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Far-right Polish MP vandalizes Menorah display placed in Polish parliament


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He should be arrested for putting everyone there in danger by recklessly using a fire extinguisher. 

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What's funny is that he looks younger than you'd expect for a old head nazi.

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3 hours ago, RunUpDoneUp said:

What's funny is that he looks younger than you'd expect for an old head nazi.

He probably learned it from his parents

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Want more context?

im polish and follow this dumbass and his party for entertainment so heres some things he did

1 He posted a selfie with 2russina propagadna writers and a literal rusian spy Literaly

2he was excluded from parlaments special meeting about the war in ukrain because of his russian conection

3 in 2020 he told polish health minister "you will be hanged" because of pandemic restriction

4wanted to arrest Bill gates as he belives he is a mason and he wants to commit genocide with vacnies

5ofc hes an atni Vaxer and covid denier

6he wants homosexuals to be publicly beaten with weeps by the authorities

now let me tell you more about Konfederacja (party his in)

theyr a far right conservative/natioanilstic/anarchocapitalistic/authoritarian/neofassict party 

they had a sex scandal recently 

basicly one of the partys leaders Jnusk Korwin Mikke(ill talk about him in the end) is so ****** up in the head that even scum like them doesnt want to be asocieted with him that even they dont want to be associated with him

so the story goes parlamental ellection in poland were heppening like 2months ago in poland durig the campain jkm was just told to shut up he wasnt allowed by the party to publicly say anything (konfederacja's plan was to pretend their normal just very capitalistic and only care about the economy)

well he wrote about it on twiterr and it casued a literaly ig infulencer type drama when one of his supportest in the party awserd one of his chritics by asking  him if his wife knows about his affair 

some more drama and acustaon letter we(as the public) know that there is a gal in the party that likes to sleep around and our good chriistian boys arent so good and christian 

more about the party cause why not their offical ffunpage was banned from fb because of violeting covid missinformation guidelines

he and 2 other memmbers of konfederacja before last ellections had among all of the parlament the most abscences one of them literaly showed up to less then half parlament meetings 

the party had a campaign called stop ukrainization of polland ( i kid you ******* not)

the party is made of multiple like i thing  arounda dozen niche far right partys that alone couldnot makem it to the parlament 

some fun facts about random members of the party

one of them got naked in public and screemed something about gay propaganda once(i kid you not)

the same guy also had televison in his house because he aparently thhrows his trash out of the door and leaves it there also uses the stairway as a storage room

the party is cloesly tied with organizers of polish independacne day march who invated to those marches memberrs of  alternative for gemrant party (neo nazis) like one of the guests and a member of the party said publicly that hope for germany died with hitler ans asked him to come back because germany needs them  also they invaited some mossolinist rusian state media and marie le pen (whom didnt show up) 

i dont even have the energy to finish this take it ask me  more if you care idk if anybody will even read this



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9 hours ago, Hephaestus said:

You can't be a mentally stable person and a right winger. Like it's literally impossible.

his not but he did even more insane things

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VP Harris had… insightful remarks about this on her visit to Poland.

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