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Pokemon Johto Rate | Mission Accomplished

Year of Shadow

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  • Year of Shadow


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Just now, Hey Dude said:

Last time: #43 (+34), 6.37 (+1.15)




Chiidish - how are you not only big excellence but kind of the first good fighting type ever????? I don’t know if you will win but I hope we can sneak you through to stardom. Anime icon, meta legend, so fun so unique wow truly a moment :clap3:
Sawk - Iconic 
BambiStar - Thee blueprint for good Bug mons
FunnyFatty - loved him after pokemon go. 
Conker - He's a cute boi.


@LastKiss @Chiidish @Fevesy



Baby boy you deserved top 1 these homos are blind and sad and fuglys! Nevertheless bug excellence made top 9 and y’all seetheeeeee :clap:

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The top 10 just being good pokemon designs. Honestly can't hate. 



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I’m surprised Heracross made it so far :deadbanana2:. Honestly a great mon but I’ll never admit it because Pinsir is one of my favs from Gen 1 and Heracross makes it completely obsolete - outside of their megas :dies:

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Heracross was a bit of a selfish ***** for hogging the only good Bug-type move until Gen 4 tho. Him getting a government hand-out and then blocking the blessings of the other bugs to keep them in the low tiers :biblio:

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I did not expect Heracross in the top 10, not mad about it, can Teddiursa leave already

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11 minutes ago, BambiStar said:

Ready for mess



Guess I actually wasn't



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Pikachu serving me the last time I got invited to a threesome



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#8: LUGIA - 7.6
Last time: #13/#12 (+6/+5), 7.49 (+0.11)




GardenDreams - no comment. classic, how can you hate it?
BambiStar - The way it was designed exclusively for movie 2 but the gag was too strong and Scam Freak basically stole her
FunnyFatty - he is so cool. Love him
Conker - I know, it's an outrageous score but, you can't deny the legendary status quo of her.


@SlowGinFizzzz @LewisK @Almodusa



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3 minutes ago, Almodusa said:

Although he did have those allegations :dancehall:





the way they have animated this situation multiple times :deadbanana4: :deadbanana4: :deadbanana4:

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I always remember being so obsessed with Lugia during the 2000 movie



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LUGIA NO. :cries:

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Just now, Hey Dude said:

#8: LUGIA - 7.6
Last time: #13/#12 (+6/+5), 7.49 (+0.11)




GardenDreams - no comment. classic, how can you hate it?
BambiStar - The way it was designed exclusively for movie 2 but the gag was too strong and Scam Freak basically stole her
FunnyFatty - he is so cool. Love him
Conker - I know, it's an outrageous score but, you can't deny the legendary status quo of her.


@SlowGinFizzzz @LewisK @Almodusa



Teddiursa outlasted I guess.



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I've always been a loyal Gold/HeartGold king, but Lugia is okay.

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Finally the bald headed bird is out :hippo:


Steelix doesn’t need Top 5 :deadbanana4:

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13 minutes ago, Hey Dude said:

#10: JUMPLUFF - 7.5
Last time: 37 (+27), 6.53 (+0.97)




GardenDreams - this is a final evolution done right. underwhelming into this magical puff
elevate - Cute and useless.
BambiStar -  Cute and also has a sort of elegance to her… queen
FunnyFatty - always had her in my team but she was so weak. 
Conker - There was an episode of Pokemon. "Hatch Me If You Can" and there was a random group of Jumpluff and I always LMFAO because Jessie yelled "GET THOSE JUMPLUFF OUT OF THE WAY!"


@Sg123 @Gourgeist



Not me being powerful enough to give multiple zeros



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2 minutes ago, Curaga said:

the way they have animated this situation multiple times :deadbanana4: :deadbanana4: :deadbanana4:

Not as bad as this 



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The way it was designed exclusively for movie 2 but the gag was too strong and Scam Freak basically stole her



heralegend, jumpluff, and lugia deserved top five :khalyan2:


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Just now, BambiStar said:

Teddi almost Top 5 is insane 


like she's cute but c'mon now



Agree but also needing her to outlast at least one of the starters



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