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Taylor backlash for not helping the family of deceased fan in Brazil


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The family of the swiftie Ana Benevides, who passed away during the beginning of the Eras Tour in Rio Friday, has given an interview in which they say they haven't been contacted by the Tour organizers or Taylor's team; currently, the body of Ana is still in Rio, despite her family living in other state, because they don't have the money to transfer her body.



A lot of people, including most swifties are currently very upset with the situation and believe Taylor's team should've contacted her family to help them out with the funeral.






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Seriously it's gross. She can cover the costs of the funeral and it wont even be close to made she makes in an hour. 

Edited by Johnny Jacobs
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It's very likely Taylor and/or her team weren't aware of the transportation issues before this interview took place. Hopefully Taylor's team does indeed help out, as it's the least they could do. Ridiculous that the family has to plead on national TV :ace:

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Rest in peace to that poor fan. No one deserves to die for a pop star whose just like any other human being.

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Cameltoe Chariot

Imagine having your death be just another headline for Taylor Swift Inc :rip:

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damn hold on, it's been barely two days. I'm sure she is working on this with her team

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Knowing Taylor she would likely help this gurl. She gave hundred thousands on truck drivers and hundred thousands for random people in gofundme. So I know she would help. Haters gonna hate

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She’s probably planning something right? She’s always helping her international fans with stuff, and she’s going to ignore this? :redface: I hope she helps the family after today, at least.

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I'm sure something has been quietly in the works behind the scenes; I would be surprised if she didn't help in some capacity given how much fostering relationships/friendships with her fans is such an integral part of her brand.

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She absolutely should help the family.

That said, Taylor did specifically say in her post that she had very little information about the fan, and although I'm sure her family wants to see her as soon as possible (very understandably), between all the complete chaos of the past 2 days and Taylor herself not doing well physically (or emotionally), it's very likely that she just didn't get to personally deal with the situation and the logistics process around it just yet.

Knowing her though, she will get to it soon. It would be very out of character for her otherwise. In fact, it's probably already in progress. 


Edited by Forevermore.
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21 minutes ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

season 3 krabby land GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


Seriously it's gross. She can cover the costs of the funeral and it wont even be close to made she makes in an hour

You all are getting extremely weird but nothing surprising 

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Well, If someone wants to help

These are Ana's family Paypal and Pix (for brazilians)







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5 minutes ago, Headlock said:

You turning this into stan war fodder is psychopathic, what in the everloving **** is wrong with you?

And a mod liking it too, shocked at which one it is!

Some of you need to calm down.

This is a horrible situation and people are going to have different opinions than you. You have spent all day calling people with mental illnesses. It's not acceptable 

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5 minutes ago, Digitalism said:

Some of you need to calm down.

This is a horrible situation and people are going to have different opinions than you. You have spent all day calling people with mental illnesses. It's not acceptable 

People using the death of a fan to attack an artist they hate (like using a SpongeBob gif calling her a cheapskate for something we literally have no knowledge over) is actually what is “not acceptable.” It’s disgusting.

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Maybe people should wait more than two days before bringing out the pitchforks? But I guess if you're an unhinged hater(including that mod) that's hard to contain when an opportunity like this presents itself...



Edited by mael
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4 minutes ago, Headlock said:

People using the death of a fan to attack an artist they hate (like using a SpongeBob gif calling her a cheapskate for something we literally have no knowledge over) is actually what is “not acceptable.” It’s disgusting.

So that gives you an excuse to call several people mentally ill? It doesn't work like that 

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this is the same lady who made a charity single for a child with cancer she did not know. she’ll reach out in time. 

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10 minutes ago, Digitalism said:

Some of you need to calm down.

This is a horrible situation and people are going to have different opinions than you. You have spent all day calling people with mental illnesses. It's not acceptable 

It's so horrible that all they want to focus on is a cheap dish with a spongebob gif? It's honestly mental illness how someone can be that insensitive.

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It’s been two days first of all, and second of all if everyone is just becoming aware of the issues in transportation today what makes you think Taylor knew about it sooner?


She said herself she had little information about Ana. Getting in touch with family members would be dependent upon getting ahold of information which needs to be done in a respectful manner. Digging up her family’s phone number is not the way to do that. 


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36 minutes ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

season 3 krabby land GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


Seriously it's gross. She can cover the costs of the funeral and it wont even be close to made she makes in an hour

Jesus some of you on this site meed to get a ******* grip

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Just now, Rep2000 said:

It's so horrible that all they want to focus on is a cheap dish with a spongebob gif? It's honestly mental illness how someone can be that insensitive.

I'm just going to start reporting these post because i'm sure as they are triggering to me they are to a lot of people. 

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2 minutes ago, Digitalism said:

So that gives you an excuse to call several people mentally ill? It doesn't work like that 

Using the death of a fan to troll an artist you don’t like is not normal behavior. I’m really not interested in your evaluation of me calling disturbing posts… disturbing.

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