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Almost 200 countries agree to "transition away" from fossil fuels


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But there are only 195 countries in the world though?

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Anyways, a win for Mother Nature :clap3:



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12 minutes ago, BtDecember said:

But there are only 195 countries in the world though?

Hence "almost" :gaycat2:

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38 minutes ago, cognitus. said:

Hence "almost" :gaycat2:

Why they cant be exact when there is literally only 195 countries in the world minus the countries that did not agree to transition? Oh well

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They’ve been agreeing for years now. The cop 28 and all these Gulf countries are crooked for hosting the cop 28.

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1 hour ago, TaylorNation said:

I know Saudi Arabia is fuming somewhere 

They don’t care the cop 28 has no authority and has been such a joke this year

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  • But the the deal stops short of calling for a complete phase-out - which some countries wanted. Methane (one of the most potent greenhouse gasses) is also not mentioned
  • Small island nations, who are most at risk of the effects of climate change, say the deal doesn't do enough to protect them. They also complained they weren't in the room when it was approved
  • One criticism from developing countries is that the agreement doesn't require richer countries to provide financial support
  • And another criticism is over fairness - that the language on moving away from fossil fuels does not ask developed countries to lead on it when they've economically benefited from fossil fuels for longer
  • Climate scientists are reacting too - some climate science isn't reflected in the agreement, they say, while others say it's an essential "baby step"


Business as usual. :zzz:

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The city-state of Gag City is the only country that did not agree 

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