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Do you enjoy the holidays?


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no. i only enjoy watching the snow falling and collecting on everything. but we never get snow anymore here

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I already bought the presents for my family during Black Friday weekend so I'm relieved that I can cross that task off my to-do list.


But I still work until Dec 22nd though then the company is closed during Christmas week so I can't wait to finally be able to chill a little bit.

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I'm not a big fan of Christmas only because my family hosts it at our house every year so it's just like any other day and has lost its charm. Plus we do nothing but clean the entire house 2-3 days before and I'd rather not :rip:


What I do like about the holiday period is that time seems to slow down so much. Everybody in my family is off work too so we get more time to spend together and do things that we don't normally have the time for. Relaxing in the pool, BBQs every week, v nice

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It's the best time of year.


The cold weather, the dark days, all the holiday decorations lighting up houses and stores, the increased activities and celebrations, the way time seems to slow down, the joy but also nostalgia and melancholia as you reflect on the past year, the Christmas music… If I could I'd live in November/December all the time. :jonny5:

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yes, it’s my favorite time of the year. i’m usually busy with events and i get to travel abroad with my family every year for Xmas.


it’s very fun! :celestial:


Edited by Sabrina Carpenter
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yes. for the sole fact that you have additional time off work to recharge and enjoy spending time with loved ones



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I tend to really enjoy the days leading up to a holiday. The actual day usually just ends up feeling anticlimactic. This is the time where I truly start having my fun for Christmas, so I've been listening to a ton of Christmas music and watching the movies. I can't wait to spend some of my evenings just riding around with a latte and enjoying the Christmas lights around town. I love the holidays, it's such a wonderful time of year—truly. People are generally in much higher spirits and there's definitely a sense of warmth on even the coldest of nights.

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i like having the days off and all that, but i don't care that much. i might bake some gingerbread etc but in general i wouldn't describe myself as a christmas person. i went to town yesterday and it was absolutely awful how crammed it was with tourists who came for the xmas market! :mazen: in general i hate the cold and dark weather, i know that's not the holidays fault but it doesn't help me get excited at all.


i'm more of a halloween girl tbh

Edited by John Slayne
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Christmas music is ****. I hate how the city center gets so overcrowded due to people's obsession with consuming. I hate the cold.


I like the lights.


I'm a summer gay through and through

Edited by Last Boy on Earth
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7 minutes ago, Last Boy on Earth said:

Christmas music is ****. 

This! Christmas music is horrible… 


I don’t mind getting together with friends and family but I do hate when I forget to buy something and have to go to the super market or any store to grab one item and I have to wait in huge lines (and finding parking is a b****) at least for us Americans who have to drive everywhere :weeps:

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im relearning to enjoy it after years of loneliness, emotional abuse and rejection and family trauma 


holidays are usually very tough on my mental well being but i’m processing on how i can overcome it and even heal through it 

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the good: there's always something happening!

the bad: money leaves the wallet unnoticed :redface:

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I like them more when I'm in a relationship and have someone to spend it with. Though I don't really care about Thanksgiving.

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Yes, I love all the decor, the lights, the music, the food, the drinks, etc :gaycat1:

I also love seeing and catching up with all my family members I don’t usually see except for on the holidays. 

My job tends to slow down around this time of year as well with many people taking holidays off so that’s an added benefit


The one thing I don’t like is how it gets dark so early which makes me depressed but the thought of Christmas coming perks me back up

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The last three months of the year really — Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Eve — are my favorites.  :clap3:

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I enjoy the holiday spirit, meeting my family and having silly optimism for the new year. It always feels like an opportunity to start over, even though it's just a date :thing:



Hate the cold and seasonal depression though :heart:


Edited by Illuminati
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Yes, I like the vibe around that time. I like that people are in a good mood and sharing gifts and giving back. I LOVEE Christmas music and movies. 

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I got my first actual Christmas Tree in my first studio apartment a year after my move to California so I'm feeling happy this year. :santa:

Also my mom is coming in 13 days / I've been going to Christmas markets with my brother. :hug:

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Christmas was a time of family fighting and misery for me growing up. As a kid, I was anxious when it came around every year.


As an adult I've learned to love it. My partner's family, my own friends, and most of all my inner peace as an independent adult, are all a huge source of joy.

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