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Republican senator tries to fight Teamsters President

Dr. Alexander

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Bernie should have been president he would be finishing up his second term by now 

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He gone end up like Jimmy Hoffa.

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5 minutes ago, FreeXone said:

Bernie should have been president he would be finishing up his second term by now 

He’s disappointed me by not calling for an immediate ceasefire ngl 


anyways typical republican behavior, not surprised. Both toxic AND idiotic. Of all the people you wanna get in a fist fight with, you choose teamsters? Lmao

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1 hour ago, BionicWooHoo said:

He’s disappointed me by not calling for an immediate ceasefire ngl 


anyways typical republican behavior, not surprised. Both toxic AND idiotic. Of all the people you wanna get in a fist fight with, you choose teamsters? Lmao

No politician will. Israel is our only middle eastern ally. We’ve put too much many into them to just denounce them. Y’all really can’t think the U.S. was going to just side with Palestine lol

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22 hours ago, VOSS said:

This is what he was reacting to :skull: 

the senator's insecurities must be crazy if he a) needs to appear taller on TV and b) almost gets into a fist fight in a congressional hearing over a tweet. like yes, that teamsters guy was definitely trying to get a reaction out of him, but the fact that it worked... :rip: mullin is grown, he should know better.


it's actually insane how elected officials get away with this kind of behaviour. if someone at my office tried to fight another person it'd be a major HR incident and they would possibly even get fired. senators are meant to be leaders, not insecure man-children 

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21 hours ago, John Slayne said:

the senator's insecurities must be crazy if he a) needs to appear taller on TV and b) almost gets into a fist fight in a congressional hearing over a tweet. like yes, that teamsters guy was definitely trying to get a reaction out of him, but the fact that it worked... :rip: mullin is grown, he should know better.


it's actually insane how elected officials get away with this kind of behaviour. if someone at my office tried to fight another person it'd be a major HR incident and they would possibly even get fired. senators are meant to be leaders, not insecure man-children 

That picture says otherwise but in all seriousness, that was extremely embarrassing and just goes to show that our politicians operate on an entirely different rulebook because any other occupation would see major consequences for pulling this stunt at their place of employment. 

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