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Far-right PVV (anti-Muslim, anti-LGBT) becomes largest party in Dutch Parliament


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I'm scared for the Belgium election next year but at the same time maybe Wallonia is better off without far-right Flanders. Flanders can unite with Netherlands, a match made in hell?



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Like I said after the argentinian elections, this is a worldwide phenomenon. We're F+CKED! Call it the Trump Effect if you want. 

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I'm not surprised. The number one topic deciding elections in Europe is once again migration (especially in conjunction with Islam), and if center/left parties keep ignoring the issue like they have for the last decade, then the exact same thing as in the Netherlands is going to happen at the EU elections next spring, as well as in pretty much any national elections that will take place in the next couple years, e.g. Austria 2024:


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I don't get why they're shocked. Anti-immigration (very specifically anti-Muslim) has become one of the most important factors in many of these European elections. The Dutch have this image of friendly and accommodating, but they can also be very isolationist. (Do not @ me, I am half Dutch and speaking from my experience).


Now they'll get a taste of what's happening in Italy, and the pendulum will hopefully swing the correct way again next time. How much damage will be done, though...



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Yes, we need to talk openly about immigration and its problems. But you also have to realize that this shift to the right is a global phenomenon and is taking place in many countries around the world. Furthermore, there are also center-right parties in Europe that are also tackling this issue. It can't just be immigration. You can see the hatred everywhere now, but especially on the internet. The increasing hatred against LGBT+ scares me. We are living in dark times and I think it will only get worse before it gets better. I hardly read the news anymore because I can't stand it anymore. Personally, I don't understand how people can vote for such far-right parties.

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No surprise the immigration issue is coming back in full force worldwide - people aren't happy with Muslims not assimilating to their country (and also a mix of racism/xenophobia). Feels like a repeat of 2016 is happening everywhere which bodes horribly for next year.

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People have short memories and unfortunately need to elect far right nutters in before they remember how awful they are.

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I literally cried yesterday when the news came out, lol. Never have I felt so little hope for the near future. Knowing over 1/5th of the Dutch population voted for pure hatred breaks my heart in pieces. I can't imagine how my pupils must be feeling right now. Imagine being 14, 15, or 16 years old and seeing the people you live with everyday vote for someone who does nothing but incite people to hate you. Terrifying :monkey:

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It's truly crazy. I'm beyond embarrassed.

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Whatever, Von Der Leyden will block any of his attempt to do anything too drastic, especially concerning immigration. The neoliberal EU desperately needs its low-wage immigrants to function.


Just look at Meloni’s Italy. Us gays will suffer regardless of who wins

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i mean, even the center left of european parties are endorsing actions which blame the muslims and immigrats, and dehumanize them.


No surprise here, the scapegoat since the 2000s at least. It's kinda sad when u think how much more globalised the world is, how we're able to comunicate and see everyday others life thanks to social media, knowing that differences are less than those said by politicians but it's life

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12 minutes ago, loliza said:

i mean, even the center left of european parties are endorsing actions which blame the muslims and immigrats, and dehumanize them.


No surprise here, the scapegoat since the 2000s at least. It's kinda sad when u think how much more globalised the world is, how we're able to comunicate and see everyday others life thanks to social media, knowing that differences are less than those said by politicians but it's life

Poor muslims :cries: always the victims

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18 minutes ago, Take Me Apart said:

Whatever, Von Der Leyden will block any of his attempt to do anything too drastic, especially concerning immigration. The neoliberal EU desperately needs its low-wage immigrants to function.

Don’t be too sure. If Wilders gets into government it’s over for not just NL but it could crumble EU. His party and a lot of his followers want out of the EU. If he can get that into motion NL will probably start a snowball effect of countries leaving EU and he will likely put forth his plans concerning immigration. That has always been his main agenda.

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Im so ashamed to be dutch.. when i saw the news i couldn’t believe it

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14 hours ago, elevate said:

I don't get why they're shocked. Anti-immigration (very specifically anti-Muslim) has become one of the most important factors in many of these European elections. The Dutch have this image of friendly and accommodating, but they can also be very isolationist. (Do not @ me, I am half Dutch and speaking from my experience).


Dutch society is a tight closed society. No efforts whatsoever of integration, and then they blame the immigrants for not integrating :rip: 


This country deserves this outcome tbh

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Wilders played it smartly. He knew playing onto people´s emotions and blaming immigrants for all the problems in the country would work with the average voter who love to have a scapegoat to blame all their problems onto. It´s scary how many people agree with his views

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