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Gay man's corpse is dug up and set on fire while hundreds of people celebrate


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Does it say how he passed away? Knowing how cruel people can be to gay men I'm just glad they didn't burn him alive

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******* disgusting

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You could be the worst person in the world and I still wouldn’t cheer if I watched your corpse burn.


This made me sick to my stomach. Extremely barbaric.

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Then people ask why millenials are not having children. 


Well, because it's a sick sad world. Why would you bring a child to this horrible intolerant place? 

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40 minutes ago, dumbsparce said:

I refuse to refer to these beings as people. No amount of underprivileges justifies these monstrosities.

But they are people like you and I at the core, and that’s the scary part. That needs to be accepted to understand why this happens and ultimately make it stop.

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17 minutes ago, Arrows said:

You could be the worst person in the world and I still wouldn’t cheer if I watched your corpse burn.


This made me sick to my stomach. Extremely barbaric.


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There are already so many of these lovely joyous people and their lovely peaceful religion who moved to London and many other major European cities. But it’s not enough though. We need to get more of them here as soon as possible. We need them to be the majority. I hope more of them emigrate, and overpopulate the areas where woke liberal gays live. I’m sure woke lefty liberal gays would love that and welcome them with open arms xoxo :clown: :rainbow: :heart::rainbow::heart2::heart::rainbow:


Edited by What_A_Mess
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38 minutes ago, Arrows said:

But they are people like you and I at the core, and that’s the scary part. That needs to be accepted to understand why this happens and ultimately make it stop.

In theory, that seems correct but lbr, these nations are too far gone. These are beliefs the majority of the world stopped practicing hundreds of years ago, even in other islamic states. No amount of civilised intervention will enlighten them bc there's absolutely nothing there to work with. This is not some suburban family kicking their son out of the house for being gay. If you found out your neighbor did sth like this would you care to educate them or would you wish they rot in jail and suffer for the rest of their life? For me, the answer is obvious.



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28 minutes ago, XtunaStan said:

Sorry, not currently interested in discussing the harms of Islamic extremism with those currently silent about the harms of Jewish extremism! Very interesting to see what types of extremism illicit what types of reactions for specific ATRLers! Hope your silence is just a fluke!

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Coming soon(tm) to a European country near you 


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of Those people?? If I say something I’d get a warning so let me just say I don’t wish nothing good to those monsters. 

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Religion shouldnt go above basic human rights. People doin this should face jail time. Countries who are behind human rights should face big consequences :giraffe: Women-LGBTI--Multilculturality and more.....should be respected and it should be mandatory

Its time to stop being a weak ass and put more rules to religious people. Sayin this as someone raised religious my whole life. For our civilization to advance we need to trade religion for spirituality, Stop all these religions and cults and their power. All of them. If they dont follow basic human rights rules...then it shouldnt be allowed

Do you all want me to remind you of the dark ages? How religion stopped advancement of humanity for centuries? 

If yll read about the tolerance paradox...if we allow everything at the end the intolerant will win :giraffe:

I love GOD-The Creator of the universe but religions can be really harmful and dangerous. I was in  a cult (jehova witness) and i know what im speaking about. 

Some of them are the word of GOD goin wrong......

i want people to do whatever they want but when it brings suffering like this....i think we need to recalibrate things. 

My heart breaks for this beautiful guy :emofish: 
i love you all in ATRL. Even if sometimes we fight i know youre all good people and is a blessing to share that.
cause there'''s really really bad people outside. With hearts filled with vitriol and anger.
sometimes we think we know bad people but we dont...There real real evil people outside. For thirst for death and suffering :giraffe:


Edited by AvadaKedavra
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Clear as clean water that people use religion as a hateful agenda. Now who's pushing an agenda to who? Yeah, right. For these people it's worse being homosexual than being a murderer. Don't know if there's a space in heaven for that. See you in hell extremists.

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The people here conveniently ignoring how Africa was robbed of its resources and was never given a chance by the west to develop. But yeah deflect to racism! 

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Out of all the problems in this country that they could've been using this energy on, they're choosing it to spend on a dead gay man instead. :biblio:

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