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Ohio GOP attempts to make radical changes to voter approved marijuana law


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GOP senate Majority leader Matt Huffman (a man who fought tooth and nail against the ballot initiative) wants to raise taxes, eliminate homegrow, and lower the threshold of legal amount (from 2.5 Ozs to exactly 1 OZ). 

According to republicans, it is simply because “voters had no idea what they were voting for”, even though the measure passed 57-43 and won largely because of support in trump/GOP strongholds. 

They have until December 7th to act before the entire law goes into effect, and has to pass the House where it’s expected to be more difficult 

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Except we've been petitioning for years to even get marijuana on the ballot in the first place, so what now.


Hope their effort fails.



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37 minutes ago, Hey Dude said:

“voters had no idea what they were voting for”


How democratic.

It’s almost as if he’s projecting the very reasoning of why he’s in office to begin with.

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as if eliminating homegrow is going to eliminate homegrowing. :fan:  He just wants all the money for himself.  Hope it backfires. 

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5 hours ago, DeadInside said:

What do they even have to gain from this? :rip:

Keeping private for-profit prisons full.

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Sounds like the Ohio House is fighting back. And it's bipartisan. I doubt these changes stay

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This is absolutely outrageous :deadbanana: All this will do is make people continue to go to Michigan to get their weed. 50% THC for extracts :rip: 

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Ohio has noticed this and has not been happy. I honestly don't think it is exactly going to swing any elections except for close ones if they go through with it at best. But people are pissed. No one is really going to do anything here though. They will complain about Republicans and vote them in again anyway so they get what they get sadly. My fellow Ohioans love to complain but do nothing and keep the status quo. Even protecting abortion and getting weed passed was a miracle at all. Everyone and their mother complained about Dewine for years and how awful he was and showed up happily to vote him right back in like many others

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