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Biden presents plan for two-state solution in Israel-Hamas war

Year of Shadow

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I'm not sure how this is going to go, its ideal for Palestinians to have their entire land back. But if we're going to do the two-state solution, I hope Palestinian's can at least get HALF of their land back?! it never made sense to me how Gaza and West Bank regions is all they got. Such a tiny space of land. 

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1 minute ago, SmittenCake said:

I'm not sure how this is going to go, its ideal for Palestinians to have their entire land back. But if we're going to do the two-state solution, I hope Palestinian's can at least get HALF of their land back?! it never made sense to me how Gaza and West Bank regions is all they got. Such a tiny space of land. 

It’s a very long history of piece by piece being taken, reclaimed, and taken again

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Why is he rolling out a plan for a 2-State solution while missiles are raining down on the heads of innocent Palestinians as we speak?? ......how about you stop the bleeding and ongoing massacre first!!

Edited by RihRihGirrrl
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"There will be no ceasefire until Hamas does not exist!"


"America endorses the Israeli occupation and eventual destruction of Palestine"



Edited by Communion
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Do people on the left generally agree that a two state solution is better?


I don’t know what most people’s opinions are.

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Useless words from a useless man.

He compares Hamas to Putin.


The correct comparison is Biden+Netanyahu = Putin.

Both dropping bombs on civilians while blaming everything on Hamas/Nazis


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4 minutes ago, St. Charles said:

Do people on the left generally agree that a two state solution is better?


I don’t know what most people’s opinions are.

Someone should really ask Barack Obama, who said in private meetings during his presidency that Israel basically has made a 2 state solution impossible when shown the below map of settlements that were built by the Israeli government in the West Bank:  


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7 minutes ago, St. Charles said:

Do people on the left generally agree that a two state solution is better?


I don’t know what most people’s opinions are.

I think most people are beyond a two-state solution now and want one single state for everyone living in the pre-1948 Palestine borders. Israel can still exhibit coercive power over a newly established Palestinian state with full sovereignty. 

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11 hours ago, St. Charles said:

Do people on the left generally agree that a two state solution is better?


I don’t know what most people’s opinions are.

There is zero probability that an Israeli government can agree to anything resembling a fair two state solution and get elected/re-elected.


Even a two-state solution based on the pre-1967 borders, which would give 78% of historic Palestine to Israel and 22% to the Palestinians, would not get approved by the Knesset or the voters. Instead, there would be massive protests from the hundreds of thousands of settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the government would almost certainly fall.


So when people talk about a two state solution, they are talking about having talks and not actually doing anything.


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Two state solution is a fantasy that is meant to sound like a smart compromise, but is a non-starter for Palestinians who want the right of return that is refused to them, and for Israelis who insist that there is already a Palestinian state, Jordan, and want all of what’s in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after pushing the Palestinians fully out of the borders into the Sinai Desert.


Biden still pushing this shows he has no grasp of reality.

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The word salad to say "no there wont be a ceasefire" again. Oh Genocide Joe I legit cannot wait for you to croak.

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12 minutes ago, Communion said:

Someone should really ask Barack Obama, who said in private meetings during his presidency that Israel basically has made a 2 state solution impossible when shown the below map of settlements that were built by the Israeli government in the West Bank:  


7 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

I think most people are beyond a two-state solution now and want one single state for everyone living in the pre-1948 Palestine borders. Israel can still exhibit coercive power over a newly established Palestinian state with full sovereignty. 


7 minutes ago, Letemtalk said:

There is zero probability that an Israeli government can agree to anything resembling a fair two state solution and get elected/re-elected.


Even a two-state solution based on the pre-1967 borders which would give 78% of historic Palestine to Israel and 22% to the Palestinians, would not get approved by the Knesset or the voters. Instead, there would be massive protests from the hundreds of thousands of settlers in the West Bank and the government would almost certainly fall.


So when people talk about a two state solution, they are talking about having talks and not actually doing anything.


Then unfortunately I think it's just going to end in the complete diaspora of the Palestinian people around the middle east and the rest of the globe. Nobody is helping them fight this war, and their options are either to stay there and be trapped (and this same situation will happen again in a decade) or flee. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see it ending any other way. 


And by the way, I obviously think they have a right to the land and should have their own country there, but what can actually be done?

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37 minutes ago, SmittenCake said:

I'm not sure how this is going to go, its ideal for Palestinians to have their entire land back. But if we're going to do the two-state solution, I hope Palestinian's can at least get HALF of their land back?! it never made sense to me how Gaza and West Bank regions is all they got. Such a tiny space of land. 

Altho I stand with Palestine, this is actually a very misleading conception. It only gradually became "the Muslim country's land" during the Late Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, which saw the 1860s massacre of Jews in current-day Iraq and Iran and the majority of the Jewish population exiled from the area. The actual conflict has lasted since over 2000 years ago, and even up until 1948, there was still a substantial amount of Jewish community as the minority settlers in "the land". 



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That’s nice and all but that’s not happening. 

Maybe get Israel to stop dropping bombs on Palestinians for a day first

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One-state solution with unequivocal equal rights for all or keep it grandpa 






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Joe Biden doesn’t even know what day it is. I’m am patiently waiting for him to be replaced 

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It’s just not possible.  Look at the borders.  Palestine can’t be a country being split in half and looking like that.  It’s just not advantageous to any Palestinian to accept this as a solution.  I really don’t think anything is going to change for the better, in fact I think Israel is just going to force Palestinians out of their land even more than before and put existing Palestinians under extreme scrutiny. 

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This would never happen because Israeli people are racist and always cry victim. They will not stop unless all Palestinian rights are removed, and they are all killed off. :shakeno: 

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they got spooked by some polling. because these are totally empty platitudes designed to give cover to any liberals who might start getting a little rattled by biden's unconditional support of israel and now can say "see? he's reasonable." they ran this as an op-ed instead of a speech so that biden doesn't go off script with his actual viewpoint or have to answer what the plan is for when israel ignores this vague unrealistic proposal and carries on with its intended plan to kill and displace enough people to take back gaza. 

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This senile man is useless. He has blood on his hands and just lost any hope he had for a second term by being complicit in the genocide 

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  • ATRL Moderator

I used to think a two-state solution made sense, but I truly don't see it working in practice. If they're not gonna combine into Palestisrael, I don't know how the territorial disputes will ever end.

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the articles title is misleading. There was no presented plan AT ALL. It was just abstract statements about how Israel should not occupy and annex Gaza and that the Palestinian Authority should govern Gaza not Israel or Hamas lol

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The fact that people actually think a one-state solution is viable :rip: would you as a gay man accept a resolution that leads to half of the houses in your neighborhood being populated by Hamas members? After those same Hamas members moving in have detonated thousands of rocket in your neighborhood and murdered or abducted several of your friends from the neighborhood?  

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