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My mental health journey


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As someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression in the past (and still somewhat does, albeit way less frequently than before), I know for a fact how difficult and bad things can get without medications when you really need them. I'm happy to know that you're gonna start your recovery process soon and I hope it goes smoothly! :heart2:


My only suggestion would be working with a therapist (if possible) on identifying and solving or at least learning to manage what causes anxiety and depression so you'll be better equipped to do it on your own in the future without medications. That's not to say you're never gonna need medical help for these issues again in your life, but doing that has helped me tremendously to navigate and manage my feelings and I also heard other people share similar experiences.


My DMs are always open if you need someone to talk to :hug:

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  • ATRL Moderator
8 minutes ago, Hephaestus said:

As someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression in the past (and still somewhat does, albeit way less frequently than before), I know for a fact how difficult and bad things can get without medications when you really need them. I'm happy to know that you're gonna start your recovery process soon and I hope it goes smoothly! :heart2:


My only suggestion would be working with a therapist (if possible) on identifying and solving or at least learning to manage what causes anxiety and depression so you'll be better equipped to do it on your own in the future without medications. That's not to say you're never gonna need medical help for these issues again in your life, but doing that has helped me tremendously to navigate and manage my feelings and I also heard other people share similar experiences.


My DMs are always open if you need someone to talk to :hug:

Thank you :heart2:


The place where I’m going to see the doctor at next week also offers low cost counseling services. At the moment I told them I just wanted the PCP consultation but if it seems like counseling will be effective I have a place that offers it low cost at least. I’ve never done any sort of therapy/counseling before so I’m a little scared of the idea. 

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36 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Hey bbs


Back in 2012, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression as common these days. I did a round of medication (celexa, bleh) and returned to normal


Then in 2019, I revisted the doctor with increasing symptoms. I was given new medication (lexapro, better but meh).

In early 2023 I missed a payment for my health insurance and it was cancelled from me. If you know the US insurance system, you know you cannot buy insurance for the most part outside the enrollment period at the end of the calendar year. So from March 2023 until now I’ve been without health insurance. 

About August this year, my symptoms of anxiety and depression have returned but I haven’t had the ability to go to the doctor to get new medication or afford other treatment options.  And since August it’s progressed worse than they’ve ever been before. 

I wake up each morning with the hopes of a good day, and then one small roadblock changes my mindset for the rest of the day. I’m unable to get past that roadblock, and I shut down and become angry and upset in response. Due to my work and school schedule, I don’t really have any days off to figure it out either

I have purchased health insurance which starts January 1, and was hoping to hold off until then to seek treatment. However, it’s gotten so bad that I reached out to a doctors office in town that does income-based care and told them of my situation and I have an apportionment next Monday to start my recovery process. 

I’m pretty closed off in my real life and wanted to share my experience with someone which is why I made this thread. I hope to share recovery news soon and hopefully next week will be a great week overall :heart2:

I totally get where you're coming from. Dealing with anxiety and depression is still very much like a thing we don’t talk about despite it affecting so many of us. Finding out the right balance of meds is always going to be a thing.


Super relating to the day being disrupted. It's so hard when one little thing can throw off your whole day, and you're stuck feeling angry and upset. Juggling work and school on top of that? That's a lot for anyone to handle.

But you reaching out for income-based care, that's a big deal. It's a huge step towards getting back on track. And it's great news about your health insurance kicking in come January.


I appreciate you sharing your story. It's not easy to open up about this stuff, but it's so important. You’ve been a great support for me this year with everything I’ve been dealing with, I hope to be that for you too. I'm rooting for you always. ❤️

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I feel your pain.


Seeking mental health treatment in America even with insurance can have astronomical costs. Without insurance trying to get any mental health treatment is even worse. 

You might have been able to apply for emergency government assisted health insurance at that time. I don’t know what the exact eligibility guidelines are though. 

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5 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Thank you :heart2:


The place where I’m going to see the doctor at next week also offers low cost counseling services. At the moment I told them I just wanted the PCP consultation but if it seems like counseling will be effective I have a place that offers it low cost at least. I’ve never done any sort of therapy/counseling before so I’m a little scared of the idea. 

Oh nice! Yeah it can be scary and I'm not gonna lie, it might even require some trial and error to find the right therapist/counselor, but once you do it really makes a difference. Opening up with a complete stranger feels weird and definitely requires some time to get acquainted, so move at the pace you feel most comfortable. When it comes to mental health I've learned that the process is a marathon, not a sprint.

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Oh I almost forgot: don't be shy to communicate to your doctor how medications make you feel. To piggyback on what @Ryan said, finding a good balance or even the right medication for you could take some time, so don't lose hope if things don't immediately get better.

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I never knew you went through this. Thanks for sharing your story and I hope you are on the path to getting the right help. :hug:

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  • ATRL Moderator
2 hours ago, Ryan said:

I totally get where you're coming from. Dealing with anxiety and depression is still very much like a thing we don’t talk about despite it affecting so many of us. Finding out the right balance of meds is always going to be a thing.


Super relating to the day being disrupted. It's so hard when one little thing can throw off your whole day, and you're stuck feeling angry and upset. Juggling work and school on top of that? That's a lot for anyone to handle.

But you reaching out for income-based care, that's a big deal. It's a huge step towards getting back on track. And it's great news about your health insurance kicking in come January.


I appreciate you sharing your story. It's not easy to open up about this stuff, but it's so important. You’ve been a great support for me this year with everything I’ve been dealing with, I hope to be that for you too. I'm rooting for you always. ❤️



2 hours ago, Big Bad Wolf said:

I feel your pain.


Seeking mental health treatment in America even with insurance can have astronomical costs. Without insurance trying to get any mental health treatment is even worse. 

You might have been able to apply for emergency government assisted health insurance at that time. I don’t know what the exact eligibility guidelines are though. 

I wasn’t eligible for special enrollment unfortunately but thankfully we’re near the new year and I have already set up my auto pay and everything 


2 hours ago, Hephaestus said:

Oh nice! Yeah it can be scary and I'm not gonna lie, it might even require some trial and error to find the right therapist/counselor, but once you do it really makes a difference. Opening up with a complete stranger feels weird and definitely requires some time to get acquainted, so move at the pace you feel most comfortable. When it comes to mental health I've learned that the process is a marathon, not a sprint.

Thank you so much for all the advice, I truly appreciate it :heart2:


2 hours ago, Jotham said:

I never knew you went through this. Thanks for sharing your story and I hope you are on the path to getting the right help. :hug:

Thank you :heart2: mental health is such a dangerous issue considering most suffer in silence. Hopefully next week will start a new beginning 

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I love you :hug:

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  • ATRL Moderator
22 minutes ago, Cult Leader 𐕣𐕣 said:

I love you :hug:

Love you bb :heart2:

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Wishing you the best on your journey. I know it’s a tough path :heart2:. Don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do.

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  • ATRL Moderator
26 minutes ago, KFC said:

How is everything going love @khalyan

Going good bb


I started prozac and after a few weeks have felt a lot better. I also started to see a therapist, had to switch therapists after my initial visit but my new one is great and I think I’ve found a good match :heart:

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13 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Going good bb


I started prozac and after a few weeks have felt a lot better. I also started to see a therapist, had to switch therapists after my initial visit but my new one is great and I think I’ve found a good match :heart:

I'm so proud of you, keep going!

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