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Year of Shadow

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@Seffers @Ponzi 


Ugly F*cking HAGS

The severe lack of taste you heaux exhibit is mind boggling, casting a curse on you at this moment.


goes for you too tasteless rats @Magickarp @sugrbby666 and also @ everyone who voted less than 5, you make me sick



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5 minutes ago, sunbathinganimal said:

Ledian should have been OUT on day one I hope the 15 was worth it @Solar



I actually gave it a 10 but still ur lack of taste jumped OUT go clean a toilet in Bangkok!  




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8 hours ago, Canon said:

I gave ha a 10/10 



My 0 was too strong :gayriahcat3:

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Not Smoochum being the biggest loss so far


I once did a baby only run on HG/SS and she helped me sweep through Lance's Dragonites and I'll be forever grateful



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1 hour ago, Sawk said:

@Seffers @Ponzi 


Ugly F*cking HAGS

The severe lack of taste you heaux exhibit is mind boggling, casting a curse on you at this moment.


goes for you too tasteless rats @Magickarp @sugrbby666 and also @ everyone who voted less than 5, you make me sick



.... For what Pokemon though lol

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7 hours ago, Rence said:

I didn’t know the flopkorita stanning was serious here :biblio:

Oh fear one of them will be joining us tomorrow 

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9 hours ago, Hey Dude said:

#62: HITMONTOP - 5.7
Last time: #50 (-12), 6.12 (-0.38)




PMM - worst evolution ever
BambiStar - Dead at its only redeeming quality being Intimidate
FunnyFatty - he has the hype but lacks so much things.
Conker - Dumb way of how to evolve it.


This is top 20 material in my book!


Open the graph in a new tab to see in detail.

halcyon's score is a 2, this was my mistake but didn't create a new graph in time. 




Yay, my 0 is out:clap3:I will admit that their minigame in Stadium 2 is fun though. 

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11 hours ago, Hey Dude said:



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2 hours ago, SlowGinFizzzz said:

Y'all are so wrong for hatecriming Quilava and Typhlosion like that... 

did we hate crime them or did Gamefreak hatecrime little legend Cyndaquil? *laughs in everstone*

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Day 2 results for me.


Piloswine - 2
Magby - 5
Ariados - 6
Hoppip - 6
Igglybuff - 5
Aipom - 5
Delibird - 7
Sunflora - 6
Sudowoodo - 7
Sentret - 4
Forretress - 5
Quilava - 5
Smoochum - 6
Typhlosion - 5
Shuckle - 1
Elekid - 5
Swinub - 2
Ledian - 5
Hitmontop - 6
Yanma - 4
Conker's Thoughts

How Pichu survived, the onslaught of babies I have no idea. 

Apart from Sudowoodo, I didn't mind losing any of these. I lost only two 7's. 

I probably would have given Delibird a 6 if it wasn't close to Christmas.

Yanma surely would have gotten a 2, if not for the Christmas aesthetics. (He's decked in red/green for Christ sake. And I'm a Team Rocket stan too.)

Yanma was annoying as hell to catch in Colosseum. I'm not sure if there was a "Catch Rate" glitch or something. 

I need to learn how to NOT second guess myself with these ratings (Give Smeargle a 1! or Give Smeargle a 2!)

After all, something like that is causing the ties in the rankings.

And it might prevent my favorite from winning. 

My 0 is still in but, at least my 15 is still in.

Mild Spoiler: I gave my 0 to something that was "just kinda there" not like it's a "OH MY GOD YOU JUMPED ON THE BANDWAGON!1!1! HOW DARE YOU!!!!" tactic but, something that will make you go "Oh...all that worry was for not."

I was VERY close to giving Houndour/Houndoom my 0 but...I think there was something more "superficial" and "synthetic" and "beauty is only skin deep" I wanted to give my 0 to.


Edited by Conker
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12 hours ago, Hey Dude said:

#65: ELEKID - 5.64


Open the graph in a new tab to see in detail


Hey king, not sure if it's a mistake on the graph but I gave Eleking a 10 not a 0 :redface:

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19 minutes ago, Norte said:

Hey king, not sure if it's a mistake on the graph but I gave Eleking a 10 not a 0 :redface:

Hmmmmm I will recheck. 

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I think I'll have to do 9pm like yesterday. I do want to do reveals earlier but things keep popping up and I'm like "do you really need my help or are you just trying to get me to do the hard stuff?" :skull:

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8 hours ago, Sawk said:

@Seffers @Ponzi 


Ugly F*cking HAGS

The severe lack of taste you heaux exhibit is mind boggling, casting a curse on you at this moment.


goes for you too tasteless rats @Magickarp @sugrbby666 and also @ everyone who voted less than 5, you make me sick



fapksfpjspjiafs :ahh:

not all this over Aipom of all pokemon

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57 minutes ago, Sawk said:

Legend Aipom



Verse icon 

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41 minutes ago, Seffers said:

fapksfpjspjiafs :ahh:

not all this over Aipom of all pokemon



Guess I'm coming for Ambipom next!

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