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Update: Woman flees Texas after State Supreme Court blocks emergency abortion ruling


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The Texas Supreme Court late Friday temporarily halted a lower court order allowing a Dallas woman to obtain an abortion in spite of the state’s strict bans, after she learned her fetus has a fatal condition.


The state court’s ruling was in response to an appeal from Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas, who opposed the woman’s abortion.


The Supreme Court said that, “without regard to the merits” of the arguments on either side, it had issued an administrative stay in the case, to give itself more time to issue a final ruling.


Mr. Paxton’s filings came hours after district court judge issued a temporary restraining order barring Mr. Paxton and others from enforcing the state’s overlapping abortion bans against Kate Cox’s doctor, Damla Karsan, or anyone who assisted her with providing an abortion to Ms. Cox.


In granting the order, the judge, a Democrat, found that Ms. Cox, 31, a mother of two young children living in the Dallas area, met the criteria for an exception to the state’s abortion bans. Her fetus was diagnosed with trisomy 18, a fatal condition in all but a small number of rare cases; Ms. Cox, who is 20 weeks pregnant, had been to the emergency room several times for pain and discharge during her pregnancy.


Lawyers for Dr. Karsan have said in legal filings that she believes her patient’s abortion is medically necessary to preserve her health and future fertility.


But in his letter, Mr. Paxton warned the order would not constrain state officials or private citizens from filing criminal or civil lawsuits against the hospital or others, such as Ms. Cox’s husband, who might help her obtain an abortion.


He reiterated that position in his filings to the Texas Supreme Court.


“Nothing will prevent enforcement of Texas’s civil and criminal penalties once the T.R.O. erroneously prohibiting enforcement is vacated,” the filings from his office read.



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and if a single woman dies over this careers will be over and hopefully much worse consequences than that


This is legalized 3rd degree murder over not wanting to wear a condom

Edited by Sheep
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The AG threatened any doctor that would perform the procedure is crazy

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These people think it’s so cruel to abort the fetus — how about how cruel it is to force someone to go through a full-term pregnancy, knowing the entire time their baby is going to die immediately due to its genetic condition. “Pro-life” my ass. 

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1 hour ago, Curaga said:

These people think it’s so cruel to abort the fetus — how about how cruel it is to force someone go through a full-term pregnancy, knowing the entire time their baby is going to die immediately due to its genetic condition. “Pro-life” my ass. 


The truly revolting part is that they don't even care to provide the healthcare pregnant women would need in the first place for optimum fetal care anyway! Then when the baby is born and she's catching hell to take care of it, it's "you made your bed, now lie in it."


They're sickos!

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2 hours ago, Almodusa said:

Hope she gets funds to travel to another state

Not just travel, I hope she gets the funds to permanently leave the state and never come back. 

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Pure insanity. :doc:


Think of all these women when you're at the ballot box next year, folks.

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What a f***ed up situation when the state Attorney General is the one who decides when the fetus dying inside your body can be aborted.


If this woman's future fertility is interrupted, I hope she sues the state for every single penny she deserves. NO mercy for these sociopaths. 

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this is INSANE... educated people acting like lunatics. hopefully she manages get the abortion somewhere else and survives. MORONS!

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Texas is its own special breed of stupid. Seriously - vote these assholes out. 

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11 hours ago, Almodusa said:

Hope she gets funds to travel to another state

I think she is able to but she’s doing this to take a stand because she’s a sympathetic plaintiff - married mother of two who has a wanted pregnancy which is probably not viable

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This is just disgusting. Like something you’d see in a movie 

sadly The gop would love to do this nationwide. Biden’s literally the only thing stopping them. If the gop have full control again these bills will be signed and approved 💀

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On 12/9/2023 at 1:38 AM, Almodusa said:

Hope she gets funds to travel to another state

Funds are not her issue. They would most likely try to arrest her if she tries to go elsewhere.

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10 minutes ago, VOSS said:


I hope she continues her fight against TX. She could help so many other women by fighting them after. 

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The Texas Supreme Court has reversed the lower court’s decision allowing her to get an abortion in the state.


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