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🇺🇸 Voting Rights Act in jeopardy; Court strikes down path to enforce it


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Cameltoe Chariot
7 minutes ago, Communion said:

But I thought Biden was allegedly "the most progressive president in American history"?


So you're saying that progressives voters did NOT move Biden?


So if not voting doesn't make right-wing Dems more progressive, and voting doesn't make right-wing Dems more progressive, it seems you've just made the progressive argument for why electoral politics is not a meaningful avenue of change. 

That's not what I said at all. I said the focus on electing the "perfect leader" as the only means of progress is naive and misguided.


American leftists always look at politics as a sport of morality instead of the life and death chess game it really is. And more of them who are truly passionate about politics need to consider a career in them, and actually work to make change instead of just arguing on ATRL :celestial5:


Anyway, I can't tell you anything you haven't heard. I wish you and your country the luck it desperately needs! :suburban:

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41 minutes ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

That's not what I said at all. I said the focus on electing the "perfect leader" as the only means of progress is naive and misguided.


American leftists always look at politics as a sport of morality instead of the life and death chess game it really is. And more of them who are truly passionate about politics need to consider a career in them, and actually work to make change instead of just arguing on ATRL :celestial5:


Anyway, I can't tell you anything you haven't heard. I wish you and your country the luck it desperately needs! :suburban:

How about we get a decent leader who can beat Trump? The Dems and libs keep pushing the same unpopular candidates and then try guilt tripping leftists into voting for them instead of trying to appeal to the 1/3 of Americans who don’t vote at all. 

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6 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

How about we get a decent leader who can beat Trump? The Dems and libs keep pushing the same unpopular candidates and then try guilt tripping leftists into voting for them instead of trying to appeal to the 1/3 of Americans who don’t vote at all. 

As if you guys would be happy with anyone the Dem base would elect as their candidate 😂 


Harris, Pete, Warnock, Whitmer, newsom ect. Y’all would have issues will all of em.



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1 minute ago, GhostBox said:

As if you guys would be happy with anyone the Dem base would elect as their candidate 😂 


Harris, Pete, Warnock, Whitmer, newsom ect. Y’all would have issues will all of em.



At least an alternative might energize the base more than Joe. :suburban:

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48 minutes ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

That's not what I said at all. I said the focus on electing the "perfect leader" as the only means of progress is naive and misguided.


American leftists always look at politics as a sport of morality instead of the life and death chess game it really is. And more of them who are truly passionate about politics need to consider a career in them, and actually work to make change instead of just arguing on ATRL :celestial5:


Anyway, I can't tell you anything you haven't heard. I wish you and your country the luck it desperately needs! :suburban:

There's no such thing as a perfect leader. In fact many progressives conceded that Bernie Sanders wasn't perfect, had many flaws, and was in many ways a compromise as a means to an end, because there's not really much hope of reforming the rotting carcass of the former New Deal Democratic Party that is now poisoned with Third Way Neoliberalism.


Neoliberalism aims to preserve the status quo by foregoing progress (or, at most, allowing it in minuscule, imperceptible increments) in order to hold back the threat of regressive backsliding. The present status quo satisfies absolutely no one, but Joe Biden is fighting for his life to preserve it at all cost. As will the next Democrat to be president, and the next one after that. Meanwhile, the only other option we have is regression, because the Democrats do everything they can to suppress movements for meaningful change.


Electoralism is a dead end in America. It's not hard to see why so many have given up on it.

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5 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

the Dem base would elect as their candidate


Harris, Pete,

What evidence leads you to believe a 5th and 9th place finisher in a primary is who the Democratic base would elect?


Seems like the consistent issue is liberals not knowing who the actual base is!

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5 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

As if you guys would be happy with anyone the Dem base would elect as their candidate 😂 


Harris, Pete, Warnock, Whitmer, newsom ect. Y’all would have issues will all of em.



And every single one of those potential candidates would objectively be awful in their own way.


Mayor Pete wants to make us go through mandatory military service like Israel and South Korea. Bffr.

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3 hours ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

Sounds like Americans should start holding CURRENTLY ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE and protest/strike until they get what they want, instead of just complaining until election day.


Threatening to not vote in an election where your options are an 80+ year old establishment centrist OR a narcissistic fascist with over a hundred criminal charges who led an attempted insurrection is just... pathetic.


One has a path forward, and the other is a death sentence. I don't know how to make that any f*cking clearer, so I guess y'all will just have to learn the hard way.

Neither that 80 year old centrist nor his admin are even fending off fascism now. Why would that be any different with another term, especially since fascism isn’t even a looming threat? It is already here. They are complicit in police militarization that preserves the interest of the corporate/capitalists/donors that influence legislative outcomes (whether it be through direct transfer of weapons from the military or funding for surveillance/training that quite literal includes methods of urban warfare) and privatization of utilities that are accelerating in public educationMedicare/Medicaid, and soon water, all measures that will entrench corporate power in the state and disempower regular people by making them costly and unaccountable to their needs. Do you know how prohibitively expensive healthcare is in this country? That can be true even with Medicare/Medicaid, imagine the added costs with the for-profit plans. And lest we forget Biden intervened to crush a labor strike (a REAL pathway for change) among railroad workers this past year? All the while failing to protect the most vulnerable people scapegoated in culture wars, the barest of minimums. And we haven’t even covered wars or genocide. Exactly what path forward do you expect this to take? It’s not a “sport of morality” to criticize a government that falsely claims democratic accountability and if you think that’s just a naive pursuit for a “perfect leader” then you need to get serious. 

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7 minutes ago, Communion said:

What evidence leads you to believe a 5th and 9th place finisher in a primary is who the Democratic base would elect?


Seems like the consistent issue is liberals not knowing who the actual base is!

Don’t even bother. We know blame will always fall at the feet of progressives and the Democratic establishment candidates will never have to do anything other than be positioned against Trump to appeal to voters. 

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30 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

And every single one of those potential candidates would objectively be awful in their own way.


Mayor Pete wants to make us go through mandatory military service like Israel and South Korea. Bffr.

And that proves my point. So just taking Biden away and having someone else isn’t gonna solve the issues the far left have with who’s picked by the Dem voters as their nominee. There’s always going to be something. 

You know maybe a 3rd party candidate would have a real shot if they didn’t keep propping up complete lunatics every time 💀 this year being no different. 

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Cameltoe Chariot
51 minutes ago, DAP said:

Neither that 80 year old centrist nor his admin are even fending off fascism now. Why would that be any different with another term, especially since fascism isn’t even a looming threat? It is already here. They are complicit in police militarization that preserves the interest of the corporate/capitalists/donors that influence legislative outcomes (whether it be through direct transfer of weapons from the military or funding for surveillance/training that quite literal includes methods of urban warfare) and privatization of utilities that are accelerating in public educationMedicare/Medicaid, and soon water, all measures that will entrench corporate power in the state and disempower regular people by making them costly and unaccountable to their needs. Do you know how prohibitively expensive healthcare is in this country? That can be true even with Medicare/Medicaid, imagine the added costs with the for-profit plans. And lest we forget Biden intervened to crush a labor strike (a REAL pathway for change) among railroad workers this past year? All the while failing to protect the most vulnerable people scapegoated in culture wars, the barest of minimums. And we haven’t even covered wars or genocide. Exactly what path forward do you expect this to take? It’s not a “sport of morality” to criticize a government that falsely claims democratic accountability and if you think that’s just a naive pursuit for a “perfect leader” then you need to get serious. 

Okay... so what happens when Trump wins next year if we refuse to vote for Biden? Does it get better or worse? Historically has progress been an easier pursuit under a Democratic or a Republican government?


All these things that you list including how insanely expensive health care is in America are indeed huge problems, but you leave out the fact that you have dirt poor citizens voting for all of these roadblocks that affect them the most. The people most hurt by a Republican government (never mind a TRUMP one) are the majority of votes that Republicans get. There is a massive media/political literacy problem in the states and this is the point I've been trying to make in this thread - but the takeaway some seem to have from what I've been sharing is that I'm some Biden simp (when that couldn't be further from the truth).


The rest of the world already watched America absolutely FUMBLE the first Trump era and we all paid the price. And now it's happening all over again and I'm seeing the same tired talking points, the same fatalist approach and histrionics about how corrupt the left is too. Hilary's emails, am I right? :redface:


Anyway I'll let myself out and just sit back and watch it happen, because a second Trump win is going to provide the biggest reality check Americans have EVER seen as their country falls apart at the seams.

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19 minutes ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

The people most hurt by a Republican government (never mind a TRUMP one) are the majority of votes that Republicans get.

What? If you're not American, sis, you need to at least be informed about the American electorate.


Poor people don't vote for the Republican party. In fact, it's been over 80+ years and dozens of elections since the Republican party won a majority of low-income voters.


The majority of the Republican electorate are those who make over $100k. 


Poor people have never voted for Republicans in any meaningful way in the last century. Poor people don't go from voting for Democrats to Republicans, but instead fall out of the system and into the margins, simply not voting at all. Poor people are more likely to not vote than vote for anyone at this point. Which makes it even more insidious that Genocide Joe wants to lose to Donald Trump and is sabotaging his re-election for his Israel support. 


The DNC must intervene and strip him of the nomination. Defeating Donald Trump is too important to allow Joe Biden to be the nominee.

Edited by Communion
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32 minutes ago, Communion said:

What? If you're not American, sis, you need to at least be informed about the American electorate.


Poor people don't vote for the Republican party. In fact, it's been over 80+ years and dozens of elections since the Republican party won a majority of low-income voters.


The majority of the Republican electorate are those who make over $100k. 


Poor people have never voted for Republicans in any meaningful way in the last century. Poor people don't go from voting for Democrats to Republicans, but instead fall out of the system and into the margins, simply not voting at all. Poor people are more likely to not vote than vote for anyone at this point. Which makes it even more insidious that Genocide Joe wants to lose to Donald Trump and is sabotaging his re-election for his Israel support. 


The DNC must intervene and strip him of the nomination. Defeating Donald Trump is too important to allow Joe Biden to be the nominee.

My state of WV, one of the poorest in the country overwhelmingly votes for republicans who want to strip away the things they live on 💀

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2 hours ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

The rest of the world already watched America absolutely FUMBLE the first Trump era and we all paid the price. And now it's happening all over again and I'm seeing the same tired talking points, the same fatalist approach and histrionics about how corrupt the left is too. Hilary's emails, am I right? :redface:

Oh you ate here, sister. :jonny5:

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8 hours ago, welham said:

interesting that you keep choosing to blame the voters disillusioned by his support of genocide instead of... demanding Joe to do better?

Trump supports Israel but fvkc self preservation I guess… let’s bring in a republican cause we are mad about a whole other country.

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The way Obama’s legacy will be not filling Scalia’s seat and leaving all those federal judge seats open for trump….

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4 hours ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

The rest of the world already watched America absolutely FUMBLE the first Trump era and we all paid the price. And now it's happening all over again and I'm seeing the same tired talking points, the same fatalist approach and histrionics about how corrupt the left is too. Hilary's emails, am I right? :redface:

The Democrats fumbled by nominating the most hated politician in history, thinking they could force her down our throats. Now they're fumbling again EVEN HARDER with an octogenarian corpse who can barely speak while enthusiastically funding a genocide. :redface: 

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15 hours ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

Okay... so what happens when Trump wins next year if we refuse to vote for Biden? Does it get better or worse? Historically has progress been an easier pursuit under a Democratic or a Republican government?


All these things that you list including how insanely expensive health care is in America are indeed huge problems, but you leave out the fact that you have dirt poor citizens voting for all of these roadblocks that affect them the most. The people most hurt by a Republican government (never mind a TRUMP one) are the majority of votes that Republicans get. There is a massive media/political literacy problem in the states and this is the point I've been trying to make in this thread - but the takeaway some seem to have from what I've been sharing is that I'm some Biden simp (when that couldn't be further from the truth).


The rest of the world already watched America absolutely FUMBLE the first Trump era and we all paid the price. And now it's happening all over again and I'm seeing the same tired talking points, the same fatalist approach and histrionics about how corrupt the left is too. Hilary's emails, am I right? :redface:


Anyway I'll let myself out and just sit back and watch it happen, because a second Trump win is going to provide the biggest reality check Americans have EVER seen as their country falls apart at the seams.

Most poor people don’t even vote and the ones that do leaned Democrat despite the Democratic Party’s neoliberal platform. Compare that with the share of poor Republicans, both smaller and eclipsed by upper middle class “shop owner” types. The rural white voters you speak of are reliably Republican yeah; neither party appeals to their class interests but the Republican Party exploits their alienation (which is real, deindustrialization destroyed rural communities by far and they’ve yet to recover) through culture war rhetoric. How you or I perceive their voting behavior doesn’t mean anything because to them, they aren’t voting against their interest. That has become their interest through no fault of their own. This only implies a “literacy” problem that is self-imposed, that a government compelled by corporate/capitalist needs has to contend with the threat of the working class challenging its legitimacy.


None of that is histrionic or fatalist. This is just the state we are in. A fatalist analysis offers no solutions to improve our condition. Can we get out of this? Of course we can! Labor organizing is the greatest path for autonomy for the working class and it is growing stronger each day as living conditions erode further. Even local elections offer a means of democratic accountability. But any meaningful change will not be ushered by two-party electoralism or any institution whose purpose is to preserve the status quo. You can deny it or you can confront it, and you don’t have to wait for another precedent/“wake up call” to shape your choice when the same movement of corporate takeover/fascism in the US is happening worldwide and probably where you live already. The time would be to act now. :bird:

Edited by DAP
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Eh, while I do not have faith in SCOTUS, I can not see them upholding this considering two of the conservative justices have already said as much. This interpretation is so batshit crazy there is no way SCOTUS will rule in favor of it.

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19 hours ago, FreeXone said:

Trump supports Israel but fvkc self preservation I guess… let’s bring in a republican cause we are mad about a whole other country.

Yawn... Palestinians are ****** either way. Biden is quite literally endorsing the current genocide even with mountains of dead Palestinians are piled up each day. 


This is very much "we know you're ****** either way, but please vote for our guy anyways otherwise WE will be affected too!!1!!1." **** that. Tell your guy to stop the genocide then maybe people will start to turn around.

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5 hours ago, welham said:

Yawn... Palestinians are ****** either way. Biden is quite literally endorsing the current genocide even with mountains of dead Palestinians are piled up each day. 


This is very much "we know you're ****** either way, but please vote for our guy anyways otherwise WE will be affected too!!1!!1." **** that. Tell your guy to stop the genocide then maybe people will start to turn around.

Palestine is ****** either way.  But I’m not gonna let my own country go to **** cause I’m mad about it. 

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Saying both Biden and piece of sh*t Trump are bad as if they're comparable, is like saying "Both the flu and terminal cancer are bad" (the flu being Biden and terminal cancer being POS Trump). Well, no sh*t dude! But would you rather have the flu or terminal cancer? Like man, how do you make them understand? Biden has flaws as any centrist could but POS Trump is a death sentence, understand it.


Can't you see the horrible effects of the POS presidency had in the US and the world? Like sorry the Democratic Party didn't get Jesus on the ballot for you to fit your high standards but does that warrant sending America to a hellhole? For starters, POS Trump severely impaired the US pandemic/epidemic response team that Obama set up after the Ebola epidemic. Two years later: Voilà! COVID-19 Pandemic. Do you understand the gravity?


Seriously, Biden is all we got against that fascist POS and it's going to be 2020 all over again, so the high standards b*tches are going to have to suck it up and vote Biden, like get over yourselves. Next time, consider running yourself for office if you're so passionate about having the savior of the world as a candidate.


Of course the voting system is f*cked up, but if you think the solution is sitting on your ass on election day in apathy with a grumpy face saying "Everything sucks!", guess what? You also suck. Voting may not be as effective as a *good* revolution but hell, it saved us from a second term of POS Trump. So again, for the ones still doubting, please get over yourselves and vote Biden. It's too late for another candidate and the Democratic Party already tried a different one with Hillary Clinton so it's no coincidence they chose Biden again.


You can still criticize Biden and vote for him but save the "other candidate" debate for the next election. Biggest priority now is to block that piece of sh*t from being in office ever again. Get it in your head already.

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2 minutes ago, Mastamaind said:

 It's too late for another candidate

Actually, the primary is still months away. You don't have to vote for Genocide Joe. 

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33 minutes ago, Communion said:

Actually, the primary is still months away. You don't have to vote for Genocide Joe. 

It is already known the Democratic Party is going Biden same way the Republican Party sees no other choice than POS Trump (DeSantis isn't outperforming) but if out of nowhere in less than a year we can get someone better be more popular, be my guest. Also, Genocide Joe? Did Joe Biden codify into paper the Palestine Apartheid himself? He did not. It's an inherited support dating back just 3 years after World War 2 (and even before). It's like even worse than what would be blaming Biden for the 2003 Irak War, of course, he could be doing more which is definitely needed but he did not write the Balfour Declaration, you know what I mean?

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