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Javier Milei, the Donald Trump of Argentina Wins Presidency

Horizon Flame

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Good luck to my fellow hermanos argentinos. You'll now have your own version of Bolsonaro, but worse. Wish y'all luck for the next four years.

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This is so heart breaking QUÉ HICIERON PELOTUDOS :deadbanana4:

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I truly hope the government succeeds. If it fails, we might face another 10 years of Kirchnerist governments that continue to impoverish the country (I voted for Kirchnerism lol).

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Not their Trump era starting, ché :deadbanana2:

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3 minutes ago, Summerboy95 said:

I truly hope the government succeeds. If it fails, we might face another 10 years of Kirchnerist governments that continue to impoverish the country (I voted for Kirchnerism lol).

You know, even though I wish the same (thinking about the Argentineans, even the ones who elected him), I highly doubt about. I can see Millei being impeached in few months. Peronistas and Macristas will devour him up. He talks, sounds and looks like an incompetent and lunatic fool. He will have no idea what to do about to recover Argentina's economy and social issues. 

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The fact that I was literally at Buenos Aires Pride a couple of weeks ago and there were so many floats for Massa :deadbanana4: Sadly their 2016 moment has arrived and I really hope 2024 isn't a repeat of that in the States.

Edited by Hector
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I try to stay optimistic for Argentina no matter what, but it's always very hard. :rip:

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He's crazy. His policies are not better than the ones of a 14 years old boy who fell down a rabbit hole of misery in 4chan lmao. 

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8 minutes ago, Electric Youth said:

You know, even though I wish the same (thinking about the Argentineans, even the ones who elected him), I highly doubt about. I can see Millei being impeached in few months. Peronistas and Macristas will devour him up. He talks, sounds and looks like an incompetent and lunatic fool. He will have no idea what to do about to recover Argentina's economy and social issues. 

Well... right now he's Macri's puppet so... we'll see how it goes. 


But yeah, I highly doubt Milei will resist mentally and physically 4 years of government.

Edited by Summerboy95
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The far right is winning elections everywhere. Scary times. I have 0 respect for people who vote for politicians like Trump, Orban etc. 

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when his weak mind cant handle the pressure or he has a shady health issue within 5 months and we are left with Videla with **** in command then what :redface:



hijo de milico es peor que milico

Edited by PaloSanto
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I kind of shock Argentinian people actually voted for him. They have everything subsidized by the state and they are still poor, what they gonna do with the dollarization, the end of the Central Bank and the university vouchers :deadbanana4:


I wish the best for them, I hope he gives them everything he promised.

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