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Trump: “We will deport anti-Israel / Hamas sympathizers”

St. Charles

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1 minute ago, Communion said:



Are all these new Trump voters hiding out in whatever countries that aren't America you're both posting from?



+21 Not Vote

+16 Vote 3rd Party

+5 Vote Trump


What could be the motive to lie and frame most disaffected Arab Americans as Trump voters unless an explicit endorsement of genocide? :redface:


Well saying liberals (which also includes Palestinians) deserve Trump (as seen in this thread) is pretty eye opening for me at least. And yes, there were plenty of others who said that Trump was better and were in fact endorsing him

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Just now, Communion said:

Are all these new Trump voters hiding out in whatever countries that aren't America you're both posting from?

I know you're not being serious, this is the second time you mention that I'm not American as if you aren't first to comment in every politics thread regardless of the country being discussed :dies: 


But I'm glad you found the thread, because the alleged poll you're quoting shows Trump at 40%

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2 minutes ago, Delirious said:

Well saying liberals (which also includes Palestinians) deserve Trump (as seen in this thread) is pretty eye opening for me at least. And yes, there were plenty of others who said that Trump was better and were in fact endorsing him

I'm sorry, but I think your issue is one of general illiteracy, as someone saying pro-genocide liberals siding with Trump then deserve Trump.. would, by simple syntax, not include liberals who are anti-genocide, including Palestinians, who are the ones asking Biden and Democrats to end the support for the genocide aimed at them.


So again, let's reiterate some basic facts:

  • The majority of Arab Americans pre-October 2023 *and* post-October 2023 are not Trump voters
  • The minority of Arab Americans who do support Trump have long supported him and largely do not care about Palestinians themselves
  • The vast majority of Arab Americans who no longer support Biden post-October 2023 do not support Trump
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11 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

I know you're not being serious, this is the second time you mention that I'm not American as if you aren't first to comment in every politics thread regardless of the country being discussed :dies: 


But I'm glad you found the thread, because the alleged poll you're quoting shows Trump at 40%

Of course the fact that you're posting from Lithuania is relevant. Not because you can't comment on American politics, but because you purposefully hide the ways you hypocritically benefit as a European that are at odds with your views on American elections. Why should the hypocrisy not be addressed when a white European who gets to choose from 12 actively represented political parties scolds and lies about largely poor Americans, Americans of color, disabled Americans, etc. who do not vote or vote third party?


Lithuania's parliament literally has 12 (!) political parties in it. Do you feel you're being intellectually honest when you post online things like claiming largely poor Americans who don't vote or who vote for a 3rd party are "actually supporting Trump"? How is not voting for Trump a vote for Trump?


I mean, you can't even stop yourself from lying about Americans of color now:


11 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

because the alleged poll you're quoting shows Trump at 40%

"Trump at 40%" is an odd way to acknowledge "only up 5%". I thought you said a bunch of former Democrats were now Trump voters?

Why do you think it is that nearly 90% of those who no longer support Biden are also not supporting Trump either?


So you mean:

10 minutes ago, Communion said:

So again, let's reiterate some basic facts:

  • The majority of Arab Americans pre-October 2023 *and* post-October 2023 are not Trump voters
  • The minority of Arab Americans who do support Trump have long supported him and largely do not care about Palestinians themselves
  • The vast majority of Arab Americans who no longer support Biden post-October 2023 do not support Trump

Why would someone from the forests of Lithuania feel the need to constantly lie, degrade and misrepresent the struggles of Arab Americans?

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nothing that comes out that mans mouth surprises me in the least.

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7 minutes ago, Communion said:

Of course the fact that you're posting from Lithuania is relevant. Not because you can't comment on American politics, but because you purposefully hide the ways you hypocritically benefit as a European that are at odds with your views on American elections. Why should the hypocrisy not be addressed when a white European who gets to choose from 12 actively represented political parties scolds and lies about largely poor Americans, Americans of color, disabled Americans, etc. who do not vote or vote third party?


Lithuania's parliament literally has 12 (!) political parties in it. Do you feel you're being intellectually honest when you post online things like claiming largely poor Americans who don't vote or who vote for a 3rd party are "actually supporting Trump"? How is not voting for Trump a vote for Trump?


I mean, you can't even stop yourself from lying about Americans of color now:


"Trump at 40%" is an odd way to acknowledge "only up 5%". I thought you said a bunch of former Democrats were now Trump voters?


So you mean:

Why would someone from the forests of Lithuania feel the need to constantly lie, degrade and misrepresent the struggles of Arab Americans?

Yes, my US political opinions are less informed than my opinions on Lithuanian politics. Since you seem to keep track of my comments and apparently the location and genetics you should know that I'm aware that both Clinton and Biden suck and I have made similar comments on the absurdity of having to choose between two evils last election. I was always strongly against Trump and have criticized everyone voting for him, be it gay bottoms for Trump or maga-nazis for white America.


You bring in people with disabilities and people of color as pawns to make this about something else but the way I see it from the run down forests of 12 party Lithuania is that they all fall within the 50-something percent of all Americans who wanted Trump as their president for the past 3 elections. These people won't disappear unless you convince them it is not in their interest to vote for Trump.


The fact that Trumps immigration policies have only increased the support of those who will be directly affected by it only baffles me. I won't be the one who will have to make the choice between genocide Joe and whites-only America Trump but the choice will be made regardless of whether people choose to boycott or "punish" the parties in some other way. It seems incredibly short-sighted

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This is why I’m so confused on why ATRL was so anti biden being elected in 2020 as if Trump was going to be pro Palestine lmfao 

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This doesn’t even surprise me. And if he wins and many more are hurt by him than those hurt under the Biden administration I have no mercy for anyone complicit in him coming back whether than be directly or indirectly and what happens to them/what they care about. I will of course always feel bad for innocents affected though. But I can’t feel bad for people who willingly let things get worse just because things suck and they’re upset and take it out on everyone else 

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I mean, if Americans elect Trump again they will deserve all the **** he brings their way to be fair. 

It’s despicable how cool and fun it’s become to watch Palestinians die. I refuse to support Israel’s genocide and I will stand with the people of Palestine even if the only thing I can do now is to share my voice on social media 

Edited by SinnerCity
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Just now, Illuminati said:

Yes, my US political opinions are less informed than my opinions on Lithuanian politics. Since you seem to keep track of my comments and apparently the location and genetics you should know that I'm aware that both Clinton and Biden suck and I have made similar comments on the absurdity of having to choose between two evils last election. I was always strongly against Trump and have criticized everyone voting for him, be it gay bottoms for Trump or maga-nazis for white America.


You bring in people with disabilities and people of color as pawns to make this about something else but the way I see it from the run down forests of 12 party Lithuania is that they all fall within the 50-something percent of all Americans who wanted Trump as their president for the past 3 elections. These people won't disappear unless you convince them it is not in their interest to vote for Trump.


The fact that Trumps immigration policies have only increased the support of those who will be directly affected by it only baffles me. I won't be the one who will have to make the choice between genocide Joe and whites-only America Trump but the choice will be made regardless of whether people choose to boycott or "punish" the parties in some other way. It seems incredibly short-sighted

The people you're criticizing do not vote for Trump! How are you still not getting it!!!


There is no meaningful, mythical group of progressive, liberal Americans switching from Biden to Trump!.


The people who vote for Trump are who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Trump's electoral prospects are literally contingent on Democrats' own base of support shrinking or growing based on the party's own actions. Trump can only win by Democratic politicians choosing to fail their voter base and push them into the margins.


You're - reasonably! - mad over the idea that Trump could win in 2024 yet seemingly can't reconcile with the reality that the only people making that possible are right-wing Democratic officials themselves, not American non-voters who themselves individually have very little power. 

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1 hour ago, baelani said:

He does realise that there’s no deport button and he’d have to spend ages enforcing this :rip:


Deplatform the clown 

Haven’t you heard he will have pro-MAGA in his administration and judges? We aren’t ready for Project 2025 :biblio:

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1 hour ago, Delirious said:

But but but didn't you guys want to vote for Trump? :coffee:

I don't care about Biden but this is being brought in every Trump thread. We all know Trump is worse than Biden even those who say they wont vote for Biden.  Give it a rest.

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1 minute ago, sourprint said:

the united states is a scary place to live

Exactly. I think Trumps warning should be taken as a blessing. Any excuse to leave that hellhole is a good thing. 

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so now they will stiffle freedom of speech straight up eh? disgusting 

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16 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:

Haven’t you heard he will have pro-MAGA in his administration and judges? We aren’t ready for Project 2025 :biblio:

I gave up literally nobody cares. In 2028 young people will officially be the largest voting block in this country but we won’t have elections anymore so it’ll be too little too late. I’m actively trying to live as much of my life and do as much as I can between now and January 2025 because I know America as we know it now is done. It sucks yes, but the hardships we are about to experience are terrifying. I’ve accepted it. I’m terrified for the country my nieces will live in. It’s devastating. 

side note- project 2025 is the handmaidens tale LITE but give them a few years and it’ll be a realty. 

Edited by woohoo
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41 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:

Haven’t you heard he will have pro-MAGA in his administration and judges? We aren’t ready for Project 2025 :biblio:


33 minutes ago, woohoo said:

I gave up literally nobody cares. In 2028 young people will officially be the largest voting block in this country but we won’t have elections anymore so it’ll be too little too late. I’m actively trying to live as much of my life and do as much as I can between now and January 2025 because I know America as we know it now is done. It sucks yes, but the hardships we are about to experience are terrifying. I’ve accepted it. I’m terrified for the country my nieces will live in. It’s devastating. 

side note- project 2025 is the handmaidens tale LITE but give them a few years and it’ll be a realty. 

Posts like this incapsulate why liberals struggle to understand why people don't feel things get better by voting.


Calling something "Project 2025" makes it sound scary, but want to know what it literally is? It's literally a policy platform! We know the GOP's policy is evil!

The Heritage Foundation literally crafts the policy of the Republican Party, and the Republican Party *implements* the policy of its think-tanks!


Where is the competing Democratic Party policy platform? Who is writing the Democratic Party's platform? ******* CAP? 

What policy does Joe Biden want to achieve in 2024 through 2028? What agenda and goals does he have in mind?

That you can't answer these very basic questions is in itself the very clear problem.


The ideas of how the government functions, specifically the executive branch, that Heritage outlines should be what Biden wants to do!

I need you to know fear-mongering doesn't work as negative partisanship. "Trump wants to just fire people who don't agree with him!"

Yes, that's literally what he did do to in 2016-2020 to achieve must of his agenda. Why doesn't Biden want to do that himself? 


Biden literally got to pick the head of the DEA who approves requests *he* makes to reschedule marijuana and he picked someone who is anti-weed?

Why are conservatives so effective at grabbing the reins of power and liberals so ineffective?

Edited by Communion
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32 minutes ago, Communion said:


Posts like this incapsulate why liberals struggle to understand why people don't feel things get better by voting.


Calling something "Project 2025" makes it sound scary, but want to know what it literally is? It's literally a policy platform! We know the GOP's policy is evil!

The Heritage Foundation literally crafts the policy of the Republican Party, and the Republican Party *implements* the policy of its think-tanks!


Where is the competing Democratic Party policy platform? Who is writing the Democratic Party's platform? ******* CAP? 

What policy does Joe Biden want to achieve in 2024 through 2028? What agenda and goals does he have in mind?

That you can't answer these very basic questions is in itself the very clear problem.


The ideas of how the government functions, specifically the executive branch, that Heritage outlines should be what Biden wants to do!

I need you to know fear-mongering doesn't work as negative partisanship. "Trump wants to just fire people who don't agree with him!"

Yes, that's literally what he did do to in 2016-2020 to achieve must of his agenda. Why doesn't Biden want to do that himself? 


Biden literally got to pick the head of the DEA who approves requests *he* makes to reschedule marijuana and he picked someone who is anti-weed?

Why are conservatives so effective at grabbing the reins of power and liberals so ineffective?

We were gaslit in 2016 when republicans said exactly what they’re going to do with abortion and here we are. I hate them, but there’s one thing about them, they do exactly as they say. And I get why people aren’t voting for Biden, but I also realize Americans are some of the dumbest people on this planet and will never collectively vote for a third party not atleast in the next 10-15 years. Like I said, I’ve made peace with Trump getting back in, I’m going to enjoy life even with that cloud hanging over my head. Everyone else can pretend project 2025 won’t be the policies they enact, and tell themselves he will just leave when his term ends in 2029 no problem, ignorance is bliss I guess. 

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5 hours ago, woohoo said:

I gave up literally nobody cares. In 2028 young people will officially be the largest voting block in this country but we won’t have elections anymore so it’ll be too little too late. I’m actively trying to live as much of my life and do as much as I can between now and January 2025 because I know America as we know it now is done. It sucks yes, but the hardships we are about to experience are terrifying. I’ve accepted it. I’m terrified for the country my nieces will live in. It’s devastating. 

side note- project 2025 is the handmaidens tale LITE but give them a few years and it’ll be a realty. 

I'm curious to know what exactly you think is going to happen with a Trump administration?  Won't have elections?

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7 hours ago, Delirious said:

Sure you're right, but if we got to the civics threads, there's plenty of people in there openly supporting the Hamas. 

Are you dumb 

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7 hours ago, Communion said:

I'm sorry, but I think your issue is one of general illiteracy, as someone saying pro-genocide liberals siding with Trump then deserve Trump.. would, by simple syntax, not include liberals who are anti-genocide, including Palestinians, who are the ones asking Biden and Democrats to end the support for the genocide aimed at them.


So again, let's reiterate some basic facts:

  • The majority of Arab Americans pre-October 2023 *and* post-October 2023 are not Trump voters
  • The minority of Arab Americans who do support Trump have long supported him and largely do not care about Palestinians themselves
  • The vast majority of Arab Americans who no longer support Biden post-October 2023 do not support Trump

Now this was an educational read. Never seen the sort on ATRL before. I'm still not done using dictionary.com whew.

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8 hours ago, getBusy said:

Supporting Palestinian freedom is very different from supporting Hamas. But these idiots won’t stop spinning things for their own benefit. 

I’ve actually seen a substantial amount of users on this forum defend Hamas

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