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More gay men are starting to vote for Right-wing parties to feel "safe" in Europe.


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4 hours ago, Harrier said:

I would never vote for a right wing party, but the left's willfull blindness about Islamic homophobia is a genuine problem and is the source of this shift. Literally cannot talk about it without handwaving it away or whatabouting to Christians. But this issue is more acute and serious than Christian homophobia, esepcially outside of the United States.


I have worked in a school with a majority Muslim population and it very much felt like the frontlines of a cultural battleground. Students boycott anything LGBT related by not turning up to school and parents have sent the school threats over things like Purple Day. I've had to handle a nonbinary student being relentlessly bullied and disrespected by others in their class, students accusing one another of being gay as an attack, and students questioning me about my private life in an accusatory way. As a teacher I took steps to stay in the closet in these spaces because it's just not safe for us, let alone for the the LGBT students. When my time there was up I honestly felt relieved.

Yikes I empathize with you. I can't imagine how you and the poor LGBT kids feel in this environment. The constant fear is just horrible.


Did the LGBT kids end up moving or communicate to their parents/school about the issue?

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White gays have always been white men they step on everyone else in the community to uplift themselves always 

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Yeah, them muslims are taking over! I heard one's about to be elected into the highest office there in every country, something about sharia law, like the last 2 decades, remember when the muslims all took over the US and instituted it? Yeah, that's happening again with even less apparent effects! So they have to vote right! It's the only logical thing for nazi-sympathising white gay men.




It's the same script every time: immigrants are taking over! White people are removing our rights because of muslims! Here's 2 news reports of isolated events, thus I MUST become a nazi or elect them into power!


Rightwing white reactionism is NOTHING new, it doesn't diminish based on sexuality either, white gay men were among the first group in the US to try and sell out other gay men during the satanic panic and the Bush years, fox news made sure to give them a platform to do it.


Europe has had DECADES to build a decent coalition against their native nazism and REFUSED to do so, instead they pretended racism wasn't an issue, pretended to be above America(with no evidence, mind you!) and now are crumbling due to unpreparedness and are blaming the minorities as usual. Trans, Muslim, whatever, they're all scapegoats for the lazy governance they say America has but they viewed as novel.

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Yeah, this kinda happened and is happening here in South America as well, but obviously in a smaller proportion...very scary times.

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the white gays that supports Islam need to be shipped to ME if they want to defend the religion wanting them dead that much

Edited by MonsterJohn
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10 minutes ago, MonsterJohn said:

the white gays that supports Islam need to be shipped to ME if they want to defend the religion wanting them dead that much

Can you provide the class an example of defending Islam? Or just not wanting the continuation of a genocide

Edited by Redstreak
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6 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

Can you provide the class an example of defending Islam? Or just not wanting the continuation of a genocide

the **** are you talking about, I was not talking about Israel vs Palestine at all

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This is Western world problems, right-wing parties in my country still calls us gays as mentally ill unnatural sinners.




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18 minutes ago, MonsterJohn said:

the **** are you talking about, I was not talking about Israel vs Palestine at all

So once again, what white gays are “defending Islam”

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51 minutes ago, MonsterJohn said:

the white gays that supports Islam need to be shipped to ME if they want to defend the religion wanting them dead that much

Are you claiming a substantial amount of people who want gay people dead are knowingly and willingly migrating en masse to places where being gay is accepted?


What immigration figures do you believe exist for willfull migration from the Middle East (not to buy into your tactless generalization) to Europe?


There's a claimed motivation here to pathologize and exaggerate an alleged migration group that neither seems logical nor aligned with reality. 

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On 11/29/2023 at 3:41 PM, Horizon Flame said:

Communism is evil and doesn’t work. 

Religion is evil and doesn’t work. It’s a money pit the heads use to squeeze money out of the simpletons that fall for it so they can live lavishly. Banning religion would solve many, many issues and it’s not communism because their couldn’t be any religious based laws to suppress people, and if it does suppress the religious people will they deserve it. They’ve had their fun for thousands of years. 

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Not surprising. The white gays will always choose racism over their own rights.


6 hours ago, MonsterJohn said:

the white gays that supports Islam need to be shipped to ME if they want to defend the religion wanting them dead that much

As an LGBT person in a "white country", the greatest threat to my existence is not middle eastern people, it is white Christians. The only reason these white Christians are not killing me and people like en masse is because it is not culturally acceptable. If it was, they would be doing the same **** you claim middle easterners do.

Edited by Sannie
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On 11/29/2023 at 11:15 PM, Harrier said:

I would never vote for a right wing party, but the left's willfull blindness about Islamic homophobia is a genuine problem and is the source of this shift. Literally cannot talk about it without handwaving it away or whatabouting to Christians. But this issue is more acute and serious than Christian homophobia, esepcially outside of the United States.


I have worked in a school with a majority Muslim population and it very much felt like the frontlines of a cultural battleground. Students boycott anything LGBT related by not turning up to school and parents have sent the school threats over things like Purple Day. I've had to handle a nonbinary student being relentlessly bullied and disrespected by others in their class, students accusing one another of being gay as an attack, and students questioning me about my private life in an accusatory way. As a teacher I took steps to stay in the closet in these spaces because it's just not safe for us, let alone for the the LGBT students. When my time there was up I honestly felt relieved.

'but ur a wyte man;) so opinion denied + this is just reactionism and your racist btw' - some users here, apparently 

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Having been identified in the street as being gay and dragged in to a laundrette against my will by a pair of Muslim men, determined to place me in a washing machine to cleanse me of my gay sin, I totally get it. I should be allowed to go to Tesco’s for a loaf of bread without having to deal with such stupidity.

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The smell of (white) privilege here is so strong. Truly insane :redface:

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Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I suppose. Christians may be homophobic but at least you don't have to deal with the cultural wars that come with islam.

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And what exactly do they think is going to happen to them once they've swung their governments far enough to the right that they deport the people who've immigrated there? Do they think once they've sent the Muslim immigrants back to the country that those right-wing politicians destablized in the first place that everyone's gonna stand in a circle, join hands, and sing kumbaya? 


You're next *****! 

Edited by Mr. Mendes
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48 minutes ago, Dante Silva said:

Having been identified in the street as being gay and dragged in to a laundrette against my will by a pair of Muslim men, determined to place me in a washing machine to cleanse me of my gay sin, I totally get it. I should be allowed to go to Tesco’s for a loaf of bread without having to deal with such stupidity.

Wow where was this? 

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Not this thread proving the thread title correct, y’all really hate brown people enough to vote for Nazis huh :rip:

Edited by Headlock
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We know there are world religions that are oppressive and those who don’t prescribe to those religions who would be repressed if they did. It’s not about colour, Catholics and Christian republicans are often white and just as bad and as equally found down dark alley ways of every city at night cruising for down-low sex in the same way Muslims are.



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3 hours ago, Komet said:

'but ur a wyte man;) so opinion denied + this is just reactionism and your racist btw' - some users here, apparently 

You'll be the fifth person I'll ask - maybe you'll be the first to answer. 


What country do you live in, what specific immigration policy of theirs do you find troubling, and how do you want it specifically fixed?

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I don’t understand why more American guys don’t chase Amish and Mormon dick. Forbidden fruit is the spice of life.

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6 hours ago, Headlock said:

Not this thread proving the thread title correct, y’all really hate brown people enough to vote for Nazis huh :rip:


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I think we can all agree that muslims are terrifying and a major threat to us as queer people but right wing parties will weed us out too. To them we are equal savages. 

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