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Gay man's corpse is dug up and set on fire while hundreds of people celebrate


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What kind instances force someone to accumulate such hatred, to even disturb a resting soul and celebrate on top of it?


Hope he is finally at peace even with these devil creatures trying to interrupt his final quiet and peaceful destination.

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This looks like a story from 15th century, vile behaviour


This obsession with gay men is deranged, the only one who is mentally ill is someone who would do such thing. The guy is already dead, I feel bad for the family


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12 minutes ago, DONTYELLATME said:

The people here conveniently ignoring how Africa was robbed of its resources and was never given a chance by the west to develop. But yeah deflect to racism! 


Africa, Middle East.

The West commits genocides, ground levels of bombings, dry out their resources to the point they die of starvation, and then you have people on ATRL who wonder themselves why such countries don't have more pro LGBTQ+ policies, as if their main concern aren't food and dealing with their tyrant governments which again, are left as a scar BY the west stepping foot there in the first place.

But yayyyy another chance to make this about islamophobia.

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18 minutes ago, DONTYELLATME said:

The people here conveniently ignoring how Africa was robbed of its resources and was never given a chance by the west to develop. But yeah deflect to racism! 

What does this have to do with anything? More than 80% of the world was colonized by Europe, yet being gay isn't illegal in 80% of the world today. So clearly the common denominator is something else... :hippo:

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1 minute ago, Itsaliability said:

as if their main concern aren't food and dealing with their tyrant governments which again, are left as a scar BY the west stepping foot there in the first place.

Then why aren't these hundreds of people fighting that, instead of desecrating a poor man's dead body? :hippo: 


Clearly this is a big concern to them.

Edited by Talento
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If I speak, I will get banned.

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Wow no wonder so many are willing to cross the ocean and risk their lives to get to europe, to safety... 

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2 minutes ago, Itsaliability said:


Africa, Middle East.

The West commits genocides, ground levels of bombings, dry out their resources to the point they die of starvation, and then you have people on ATRL who wonder themselves why such countries don't have more pro LGBTQ+ policies, as if their main concern aren't food and dealing with their tyrant governments which again, are left as a scar BY the west stepping foot there in the first place.

But yayyyy another chance to make this about islamophobia.

So the reason why they are homophobic and kill people for being homophobic is because they have more important on going problems and because they get bombed by the west?


Some quick google search showed me that it doesn't seem like that they got bombed my western countries in a long time, but maybe you mean the british occupation in 1758 which was nearly 300 years ago.



It seems like you are just trying to find an excuse for this hate crime - which there should be none.

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4 minutes ago, Talento said:

Then why aren't these hundreds of people fighting that, instead of desecrating a poor man's dead body? :hippo: 


Clearly this is a big concern to them.

When you have people depraved from EDUCATION it is expected to deal with ignorance isn't it? Even more so when these people have to risk their lives for food and water.

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Awful. Africa as a whole is becoming more accepting, but there are countries where homophobia is rampant. Most of these countries are poor and very religious. But this takes the cake, just incredibly barbaric and inhumane

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1 minute ago, Itsaliability said:

When you have people depraved from EDUCATION it is expected to deal with ignorance isn't it? Even more so when these people have to risk their lives for food and water.

You don't have to do this to yourself. Pls stop oversqueezing your brain trying to come up with nonsense to justify the behaviour of "people" who will shoot you (at best) on sight and do the exact same things to you as that man in the video. They're not worth it.

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1 minute ago, Zaram said:

So the reason why they are homophobic and kill people for being homophobic is because they have more important on going problems and because they get bombed by the west?


Some quick google search showed me that it doesn't seem like that they got bombed my western countries in a long time, but maybe you mean the british occupation in 1758 which was nearly 300 years ago.



It seems like you are just trying to find an excuse for this hate crime - which there should be none.

Dont you ever put words in my mouth, never said that and you can read even my earlier reply.

Those people are neither Muslim, Christian, Jewish or whatever else religion they claim to be. They are simply evil souls who deserve nothing but agony in my opinion.

As for the other things you said, you either missed my point or decided to.

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8 minutes ago, LadyDiana said:

Wow no wonder so many are willing to cross the ocean and risk their lives to get to europe, to safety... 


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5 minutes ago, dumbsparce said:

You don't have to do this to yourself. Pls stop oversqueezing your brain trying to come up with nonsense to justify the behaviour of "people" who will shoot you (at best) on sight and do the exact same things to you as that man in the video. They're not worth it.

I'm not doing anything to myself actually, and don't really think I'm talking nonsense to justify anyone , the people in the video even less. What I was trying to do, was point out the rampant islamophobia running around here at the first chance.

1) Craig Gee

2) George Duncan

3) Edivaldo Silva de Oliveira, Jeovan Bandeira

4) Alexandre Peixe dos Santos

5) Alain Brosseau

6) Wilfred de Brujin

7) Elisa Pomarelli, Massimo Sebastiani

8) Magne Andreassen

9) William Dalziel

10) Matthew Shepard

And so so soooo many other cases of LGBTQ+ people being hatecrimed, by christian people. But in no way, shape or form should we make the conversation about the murderers being Christians rather than them being evil creatures. 

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1 minute ago, DatChickDoe said:

Islamphobia isn’t real. Just a cult of brainwashed dumb fucks who should kill themselves off. 

Do you really believe this or just said it to antagonise?

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The LGBTQ+ community in Senegal lives in fear and my heart goes out to them because I can't imagine how depressing it is to live like that.

I'm going to say something controversial and it may piss some people off. Religion is not compatible with modern societies. It is archaic and the mindset of those who cling to it reflect that. I don't care what someone's religion is, but the minute you start using your religion as a battering ram to spread misery and hate is the minute your religion should be discredited.  

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1 hour ago, Itsaliability said:


Africa, Middle East.

The West commits genocides, ground levels of bombings, dry out their resources to the point they die of starvation, and then you have people on ATRL who wonder themselves why such countries don't have more pro LGBTQ+ policies, as if their main concern aren't food and dealing with their tyrant governments which again, are left as a scar BY the west stepping foot there in the first place.

But yayyyy another chance to make this about islamophobia.

And burning gays helps them with getting food how exactly? :skull: If they have tyrant goverment maybe they should be burning...I don't know, parliament? Not gay people :rip:  Because of people like you far right parties are getting more and more votes in Europe...

Edited by Raptus
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2 minutes ago, Raptus said:

And burning gays helps them with getting food how exactly? :skull: If they have tyrant goverment maybe they should be burning...I don't know, parliament? Not gay people :rip:  

It has to be gaslighting at this point.

Do you really miss the point of what I'm saying or just refusing to have a bit more deeper understanding into what im saying?

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Hope all "holy" books  will burn in this century


Madonna - Like A Prayer (Remastered Music Video) : trust no one

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3 minutes ago, Raptus said:

Hope all "holy" books  will burn in this century


Madonna - Like A Prayer (Remastered Music Video) : trust no one

Amen to this actually.

Religion has never been anything else but a necessary mean to controll the masses. 

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1 minute ago, Itsaliability said:

Amen to this actually.

Religion has never been anything else but a necessary mean to controll the masses. 

and it's CRAZY to think people still haven't realized this. mass control is actually a really scary concept and people don't seem to mind it.

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40 minutes ago, Itsaliability said:

I'm not doing anything to myself actually, and don't really think I'm talking nonsense to justify anyone , the people in the video even less. What I was trying to do, was point out the rampant islamophobia running around here at the first chance.

1) Craig Gee

2) George Duncan

3) Edivaldo Silva de Oliveira, Jeovan Bandeira

4) Alexandre Peixe dos Santos

5) Alain Brosseau

6) Wilfred de Brujin

7) Elisa Pomarelli, Massimo Sebastiani

8) Magne Andreassen

9) William Dalziel

10) Matthew Shepard

And so so soooo many other cases of LGBTQ+ people being hatecrimed, by christian people. But in no way, shape or form should we make the conversation about the murderers being Christians rather than them being evil creatures. 

Not to minimize those hate crimes but Senegal is 96.6% islamic as their "religion". So yeah, it's hate based on religion, that one being islam, you're doing a whataboutism with something similar, manipulating the person you're discussing with to make a conclusion similar to this:  "if this happens elsewhere it must be normal, I shouldn't judge islam".


And that's sad 'cause that makes you not fight for improvement there. Islam is a religion that has a lot ignorant, unjustified hate, based on politics, not spirituality. Period. Stop sugar-coating it. And that must be addressed as a world problem we should tackle.

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7 minutes ago, Mastamaind said:

Not to minimize those hate crimes but Senegal is 96.6% islamic as their "religion". So yeah, it's hate based on religion, that one being islam, you're doing a whataboutism with something similar, manipulating the person you're discussing with to make a conclusion similar to this:  "if this happens elsewhere it must be normal, I shouldn't judge islam".


And that's sad 'cause that makes you not fight for improvement there. Islam is a religion that has a lot ignorant, unjustified hate, based on politics, not spirituality. Period. Stop sugar-coating it. And that must be addressed as a world problem we should tackle.

My fight for improvement actually starts here, by trying to highlight the islamophobia of users and you're only perpetrating that. One even said that islamophobia does not exist and they should all kill themselves.

Secondly when giving reasons as to what has brought these countries to this situation you have other users nitpicking and derailing the point of my reply to whichever direction they want to.

Point is, the topic of this thread is a horrific happenstance, the participants of which I want to see going through the worst of the  worst, such hatred can only be confronted with such. 

Americans in majority are Christians, does that make Colorado Springs shooting a hate crime based on religion?

Hatecrimes against LBGTQ+ community have been happening for ages and when highlighted, we should condem with extreme measures the ones who commit them and the religion of the ones involved shouldn't be the main point of the conversation.

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