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Towns in Belgium begin stripping Palestinian children born in nation of citizenship


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Why the **** do this to them? They didn't have any involvement in any part of the conflict

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The timing of this is remarkably suspicious and concerning. Did they pull this stunt with Russian children?

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Europe showing their true faces


I wouldn't be surprised if they start sending non white people to concentration camps AGAIN

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What the ****???? 


As someone with immigrant parents from similar region, this is worrying. 

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These children don't have an option of returning to Palestine, because Israel controls all the borders, so Belgium will take away all of their rights, purely based on their ethnicity.

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Maybe be aware that the majority of the world does NOT have birthright citizenship like the US has. Almost all of the  countries with full birthright citizenship are in North and South America. Most European countries put strict restrictions on birthright citizenship. Belgium seems to have been the goto place in Europe as they were loose in applying their criteria. But reading the story, and not just the headline, they started working this spring to correct the situation, long before the current influx caused by the recent conflict.

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34 minutes ago, chessguy99 said:

Maybe be aware that the majority of the world does NOT have birthright citizenship like the US has. 

Belgian law dictates that children born in Belgium but who are stateless are entitled to citizenship. 


Belgium does not recognize Palestine as a nation, thus children born to Palestinian parents in Belgium are entitled to citizenship. 


Deciding now of all times to wage an anti-migration campaign and claim this law is being exploited by immigrants, punishing their children, while also still NOT recognizing Palestine as a state is incoherent of a decision and veers into just framing Palestinians as undesirables. 

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Belgium is a fake country. Just like Israhell. Birds of a feather.

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