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Ayaan Hirsi Ali condemns atheists as godless, says they're eroding Western society


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Ayaan has a massive identity crisis like every 5 years or so. She’s lied so much about her background to gain political asylum here and she became one of the most controversial politicans that we’ve ever had. I don’t trust a thing that comes out of that woman’s mouth :deadbanana2:

She has made some valid points on female mutiliation and has critiqued parts of Islam that are valid but she has desperately upheld the ‘the West needs to save the Arab world from doom and despair’ narrative for years. She’s very icky with a lot of her other views


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Longtime atheist and former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali reveals she is now Christian

Oh dear :rip: 


Although I've agreed with some takes she's had in the past, this woman is such a ******* fraud. It's so laughable :dies: 

Edited by State of Grace.
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16 minutes ago, Communion said:

@Bloodflowers. :ahh:I'm taking the W in knowing she was a fraud. 


My 2015 self would be fuming rn ksksksksk :dies:


Although by the looks of it, she says nothing about being religious and praying to Jesus but rather using Christian culture to "defend Western civilisation because atheism will lead it to Islamism collapse" :toofunny3:


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Just now, Bloodflowers. said:


My 2015 self would be fuming rn ksksksksk :dies:


Although by the looks of it, she says nothing about being religious and praying to Jesus but rather using Christian culture to "defend Western civilisation because atheism will lead it to Islamism collapse" :toofunny3:


Thought the Fox News article links to her full letter, but here. She says basically atheists aren't prepared for "the fight to defend the West" because we "can't answer the ultimate question of what is the purpose of life". :gaycat6:



Yet I would not be truthful if I attributed my embrace of Christianity solely to the realisation that atheism is too weak and divisive a doctrine to fortify us against our menacing foes. I have also turned to Christianity because I ultimately found life without any spiritual solace unendurable — indeed very nearly self-destructive. Atheism failed to answer a simple question: what is the meaning and purpose of life?


Russell and other activist atheists believed that with the rejection of God we would enter an age of reason and intelligent humanism. But the “God hole” — the void left by the retreat of the church — has merely been filled by a jumble of irrational quasi-religious dogma. The result is a world where modern cults prey on the dislocated masses, offering them spurious reasons for being and action — mostly by engaging in virtue-signalling theatre on behalf of a victimised minority or our supposedly doomed planet. The line often attributed to G.K. Chesterton has turned into a prophecy: “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

Basically "atheism is bad because trans people are gross!!" :ahh:

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She's a Western supremacist. She will go and support anything that she thinks will support Western domination of the world. Now that the new atheist movement is dead, she back to a religion. 

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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

Thought the Fox News article links to her full letter, but here. She says basically atheists aren't prepared for "the fight to defend the West" because we "can't answer the ultimate question of what is the purpose of life". :gaycat6:


Basically "atheism is bad because trans people are gross!!" :ahh:


Well of course she says that. Her audience for the past 5+ years are all Christian right-wingers where they platform her to make fun of liberals and say how Muslims are savages, she panders to them while atheists are no longer consuming her materials anymore :dies: + new atheism movement is dead by now, so that might by the void she is talking about where no money can be made anymore like in late 2000s :mandown:


Back to grifting Christians now, I am sure Fox News audience is thrilled by this revalation now. Get that bag Ms. Ayaan :toofunny2:


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You can believe in God(s) without joining one of the big religions. She is so fake and I'm glad she has become irrelevant.

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This stupid flip flop ass.


Christianity is a joke anyways.

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so Van Gogh's ancestor died for nothing huh

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so atheists don't want to go to war because there is nothing to fight over?  Sounds like world peace to me.  If everyone was atheist, there would be no wars. 

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