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Do you enjoy the holidays?


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Yes, it's my favorite time of year. I love the cold and snow, the way work slows to a crawl, how everyone is in good spirits, and getting to see all the pretty lights and decorations.

Edited by sweetblindness
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  • ATRL Moderator

Yes and no. I usually enjoy the period until the holidays, listening to Christmas music, seeing the cities decorated and all that. However, the Christmas and New Year days are usually quite awful. My birthday is also close to Christmas which doesn't help

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I love Christmas. Even though I never do anything. I just like the vibes 

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Yes and no. 

My birthday is New Years Eve, but my deceased fathers was on Christmas so Christmas itself is sometimes kinda sad 

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Yes,  it is my favorite time of the year.  I’m constantly surrounded by friends, family, good food, and fun traditions.  I’m part of the reason why Christmas music is already topping the charts. 

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6 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

Yes and no. 

My birthday is New Years Eve, but my deceased fathers was on Christmas so Christmas itself is sometimes kinda sad 

my condolences :heart2:

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I don't care about Christmas (I "celebrate" the winter solstice) but I love the weather. It's snowing so much in Germany and I love it. It's so cozy :heart2:

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10 minutes ago, ANTisocial said:

my condolences :heart2:

Thank you :heart2: it’s gotten a LOT better, but the first Christmas was absolutely awful. 

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yes, it’s my favorite time of year, even as i get older and some of the mystique rubs off

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No, it's my least favorite time of year. I hate the cold and snow, the way work comes to a peak, how everyone is in bad spirits, and getting to see the eye sores such as lights and decorations. 

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sure . it is day or so i can get off work. albeit, i dont have typical 9-5 mon-fri job. more like sun-fri 6-3 hhh. and where ppl in thos jobs get few days off i get like 1.


i will say i agree with other above that hate winter. as a kid growing up here i had really good resistance to cold, but then as tween lived in p much desert area a few yrs so its completely gone now. and working outside everyday having physical job, etc. i gotta be lathering up in working hands cream or my hands will crack until i need to bandaid every one. the cold is awful, and even worse, the snow... and as someone who cycle to and from work, its like, ok i need to exhaust my legs which already are so worked from working, or uber... albeit, i have few coworkers who if our sched overlap will give me rides, but yeah.


seeing family is cool. unfortunately since 2019, theres been a few deaths, family who were always around are gone or like moved. theres my family that came to visit every year but doesnt anymore since my grandma died, my grandpa moved to where my cousins live, so it's like half the fam celebrate and then other half. and then covid so the extended family not really showing up last few years. i hate that esp bc it was one of my extended family making the green bean casserole. my fave thanksgiving item i havent had it in years </3 


so its not what it used to be, but its still nice

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yes and no.


no - bc several fam members i loved passed during this time of year.

yes - i like the snow & festive feeling. maybe having my own lil fam will change my outlook for the better

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Yes because I can eat stupid amounts of chocolate, biscuits, and sweets without feeling guilty 

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Yes. I live for it. I love all the seasons and holidays and special events.
Valentines,Easter,Spring Equinox, Summer,Halloween,Thanksgiving,Autumn, Xmas,New Year, Birthdays....
I have a blog with tons and tons of celebrations for all the days of the year :gaycat2:
I even celebrate some international ones even if im Southamerican.
Japanese ones. Indian ones.... :gayriahcat2:

My family dont like them. They feel bitter about them. They have a love-hate relationship. They see them as another random day.
My mom is already done with Christmas and i joke with her of how she's the grinch lol. She only likes the lights.
She also hates Halloween deeply lol. Everytime i go to buy candy for Hallows Eve she's like.....This is the day of the devil. Not good. Youre goin to hell

In my country a lot of people get sad at this time of the year. Is really common here....so many cry cause they feel nostalgic
So many just go to sleep in those days

The only time i was really sad in Holidays was when the Covid Pandemic happened.
That 2020 Xmas was haunting AF! i didnt celebrate that year and in 2021. 
I put some candles and stayed in silence. 

But yep...
Even If im spending my time alone. I put some records on. buy some food and celebrate all myself.  Get some decorations even if theyre cheapest

In Xmas make special dishes and great salads and watch chrismas movies and listen xmas music or jazz and eat turkey
In new years i watch the New York square garden livestream (tradition) and dance my ass to uplifting music
New years are always party time for me. Even if the whole year sucked. Xmas are more familiar.
I like to welcome the new year with the best spirits. I see it as a very trascendental thing


Edited by AvadaKedavra
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Kinda? I think I enjoy the festivities leading up to it but not the actual day.

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Yes cause u can relax and just do nothing all days but watch your favourite tv show and eat lots of unhealthy food and nobody is going to judge you for this cause it's holiday time lol

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