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It’s becoming concerning the way being fat has become so accepted. Fatsos that spill over onto 2 seats should be added to the no-fly list 

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Me and my friends making sure we get that extra space during weigh in. 

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5 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

The reality is that it already is normalized. A huge percentage of Americans (35-45%) are considered obese. What do you expect American airline companies to do here? Not offer any accommodations to what could be nearly half their customers? 

This. The airlines are adapting to a new reality. It's a shame that so many people are overweight and something definitely needs to be done about it. But the situation is what it is. It would be nice to have normal debates without cheap populism. Insults don't solve the problem, they put people on the defensive.

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  • ATRL Administrator

Some of the comments in here are really nasty. It’s not just people who are overweight who are required to buy two seats.


First of all, no one is getting kicked off their flight to accommodate a passenger of size. Most people who need two seats already know they need them and buy them ahead of time as to 1) plan properly 2) avoid embarrassment of being told in line they need to purchase an additional seat.

I am 6’8”. It’s super uncomfortable to sit straight on a flight with as little leg room as is provided without flying first or business class (which I only fly now). So I’ve had to purchase two seats so my legs aren’t bothering the person next to me while I kinda spread eagle for comfort. 

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1 hour ago, abelfenty said:

It’s becoming concerning the way being fat has become so accepted. Fatsos that spill over onto 2 seats should be added to the no-fly list 

Nah, I’m more concerned with alcohol and meat still being accepted. 

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As long as someone doesn’t get kicked off so an overweight person gets two seats, it’s a fine policy.


However if they don’t kick off the overweight customer because there’s no room, that’s where it becomes an issue.

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Its a very nice, well intentioned idea that works in a perfect society.


But that’s not us. And in America, lots of people are going to have gripes about this. Why should someone get special treatment and for FREE just because they are unhealthy + overweight?


People will start asking for more accommodations from this. Think of things like claustrophobia, anxiety, etc.

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Dr. Alexander

This is bizzare. Why are we treating fat people as if they are as fragile as eggs?


And I’m so tired of people creating new terms to feel oppressed. It’s ridiculous. “Fatphobic.” Do you tell your doctor that they are fatphobic when they tell you that you are overweight and need to lose weight? Like, be for real…

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