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Gay man's corpse is dug up and set on fire while hundreds of people celebrate


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On 11/15/2023 at 7:39 AM, Cloudy said:

The whataboutism in this thread jeez


Using any religion of any kind to spread hate is disgusting, doesn't matter whether is Islam, Judaism or Christianism. However I don't think it's fair to pin this on colonialim and the exploitation inflicted by white people, like sure many of the colonized countries have been deprived of many things, from resources, to food/water, to political estability and sure the abundance of those things leads to more progressive policies, acceptance and security, but to pin their rampant hate on "colonialism" I think it's a bit too far gone and honestly insulting.


These people choose to engage in this barbaric practices out of their own will, while they can or some rather say "focus" on the bigger issues they have. A dead gay man doesn't bother them but they still choose to violate his corpse like that even tho it doesn't fix the bigger issues their country might face.


That being said the people in here saying "coming to your closest european country" or "close their borders" should be ashamed of themselves honestly. Hate crimes towards queer people also happen in those so-called first world european countries, and I live in one of them and I can tell you it's linked to religious and far right fanatism if anything and not a lack of resources or progressive policies.

White missionaries from the "west" who go into African countries & aggressively push anti-LGBT religious ideologies in response to "woke"-ness in the west don't really help in the matter, now do they? Not to mention all the white pedos who go on a sex-tourism campaign around the continent where they lure young African boys into despicable acts so the locals, who, already have a stinted world on being gay can attribute it to those sick demented fucks who ruin it for us all.


I think the LGBT movement in the west, back in the 60s and 70s, benefitted GREATLY from the obscurity of not having our messiest moments & deranged few go viral & be easily distributed & presented as the reason why we shouldn't have rights by the typical brain-dead NPC gaslighting homophobes. You could say countries like Senegal could have kept up with the west & they have free agency at the end of the day, but you gotta remember, WHOLE countries are still trying to pull themselves out of the 3rd world rut & haven't been afforded the leisure & ideal conditions to reflect on social issues & dismantle archaic belief systems. 


There's also the coming to terms to be had with the fact that by the time a lot of people, from heavily religious 3rd world backgrounds in the modern era discovered what it was to be LGBT, all they had to go off of was majority white faces representing us, which makes it seem like a "western" thing, a deadly virus that reached every corner of the globe that was pinned on us (and believed to be caused by butt sex), our messiest viral moments, like, scat gay porn (anyone remember the "Eat da poo poo" video), the Illuminati gay agenda theories, and also stuff like devilish imagery from the likes of Lil Nas X and Sam Smith that does NO favors for us in the eyes of these people & in fact further cement & affirm their "end-time prophecies." This is why I'm as furious as I am when I see LGBT artist doing the whole "I'm a demon-child Illuminati puppet" troll type imagery. 


Religion is going to have to fall in these countries for these things to stop happening towards LGBT individuals in said countries, but it won't be no easy feat. It's not easy to just stop believing in something that you've been told since birth that if you don't follow, will in eternal damnation & torment.

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On 11/13/2023 at 5:07 PM, makeme said:

I expect no less from a muslim majority country. Look how happy they were to see that mans body burn. 

unfortunately i have to agree. Most muslim countries truly lack any bit of tolerance, it's crazy to me how not a single one of these countries is tolerant towards anything not heterosexual and male.

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20 minutes ago, Axolotl said:

Religions shouldn't exist in an ideal world.


As for these "people", what Wendy said

Yup. It’s full of hate. It’s just a cult really. 

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On 11/13/2023 at 11:52 PM, Daddy said:

Religion works the best on the uneducated.

Thailand is the most religious country in the world yet is also one of the more sexually liberal and gay tolerant countries. Also, the greatest intellectuals in the world have been overwhelmingly religious. Stop generalizing and stereotyping people. 

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4 hours ago, Axolotl said:

Religions shouldn't exist in an ideal world.


As for these "people", what Wendy said

Your “ideal” world without religion would also be devoid of civilization as religion is the catalyst for its development. Religion is the cornerstone of culture, the very element that differentiates humans from animals. 

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Yet another case of islamic extremists doing inhuman things but instead of condeming it:




Some users truly manifest another ww2. 



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14 hours ago, BrentB said:

White missionaries from the "west" who go into African countries & aggressively push anti-LGBT religious ideologies in response to "woke"-ness in the west don't really help in the matter, now do they? Not to mention all the white pedos who go on a sex-tourism campaign around the continent where they lure young African boys into despicable acts so the locals, who, already have a stinted world on being gay can attribute it to those sick demented fucks who ruin it for us all.


I think the LGBT movement in the west, back in the 60s and 70s, benefitted GREATLY from the obscurity of not having our messiest moments & deranged few go viral & be easily distributed & presented as the reason why we shouldn't have rights by the typical brain-dead NPC gaslighting homophobes. You could say countries like Senegal could have kept up with the west & they have free agency at the end of the day, but you gotta remember, WHOLE countries are still trying to pull themselves out of the 3rd world rut & haven't been afforded the leisure & ideal conditions to reflect on social issues & dismantle archaic belief systems. 


There's also the coming to terms to be had with the fact that by the time a lot of people, from heavily religious 3rd world backgrounds in the modern era discovered what it was to be LGBT, all they had to go off of was majority white faces representing us, which makes it seem like a "western" thing, a deadly virus that reached every corner of the globe that was pinned on us (and believed to be caused by butt sex), our messiest viral moments, like, scat gay porn (anyone remember the "Eat da poo poo" video), the Illuminati gay agenda theories, and also stuff like devilish imagery from the likes of Lil Nas X and Sam Smith that does NO favors for us in the eyes of these people & in fact further cement & affirm their "end-time prophecies." This is why I'm as furious as I am when I see LGBT artist doing the whole "I'm a demon-child Illuminati puppet" troll type imagery. 


Religion is going to have to fall in these countries for these things to stop happening towards LGBT individuals in said countries, but it won't be no easy feat. It's not easy to just stop believing in something that you've been told since birth that if you don't follow, will in eternal damnation & torment.

This such a weired take. What do you mean "does no favor for us in their eyes". Blaming people who actually have the courage to spit in the face of their hateful religion because you want to seem favored in their eyes is so sad. They hate you no matter what you do. Illuminati or no Illuminati. 

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7 hours ago, Samsara said:

Thailand is the most religious country in the world yet is also one of the more sexually liberal and gay tolerant countries. Also, the greatest intellectuals in the world have been overwhelmingly religious. Stop generalizing and stereotyping people. 

I doubt actually intelligent people believe in that ****. They are smart enough to pretend to be religious to get those sheep on their side. 


Religious people are incredibly dumb to me. Imagine believing in a god and killing for it. Or going from house to house, trying to grow your community for some weirdo sexual predator pastor :bibliahh:

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14 hours ago, BUWYGF said:

unfortunately i have to agree. Most muslim countries truly lack any bit of tolerance, it's crazy to me how not a single one of these countries is tolerant towards anything not heterosexual and male.

It's funny that it's consistently portrayed as a "muslim majority" country when it's really just any post-colonialism country


Cambridge Article about post-colonialism in the Middle East and Central Asia


The muslim world was forward thinking before they were invaded and the western ruling literally set them back to the (Christian) dark ages, mentality wise


It's a fact that some of the ruling they have now was implemented post-invasion by their occupiers, under which anti-gay laws. The muslim world didn't even care about homosexuality to this extent before then. Homosexuality as a concept is literally not mentioned in the Kuran either. The passage that is now, in this post-colonial time, taken as anti-gay was really just anti-lust


Instead of trying to help these countries come to better understanding, the West is literally complaining about the smell of the dump that they themselves took

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And you guys are pathetic for downvoting instead of being able to have an actual discussion about it, by the way. Live in your ignorance, that's cool, but don't pretend you're any better than the Republicans supporting Israel right now. 

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post colonialism is a serious issue but I wonder how does that justify digging up dead gay man's body and setting it on fire

maybe just admit some people are purely evil?

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4 hours ago, kataraqueen said:

It's funny that it's consistently portrayed as a "muslim majority" country when it's really just any post-colonialism country


Cambridge Article about post-colonialism in the Middle East and Central Asia


The muslim world was forward thinking before they were invaded and the western ruling literally set them back to the (Christian) dark ages, mentality wise


It's a fact that some of the ruling they have now was implemented post-invasion by their occupiers, under which anti-gay laws. The muslim world didn't even care about homosexuality to this extent before then. Homosexuality as a concept is literally not mentioned in the Kuran either. The passage that is now, in this post-colonial time, taken as anti-gay was really just anti-lust


Instead of trying to help these countries come to better understanding, the West is literally complaining about the smell of the dump that they themselves took

Counties there were colonized by Europe:



Countries in which being gay is punishable by death:



Can you explain why the first map is like... most of the world, but the second one is only Muslim majority countries? :bird:

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22 minutes ago, Talento said:

Counties there were colonized by Europe:



Countries in which being gay is punishable by death:



Can you explain why the first map is like... most of the world, but the second one is only Muslim majority countries? :bird:

It's already explained in my original comment that you downvoted while clearly barely reading it 💀

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Daily reminder that criticism of Islam is not Islamophobic nor bigoted, and should not be conflated with discrimination against Muslims themselves. Religion can and should be criticized, satirized, mocked, and even outright condemned in a free society.


Islam today is certainly the most homophobic religion and people are right to call that out. The problem is, it's also the least tolerant to any criticism of it, or to any suggestions of its reformation.

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18 hours ago, Samsara said:

Your “ideal” world without religion would also be devoid of civilization as religion is the catalyst for its development. Religion is the cornerstone of culture, the very element that differentiates humans from animals. 

There are many things that differentiates us from animals. The opposite is true. Religion has slowed down human progress. Organized Religion is dangerous and should not be supported by political parties anymore.


I've studied some of the religions like Hinduism, Buddhism etc. and one thing that I learned is that all Religions are man-made, patriarchal and sexist. All major Religions were created by heterosexual men and for heterosexual men. Everyone should read the scriptures from all Religions. It almost turned me into an Atheist. I'm Spiritual, I believe in Animism. I have no issues with people believing in a God, in one of the organized Religions but it should be a private thing and Religions should have no influence on our society and politics anymore. The abrahamic and dharmic Religions are ancient, hundreds and thousands of years old. We shouldn't follow the rules of old societies that were completely different from our society. We live in a new age and we should create our own rules and explore our own spiritual paths. Most importantly we should always support Science over Religion.

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14 hours ago, Qrcode said:

This such a weired take. What do you mean "does no favor for us in their eyes". Blaming people who actually have the courage to spit in the face of their hateful religion because you want to seem favored in their eyes is so sad. They hate you no matter what you do. Illuminati or no Illuminati. 

Gosh :skull:. It always be one or two of y'all misconstruing my points & making some s*** up that you swear I'm insinuating from out of thin air :priceless:. Now ain't that some s***? Is that what you surmised from all I said? 


But yeah anyway. If anyone has been around these religious nutcases for a hot minute, you know that "sticking" it to them by way of rocking trademark baphomet horns doesn't really steer the conversation in the direction that you would like it. It's not even about trying to coddle their religious beliefs because chile I DON'T & never will do that. But like you wouldn't go to a mosque & say "Muhhammed is not real!" & expect your ass to stay alive the whole time, now would you?


It's going to take A LOT of tact to convince these people to even tolerate LGBT individuals, unfortunately, so get over it western gays. It's not as simple as "STOP BELIEVING IN THAT ARCHAIC BOOK, WE'RE IN 2023" Again, MANY religious people still operate on the deeply ingrained fear of going against what they were taught to, not only risk being ostracized, but also risk what they believe is a possibility of eternity in hellfire. It sucks, but that's just goes to show the extent of spreading this disgusting demonic ideology to the four corners of the planet. This is the mess that y'all's forefathers made (you hate to hear it but oh well:redface:). If you want it to change, you have to approach it with extreme tact. There's nothing really much more to it.

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And people say gay people are having more rights than straight people lol

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On 11/13/2023 at 4:53 PM, Aston Martin said:

I wish homophobes all the pain and suffering in the world. That's all :heart2:

pointless, this people thought what they did was  right in this case theythought its what the god wanted. making them suffer will just create more suffering when we see stories like this its easy to dehumanise the perpatrators but their still people. What they need is education and peace for progres its gross and sad but the reality is in their heads their the good guys

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