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New polling: Biden PLUMMETS in handling of ME war and overall approval; losing in '24


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wake up babe new polling just dropped!


article at bottom... tldr videos from air first.


the 18-34 yo gap, both in the war and against Tr*mp :deadbanana4:






Article: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-bidens-standing-hits-new-lows-israel-hamas-war-rcna125251

Edited by ZeroSuitBritney
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Surely Trump is going to give those young voters what they wanted with respect to the Israel Palestine war :clap:

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These polls mean zero right now. Obama would have lost re-election had an election taken place a year out as well because of the whole bail out stuff.


When the primaries are over and it’s Biden v Trump for real then let’s see. 

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1 minute ago, Dephira said:

Surely Trump is going to give those young voters what they wanted with respect to the Israel Palestine war :clap:

Is that what you say to Arab Americans who are watching their families get slaughtered with Biden's approval.... to convince them to vote for Biden?

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2 minutes ago, luckythisway said:

We know how the corrupt polls & mail in ballots work in this country, as seen in 2020. The Dems will pull every rabbit out of their hat to either prop up Biden to win, or slip Newsom into the White House. We’re f*cked either way I fear 

Oh please, save it. 

OT: yes genocide=no re-election. 

Better start filling those judicial vacancies asap Grandpa Joe 

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4 minutes ago, 45seconds said:

These polls mean zero right now. Obama would have lost re-election had an election taken place a year out as well because of the whole bail out stuff.


When the primaries are over and it’s Biden v Trump for real then let’s see. 

This.. isn't convincing given that Romney would have literally won if he wasn't caught on a hot mic mocking poor people as gross and lazy?? :redface:


Like "Obama almost lost re-election too!" is a bad pivot when serendipity s how Obama snuck out a win.

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1 minute ago, ZeroSuitBritney said:

Is that what you say to Arab Americans who are watching their families get slaughtered with Biden's approval.... to convince them to vote for Biden?

I never try to talk to people with the goal of convincing them to vote for anyone as who they vote for is their business. 


I'm not sure how you thought this random made-up attack was necessary or did anything 

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But you look at that second video where a majority of voters 65+ approve of his handling of the war in Gaza, and you know the White House thinks they should stay the course, since those are the people who consistently vote :redface:

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3 minutes ago, ZeroSuitBritney said:

Is that what you say to Arab Americans who are watching their families get slaughtered with Biden's approval.... to convince them to vote for Biden?

And what exactly is your solution? Biden supports a two-state solution. What do you want? Trump would be 1000 times worse for Palestine, progressives in the west, women, the LGBT community , minorities in general and democracy. Wake up.

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2 minutes ago, Communion said:

This.. isn't convincing given that Romney would have literally won if he wasn't caught on a hot mic mocking poor people as gross and lazy?? :redface:

Nah, Obama had a lot of low propensity voters in his pocket. People that would only show up to vote for him. Kind of like what trump has now, only Obama actually had minorities while trump has a lot of WWC and a okay chunk of Latinos. 

Romney was the wrong candidate for the GOP at the time that desperately wanted populism 

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1 minute ago, Anthinos said:

And what exactly is your solution? Biden supports a two-state solution.

Two states where one permanently subjugates the other via ethnic domination and aparthied?

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11 minutes ago, Dephira said:

Surely Trump is going to give those young voters what they wanted with respect to the Israel Palestine war :clap:

Or if young voters don't have a candidate that they like, they'll just stay home. This is a problem that doing things like not supporting a genocide would've prevented. 

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first time my distaste for biden and the democratic establishment has felt stronger than my fear of a trump presidency:deadbanana:

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3 minutes ago, Anthinos said:

And what exactly is your solution? Biden supports a two-state solution. What do you want? Trump would be 1000 times worse for Palestine, progressives in the west, women, the LGBT community , minorities in general and democracy. Wake up.

We all know the terms of a two-state solution will always favor Israel. This is evident due to the fact that 80% of his party is calling for a ceasefire when Biden can't EVEN DO THE BARE MINIMUM. He will ALWAYS cater up to Israel and their government for the benefits.


And it doesn't matter what Trump will do. Trump isn't president right now, is he? As a Palestinian American, you can not convince me, or any other Arab (especially Palestinian) with the "Trump is worse card" anymore. It's not going to work. You aren't in our shoes. We are living in a country where our taxes are going DIRECTLY to the genocide of OUR OWN PEOPLE, and Biden wants to send MORE AND MORE money. The gaslighting needs to stop. Wake up.

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Well guess what *****? :redface:


Biden is literally destroying the Democratic coalliton


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Biden should cut all aid to israel and stop sellling weapons to them and defending them, they are on their own. But also no help to palestine. Let the UK fix that mess. 

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The nerve of Bidenistas thinking they're going to bully Arab Americans to vote for their deadend president. :ahh:

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1 year is a long time and a lot of things can chamge but i am CONVINCED Trump is going to win

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Anyone who thinks Trump is better than Biden is a complete idiot and deserve the HELL Trump’s revenge will take on the Muslims, LGBTQ, and other groups he hates. Biden is an asshat but Trump is still much worse. 

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1 minute ago, DatChickDoe said:

Anyone who thinks Trump is better than Biden is a complete idiot and deserve the HELL Trump’s revenge will take on the Muslims, LGBTQ, and other groups he hates. Biden is an asshat but Trump is still much worse. 

the "lesser of two evils" tactics... I get it... but we can't keep using this as an excuse. The Democratic party need to realize people actually demand change... if that means Biden losing to Trump so they can see how pissed off people are and want them to actually do what people are asking, then so be it.

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