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🇺🇸 Voting Rights Act in jeopardy; Court strikes down path to enforce it


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This is just the beginning. Wait until Trump wins again and this will be the tip of the iceberg… but hey at least we aren’t getting more of #GenocideJoe :suburban:

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An absolute nightmare. :mazen:

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9 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:

 but hey at least we aren’t getting more of #GenocideJoe :suburban:

interesting that you keep choosing to blame the voters disillusioned by his support of genocide instead of... demanding Joe to do better?

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7 minutes ago, welham said:

interesting that you keep choosing to blame the voters disillusioned by his support of genocide instead of... demanding Joe to do better?

I actually do, but posting it on Atrl won’t make a difference. :michael:

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Cameltoe Chariot

As someone who isn't american, it's absolutely WILD seeing how naive americans are about election strategies for citizens. It's always either the PERFECT left leader or none at all. We already went through this with Hilary vs Trump, and now here we are again. It's so frustrating how the rest of the world is affected by a sinking, bloated wannabe theocracy.


Biden f*cking blows, but maybe fight for that change when the stakes aren't so f*cking high? So many Americans just sit there until election time comes and then you throw up their hands and say "WELL THEY'RE BOTH BAD!" :biblio:


The fact that Trump is still eligible for Presidency with hundreds of charges and multiple criminal trials against him while leading in the polls and NO ONE IS PROTESTING? What the **** is happening? Imagine if your election polls got the same turnout Taylor Swift gets :gaycat6:


Trump's gonna win, WWIII will break out, and life will never be the same.

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It's just a small preview of possible Trump second term :gaycat2:

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31 minutes ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

As someone who isn't american, it's absolutely WILD seeing how naive americans are about election strategies for citizens. It's always either the PERFECT left leader or none at all. We already went through this with Hilary vs Trump, and now here we are again. It's so frustrating how the rest of the world is affected by a sinking, bloated wannabe theocracy.


Biden f*cking blows, but maybe fight for that change when the stakes aren't so f*cking high? So many Americans just sit there until election time comes and then you throw up their hands and say "WELL THEY'RE BOTH BAD!" :biblio:


The fact that Trump is still eligible for Presidency with hundreds of charges and multiple criminal trials against him while leading in the polls and NO ONE IS PROTESTING? What the **** is happening? Imagine if your election polls got the same turnout Taylor Swift gets :gaycat6:


Trump's gonna win, WWIII will break out, and life will never be the same.

Sounds like Biden should start doing things to become more popular. 

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But let’s not vote for Joe over something that’s happening in another country while our lives and rights be ripped away from us sounds smart…..

Edited by QueenBeyoncé
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1 hour ago, Sergi91 said:



This is just the beginning. Wait until Trump wins again and this will be the tip of the iceberg… but hey at least we aren’t getting more of #GenocideJoe :suburban:

Ppl think it’s a game! 

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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

Sounds like Biden should start doing things to become more popular. 

Sounds like you mfs are gon to fk around and find out and learn the hard way 

Edited by QueenBeyoncé
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1 hour ago, welham said:

interesting that you keep choosing to blame the voters disillusioned by his support of genocide instead of... demanding Joe to do better?

Three points:


1) Biden is not president of Israel :rip: 

2) He’s using all of his influence to de-escalate without alienating

3) Russia was alienated from the world and that didn’t stop them (everyone’s now thinking they should have used diplomacy to strike a deal with Ukraine)


All these left wing activist talking points need to die. Letting the Israel/Palestine century long conflict dictate US domestic politics is the dumbest unforced error ever. Biden wasn’t even alive when it started.

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Cameltoe Chariot
18 minutes ago, Communion said:

Sounds like Biden should start doing things to become more popular. 

Sounds like Americans should start holding CURRENTLY ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE and protest/strike until they get what they want, instead of just complaining until election day.


Threatening to not vote in an election where your options are an 80+ year old establishment centrist OR a narcissistic fascist with over a hundred criminal charges who led an attempted insurrection is just... pathetic.


One has a path forward, and the other is a death sentence. I don't know how to make that any f*cking clearer, so I guess y'all will just have to learn the hard way.

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11 minutes ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

Sounds like Americans should start holding CURRENTLY ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE and protest/strike until they get what they want, instead of just complaining until election day.


Threatening to not vote in an election where your options are an 80+ year old establishment centrist OR a narcissistic fascist with over a hundred criminal charges who led an attempted insurrection is just... pathetic.


One has a path forward, and the other is a death sentence. I don't know how to make that any f*cking clearer, so I guess y'all will just have to learn the hard way.

Say it!!!

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  • ATRL Administrator
1 hour ago, Sergi91 said:



This is just the beginning. Wait until Trump wins again and this will be the tip of the iceberg… but hey at least we aren’t getting more of #GenocideJoe :suburban:

Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud. 

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1 hour ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

Sounds like Americans should start holding CURRENTLY ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE and protest/strike until they get what they want, instead of just complaining until election day.


Threatening to not vote in an election where your options are an 80+ year old establishment centrist OR a narcissistic fascist with over a hundred criminal charges who led an attempted insurrection is just... pathetic.


One has a path forward, and the other is a death sentence. I don't know how to make that any f*cking clearer, so I guess y'all will just have to learn the hard way.

You said you're not American so I understand why you may feel this way but when you say people should protest/strike you have to understand that this apathy from voters is the result of decades of the two-party system failure. We are not in the 1930s-1960s (where systemic change was actually feasible because government was smaller), and we certainly are not in a time period where Congress would ever agree to any real change because our elected officials are in constant re-election mode and fundraising is top priority always. As for the Senate, their term limits are longer than the President so they have no incentive to actually do anything other than securing a paycheck. Corporatism and money have destroyed the legislative, and now judicial, branches of our government. 


I would argue Reagan was really the tipping point for this, some might say JFK assassination, but trust in government as a whole no matter who is in charge has been eroding ever since. Whether it be the killing of the middle class with Reaganomics (which we have just now seen the ramifications of), to the expansion of corporate powers that were even more emboldened with SCOTUS' Citizen's United that basically said any amount of money = free speech, the floodgates of money that has entered politics in ways where it basically dictates policy now, the violation of our privacy rights under Bush with the Department of Homeland Security that have everyone under surveillance, and the litany of CIA backed coups around the world that has made terrorism worse and put lives in danger have all happened under the public's noses. So now that **** has hit the fan, and the majority of Americans have to now work two jobs just to afford to live, Americans are way too preoccupied/distracted with their own lives and survival to have time to protest. I don't want to say that this was by design but that is the reality. Nixon, Clinton, Bush, Trump, etc. all committed crimes and they were either pardoned or not convicted. No accountability for government officials in...50+ years. The best way to describe it is total desensitization.


I will say I was surprised to see people actually coming out locally to codify abortion within their state after Roe v. Wade's overturning, but people are realizing that state/local elections matter much more than the President. And if we look into Gen Z voters (1997-2005), we have grown up from one recession to another, one housing crisis to another, one violent extremist act to another, one war after another, one climate disaster to another, etc. Between 2000-2023 we have had exactly two Republican and two Democrat presidents, yet housing prices have never gotten affordable, wages have remained stagnant, crime has gotten worse, climate has gotten more volatile, and war is just par for the course. How can anyone have faith in presidential voting when nothing fundamentally changes regardless of party? The problem here is there is no path forward. Nothing will get better until there institutional, or even Constitutional, changes. Nothing will get better until corporations don't have free f*cking speech. Yes Raytheon and the NRA funneling hundreds of millions into candidates to legislate on their behalf is considered the same as one-person-one-vote in this country per the Supreme Court:rip: A protest of a few thousand people changes none of that. 


We need to shift the focus away from "people have to vote for Biden in order to save the democracy we don't even have" and shift it to focus on local elections. That is the future. Blaming people for not voting for a system that does nothing but harm is not productive, even if you're coming from a good place. 

Edited by bad guy
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1 hour ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

Sounds like Americans should start holding CURRENTLY ELECTED OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE

You hold politicians accountable by threatening to not vote for them.


Do you think holding a little sign outside of the White House is going to materially change Biden's mind if he doesn't actually have to change his views or policies to earn your vote?


Come on, girls, stop running cover for a geriatric candidate who wants to lose to Trump!

Edited by Communion
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1 hour ago, QueenBeyoncé said:

Sounds like you mfs are gon to fk around and find out and learn the hard way 

Not really a persuasive argument! Sounds like you're fine with the fact that Biden wants to lose if it means not changing his views!


Politicians are meant to win elections. If Biden doesn't understand the seriousness of the need to beat Trump by appealing to voters, it sounds like he shouldn't be the candidate!

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1 hour ago, Kassi said:

2) He’s using all of his influence to de-escalate without alienating

Most Democratic voters seem to disagree!


It's really sad that Biden seemingly would rather have Trump win than do his job as a politician and recalculate his views to maximize electoral success. Sounds like the DNC should intervene!

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Wait, am I reading this right? Does that mean that voting rights for POC will be overturned like abortion rights?

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Cameltoe Chariot
23 minutes ago, Communion said:

You hold politicians accountable by threatening to not vote for them.

And how did that work out last time for you guys?



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31 minutes ago, Communion said:

Most Democratic voters seem to disagree!


It's really sad that Biden seemingly would rather have Trump win than do his job as a politician and recalculate his views to maximize electoral success. Sounds like the DNC should intervene!

Most Democratic voters also hated him withdrawing from Afghanistan. So we (both) know that doesn’t mean anything. If he was unequivocally anti-Israel, that would be the next thing Democratic voters disagree with him on. 

Idk why you quoted me. Might want to try it on someone a little less informed. :chick2:


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2 hours ago, Kassi said:

2) He’s using all of his influence to de-escalate without alienating

He's trying to have his cake and eat it too, here. He doesn't want there to NOT be an ethnic cleansing of Gaza, because he believes in the Manifest Destiny of Israel to rule from the Jordan to the Mediterranean (and perhaps eventually from the Euphrates, as the settlers believe), but he knows he's hemorrhaging the youth vote not just for himself but from the Democratic Party as a whole if he stays the current course. Therefore he's "putting pressure" to look like he's doing something even though he's already assured Bibi there are no red lines in place for Israel.

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34 minutes ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

And how did that work out last time for you guys?



But I thought Biden was allegedly "the most progressive president in American history"?


So you're saying that progressives voters did NOT move Biden?


So if not voting doesn't make right-wing Dems more progressive, and voting doesn't make right-wing Dems more progressive, it seems you've just made the progressive argument for why electoral politics is not a meaningful avenue of change. 

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