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Left-wing PSOE's Pedro Sanchez officially re-elected as PM of Spain


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Mas sabe el Perro Sanxe por perro que por sanxe.


Couldn’t be more happy, other 4 years of progressive government and 4 years more of fascist tears 

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I'm left wing as it gets, but the amnesty stuff rubs me the wrong way. He better do a great job these upcoming 4 years and doesn't regret this choice, or I fear Spain will be up for its far-right hera in 2027/2028 :gaycat6:

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Mmmmm papi did it


I'm only glad V:pukey:X is nowhere near to leading this country.

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3 hours ago, Cloudy said:

I'm left wing as it gets, but the amnesty stuff rubs me the wrong way. He better do a great job these upcoming 4 years and doesn't regret this choice, or I fear Spain will be up for its far-right hera in 2027/2028 :gaycat6:

I 100% agree with this. I live in Spain and most people here that support PSOE aren't thrilled about the amnesty piece...so it better not backfire and he better get **** done. 

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29 minutes ago, HEAVYONIT said:

I 100% agree with this. I live in Spain and most people here that support PSOE aren't thrilled about the amnesty piece...so it better not backfire and he better get **** done. 

La pura verdad es que a la mayoría de personas que no son neo-franquistas crispados (que son los que verdaderamente hacen ruido) les da igual la amnistía. Hay mil cosas más importantes que preocupan a la sociedad del país que un mero instrumento jurídico que ni siquiera aún ha sido llevado al Congreso para su aprobación.

Edited by Antisocialites
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I wonder how much this alliance will cost the left in the European election next year. But one thing must be acknowledged, Spain has the best economy in Europe right now.

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