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Biden presents plan for two-state solution in Israel-Hamas war

Year of Shadow

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7 minutes ago, Dephira said:

The fact that people actually think a one-state solution is viable :rip: would you as a gay man accept a resolution that leads to half of the houses in your neighborhood being populated by Hamas members? After those same Hamas members moving in have detonated thousands of rocket in your neighborhood and murdered or abducted several of your friends from the neighborhood?  

That would be great! maybe then they'd get uncomfortable and **** off!

it would be preferable if all zionists to get deported to another country though:giraffe:

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1 hour ago, Dephira said:

The fact that people actually think a one-state solution is viable :rip: would you as a gay man accept a resolution that leads to half of the houses in your neighborhood being populated by Hamas members? After those same Hamas members moving in have detonated thousands of rocket in your neighborhood and murdered or abducted several of your friends from the neighborhood?  

OOF. This is like... overt white supremacist dog whistling, even for a user who usually posts racist nonsense yourself.


1) Even if one believed Israel somehow had a right to exist, your posts suggests *all* Palestinians are Islamists and anti-Jew. Yet polling shows that - before Israel responded to peaceful protests in 2019 via indiscriminate killing that resulted in hundreds of innocent, young Gazans killed and hundreds more permanently disabled - that Palestinians were more open to a 2-state solution than Israelis, who have almost always preferred ethnic domination than equal-but-separate societies.


There is no Hamas in the West Bank yet Israeli settlers in the West Bank just this year initiated pogroms where Palestinian homes were burnt down 


Israelis have long been the perpetuator of violence. Instead of recognizing hatred present on both sides, you play into racist tropes of "Brown Arabs = Scary Savages" yet Palestinians who long try to live in peace amongst settlers in what the UN says is Palestinian land have been victim to Israelis just deciding that they deserve to die. Why would Palestinians want to give up half of their home to a force who have said from the onset that their goal is to cleanse them from the land they live on?


2) The "half your home" thing is funny given that:

  • Palestinians have been reduced to living on what is less than a fifth of the total land and that a workable 2-state solution would have to include - even by centrist American scholars' standards - Israeli settlers withdrawing from the areas of the West Bank that they continue to try to de-populate and take over;
  • Palestinians in 1947 largely rejected the partition plan because it gave nearly 60% of the land to people who represented just 30% of the total population and for whom would require the eventual mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homes within the eventual land of Israel if the "artificial Jewish majority" policy went into practice as it exists now;

Even in the original 1947 plan, 45% (!) of the population in the land the UN deemed "Jewish land" were Arabs.


The Jewish population of Israel would have been naturally fallen to a minority ethnic group in their own land in just the timespan of a generation even if the partition plan had gone into effect and Palestinians decided they were fine with giving up key agricultural development. Israeli leaders knew this.


This is why Israeli leaders are documented as saying that their support for the partition was fake and the first step into eventual expulsion and why even Jewish scholars believe the Israeli government took part in terrorist acts to accelerate Sephardi and Mizrahi populations displaced from their homes in neighboring countries, where they were unfortunately already facing discrimination (even then, groups like Iraqi Jews did not support Zionism and most Algerian and Moroccan Jews did not want to go to Israel, migrating instead to France).

Edited by Communion
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14 hours ago, RihRihGirrrl said:

Why is he rolling out a plan for a 2-State solution while missiles are raining down on the heads of innocent Palestinians as we speak?? ......how about you stop the bleeding and ongoing massacre first!!

You do know Hamas fires 100s of rockets a day also right? You do know they have hostages also? It doesn't work one way you know, neither Isreal nor Hamas want a ceasefire. 

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25 minutes ago, Communion said:


Would you as a gay man accept a resolution that leads to half of the houses in your neighborhood being populated by Hamas members? 

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Just now, Dephira said:

Would you as a gay man accept a resolution that leads to half of the houses in your neighborhood being populated by Hamas members? 

Would you as a Palestinian accept a resolution that leads to 60% of the houses in your neighborhood being populated by Jewish religious fanatics? 

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Just now, Communion said:

Would you as a Palestinian accept a resolution that leads to 60% of the houses in your neighborhood being populated by Jewish religious fanatics? 

So you're saying that... a one-state solution would not be acceptable to Palestinians? 


Can you answer the simple yes/no question I asked? 

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Just now, Dephira said:

So you're saying that... a one-state solution would not be acceptable to Palestinians? 

Palestinians already live in a one state reality. The two-state solution you're arguing for perpetuates all the failures and harms of apartheid while giving the theocratic Israeli regime legal cover by saying "see? look! they now have their land! it's fine!". And even then, most Israelis don't want to give Palestinians that, and want them dead in the Sinai.


The only viable solution is a one state solution that dissolves the existence of the Israeli government and the legal avenues settlers have to push Jewish supremacy.


"Brown Arabs are scary!!!" is no different than those who argued whites must remain a permanent dominant class in South Africa because "scary black people will seek revenge".


You're out of your depth. Your propaganda might have worked about 12,000 less dead Palestinians ago, but less and less people accept the nonsense that this is some conflict equally driven by both sides. This is an occupation driven by the occupying settlers. It can only end once the Israeli settlers' ability to subjugate Palestinians ends.


Go to Stormfront if you think "but but you dumb **** those Muslim babarians hate you!!!" is going to be a convincing argument to support genocide.

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2 minutes ago, Communion said:

The two-state solution you're arguing for..


Go to Stormfront if you think "but but you dumb **** those Muslim babarians hate you!!!" is going to be a convincing argument to support genocide...

I didn't argue for anything. I said the one-state solution doesn't make sense, you indirectly agreed with me and then proceeded to hurl insults and strawmen at me for no reason.


I see you are unable to answer the simple yes/no question which is pretty telling, but I'm sure it's not going to lead to any sort of deeper reflection for you. 

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14 minutes ago, Dephira said:

the simple yes/no question 

It's a nonsensical question given that the average Israeli hates Palestinians more than any average Palestinian hates gay people. :celestial5:


Reminder - gay Palestinians exist! Imagine arguing they should be a permanent lower class on top of the IDF terrorizing them for their sexuality.

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1 hour ago, ForgottenSoul said:

You do know Hamas fires 100s of rockets a day also right? You do know they have hostages also? It doesn't work one way you know, neither Isreal nor Hamas want a ceasefire. 

Actually you don't know what you're talking about. Hamas has offered ceasefires in exchange for hostage exchanges during the past couple weeks a few times, and Israel's government has rejected the offer. Look it up before you speak nonsense.


Also, Israel has the Iron Dome, which interjects just about all of these rockets, which would make the impact of a basketball anyways. Palestinians have nothing.


Also, Israel has thousands of Palestinian hostages/prisoners. Should they be released.


Also you spelled "Israel" incorrectly.

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This war will continue past this year and for many decades to come. Nothing will change. It’s time to come to terms with that. 

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