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do you like being gay? would you change it?


do you like being gay? would you change it?  

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    • i like being gay
    • i don't like it and i would change it if i could

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Im bi. But I like it.

It's cool that you get to be free and open about your sexuality. I have the feeling a lot of 'hetero' people can't openly talk about it the same way we alphabet people do it. 

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Love it and would never change it. And I'm very grateful that I live in a country where I can be free to suck dick

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The only thing straights have that I envy a biT is the ability to have a biological child with the person you love. But other than that I’m happy with being LGBT and who I am:foxaylove:

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I would say it's neutral but honestly I like liking men? They're just hotter lol

Even if there's more to me than just being gay I do actively like that part.


I feel like the one big thing is that dating sucks but I've been in a relationship for some time so I don't worry about that.



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22 minutes ago, Trent W said:

I’m bi, for most people irl Im still straight 


Honestly both sides have their own share of pros and cons


When you are a “straight” male it has a lot of privileges but there’s an insane amount of pressure most people don’t address most of time, especially if you have a family, everything could fall into you.


Honestly for me imo is  an equal experience.

Yeah you just about summed it all up for me perfectly word for word 

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I still struggle with outing myself unless it's appropriate for the conversation. However, I do love that I can be openly gay as I want in front of my partner and, to a degree, some of my other friends. 

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I love our community. Many gay people say they hate the community but personally I find our community funny and tolerant. I like LGBT+ humor. You can be whoever you want to be. I like how excentric some LGBT+ people are.


Btw. we could be able to have biological children one day with the help of artificial wombs.


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Men are too hot but they don't really give me the time of day. Yet strangely I've had a few women express desire for me and I've had to let them down gently. I guess it's like Billie Eilish said, women don't judge by looks alone as much. If I was straight I'd probably have been in a committed relationship a long time ago, but men look too good to not want them. 

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There's lots of irritating dynamics in heterosexual relationships that I'd hate to deal with in gay relationships. so NO.

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10 minutes ago, Anthinos said:

I love our community. Many gay people say they hate the community but personally I find our community funny and tolerant. I like LGBT+ humor. You can be whoever you want to be. I like how excentric some LGBT+ people are.


Btw. we could be able to have biological children one day with the help of artificial wombs.


i see not being able to get my man pregnant as an advantage tbh. we can do bb and not have to worry about no damn kids :suburban: i know my straight friends are envious of that 


i do agree with you about lgbt+ community though. i think we have issues, but those are not really unique to us and are present everywhere else too, so it's not like we're missing out on something better. from my experience i usually click very well with lgbt+ people and we are very friendly to each other.

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the lack of gender roles in gay relationships is amazing as well. i know that even progressive straight couples still struggle with uneven division of labour at home, for example, and the expectations of what a man and a woman should do are very different and they influence even liberal/leftist straight people. whereas as gay people, we don't have to think about that at all because none of those societal norms and expectations apply to us.

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This is such an interesting question for me. 

I love who i am and i basically never tried to change it. Maybe when i was like 13 or something but with 15 i was already making out with guys from my school class and i was 100% fine with it and have never tried to change it ever since (i'm 26 now) cuz i always knew better, i always knew that trying to change who i am was clueless, hurtful and that wouldn't work cuz there's no such thing. So i am and basically always have been a happy gay man! 


But i would still change it if i could just press a button and change it. First of all being into guys is hell, girls are way better for a relationship. And in a more selfish tone, being straight is a privilege, being accepted by everyone -- i am a business man and since i am a happy and proud gay i don't hide who i am -- but it does make it harder for IT business. 


So if there was a button where i could change it and being attracted to girls after i press it the same way i am attracted to guys right now, so i would be a TRULY straight guy (not a fake one) i would change it. 

Even with the fact that i never tried to change it (cuz it doesn't work and i know better) and being happy with who i am. Cuz if there was such thing as TRULY turning into straight, i was going to be happy AND privileged. why not change it?


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No i dont. I struggled so much beyond words. It did make me stronger that's for sure. Thankfully i found out very late that i was bi. Being with women is amazing. Men lack depth, soul and love. 

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19 minutes ago, zasderfght said:

I still struggle with outing myself unless it's appropriate for the conversation. However, I do love that I can be openly gay as I want in front of my partner and, to a degree, some of my other friends. 

I don't believe in coming out and 'outing' yourself anymore to be honest. People assuming you're straight until you say otherwise is on them, not on you. I find that unless it's appropriate for the conversation, outing yourself kind of invites the other person to give you their reaction, and in all honesty I don't really care for it regardless of if it's positive or not. 


That said, I do acknowledge that my feelings about this come from a place of privilege. I've not really had many issues in regards to my gender/sexuality where I currently live, so I can afford not to care.

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If I was still single I’d change it if it magically became possible. But now that I’m in a loving committed relationship I would never think of changing it.


Also in my city, dating is way easier for gay guys than straight guys these days. 

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Cold go both ways, honestly. But as I've gotten older it's not as bad.


I don't hate that I am gay or anything, but I hate what comes along with it. The "community" is toxic, superficial and ironically isolating along with many negative attributes causing us to experience distress in regards to things like body image. Plus it's more difficult to form relationships & friendships without turning to dating or hookup apps and it all comes with territorial & catty behavior which I don't have the energy for. Everyone's situations are different but personally I think it's made my life & mental health significantly more difficult at times.


And a major thing I don't like is that when people find out you're gay, it seems to be an open invitation for anyone & their mom to immediately sexualize you as a person and ask you invasive sexual questions about your sex life just because you're gay. That's led me to not come out to people who aren't close to me. Plus. coming from a latino background with an immigrant parent from a very homophobic culture it's not always easy or safe, so while coming out has given me a lot of freedom, it's also a double edge sword in some ways.


If you asked me at 16, I'd say yes to changing because I even had a plan to k*ll myself at that time. Thankfully I was able to get past that. And it'd be a complete lie to say I don't still often wonder how much easier life would be if I was straight, but I don't think I would change it in the end. I've grown to be content in what being gay in the world means for my life. I just wish the rest of the world (as well as us as a community) could let us live peacefully and just as smoothly as the rest of the world.


Edited by Subzero
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technically im bi but yes, i do love being gay


i wouldnt like being straight because then id have to socialise with straight men and theyre lame af. also it seems like these days u gotta be under the 10% richest and best looking to pull at least a 6 outta 10, im below average height (5'8.5) and lean, look 14 years old and like feminine stuff so thats not exactly the female heartthrob. my bf on the other hand is everything i like and 6 foot 6 as the cherry on top

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I actually love being gay :jonny5:


Sometimes I think about how badly I wished I was straight when I was younger and laugh :skull:

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I'vr known too many straight guys who struggle with depression and mental health to think that I would be happier as a hetero, at least in my privileged situation of living in a liberal country and having a loving family. Instead of a introverted gay with anxiety I would be a introverted straight guy with anxiety. The root problem is not my sexuality. I would think about changing my personality to an outgoing extrovert, but then again I received the best compliment of my life for being able to immediately recognize what other people feel, which at least in my case is a result of being too shy to put the attention on myself, so I spent most of my attention on how others behave. I don't believe that everything you receive in life is a gift, some things just hold you back and make you suffer. But in my case I truly believe the grass isn't greener on the other side.

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