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Noah Schnapp promotes stickers that say: “Zionism is sexy” and “Hamas is ISIS”

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10 hours ago, ForgottenSoul said:

Palestine belongs to Palestinians.. which wasn't called that until Palestine the actual country was formed after Isreal was. As you said many people co existed in that area yet you think only Palestine has the right to form a country and no-one else, that makes a lot of sense. 

Lies. Palestinians have been identifying as Palestinian when zionists were still in europe



1. The 3rd Palestinian congress held in Haifa in 1920


2. Chilean football club 'Palestino' founded by Palestinian immigrants in Chile also in 1920 (Chile has the biggest Palestinian diaspora outside of the Middle East)


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18 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Right 💀 literally people supporting a terrorist organization that’s also murdering and has murdered the same people they are saying they care so much about 💀

These people are Neanderthals but it’s no surprise nobody outside of ATRL or Twitter takes their opinions seriously :rip:


They need to be mentally evaluated for the absurd, weird obsession they have with Israeli/Jewish people. Antisemitism at its finest. 

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2 minutes ago, Airlie said:

These people are Neanderthals but it’s no surprise nobody outside of ATRL or Twitter takes their opinions seriously :rip:


They need to be mentally evaluated for the absurd, weird obsession they have with Israeli/Jewish people. Antisemitism at its finest. 

it's really ironic to me how antisemitism is so bad but not the fact that Israel has been practicing genocide for over 50 years trying to eradicate the Palestinians. crazy how you're so focused on the antisemitism but not the racism that Israle practices and has been practicing for over 50 years. if many people on ATRL are neanderthals, then you're a bias bigot. see how that works? :hippo:

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Zionism is ugly. Very ugly

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3 minutes ago, John Slayne said:

Don't take this the wrong way, but this is such a bleak, nihilistic, and self-serving take. It doesn't affect you so it's easy to say 'oh well, sucks to be them I guess, but we can't stop it', as if these weren't conscious paths and political decisions being taken, not just appearing out of thin air.

I mean those political decisions and conscious paths were first undertaken in the 1960s and have continued to snowball up to this point, but the momentum has been such that it's been truly inevitable for at least 20 years and we've all just been missing the flashpoint. 



Your appeals to 'human nature' of genocide are also ahistorical and include 0 evidence for why genocide/conquest is  needed (you used this word repeatedly, which is weird to me, as I can't think of a single genocide that was in any way necessary for human development). Yes, human history is violent, but it also includes many examples of when people and nations cooperated, worked together, and rose up against injustice to better themselves. Genocide and colonisation are not inevitable consequences of civilisation, they are political decisions that ought to be resisted and pushed back against. 

I wouldn't argue that genocide is a necessity of human nature, but that it is, to the minds of those in Jerusalem, necessary for their own self preservation given their internal rhetoric as the "last safe place for the Jews" and the obvious security flaws that they appear to have encountered having so many non-Jews living within close proximity. My academic background is in political history and I've done a great deal of personal study on the topic in my own time and I literally cannot think of a group of people who did not collaborate to suit their own interests. Even the earliest alliances in history have roots in trying to band together to tear down a greater threat than the one you've allied with. Even the in the most benevolent cases (such as the Dutch versus the water), the groups ended up literally merging around the cause and then immediately focusing their attention toward external enemies. If you're only considering a post-1945 historical framework, then yes, the majority of countries have tried to cooperate and improve themselves, but the argument that I've tried to make is that the current Israeli government is not operating in that framework and is seemingly looking to siege and destruction tactics and strategies developed during the 30 years war in the 17th century. I'd also argue that for the vast majority of human history, the only reason civilizations formed in the first place was to fight against their neighbors, build up strength, and steal their land, livestock, and women, before your neighbor gained enough strength to steal your land, livestock, and women. Whether it be in the city-states of Phoenicia, Venice, Genoa, any of the Chinese Warring States periods, or the Mongols, the Neo-Assyrians of Sennacherib, or the Timurid empires, the goal has been to get things and land at the expense of the groups around you, which is the simplest modern definition of colonialism. I wouldn't say that genocide was inevitable there either, but it and ethnic cleansing were extremely frequently employed tactics. I couldn't even begin to list all the known genocides of history, let alone those of the pre-Axial age that we just don't know about. 




I'm finding it hard to imagine that you'd be saying the same thing if you were in Gaza with you friends/family being carpet bombed right now. I understand that we as individuals can't save the world, but it is a worthwhile cause to campaign and exert pressure on politicians, especially in the US/UK. The pro-Palestinian movement has never been bigger and stronger and it grows every day. Things can be different, saying otherwise is just a lazy cop out. If every progressive in history took your position and just rolled with whatever the powerful decide we would still live in ancient slave societies. 

Of course my perspective would be different if I was trapped in Gaza being pummeled to death by uncaring Israeli military actions. The pro-Palestine movement has never been bigger and yet it hasn't caused the Netanyahu regime to blink even once (unless you count the four hour breaks in fighting that weren't even respected). I don't doubt that there is the potential for the movement to exact real change, but by the time it gets that powerful (and assuming that more people haven't given up hope in the face of no progress), will there still be any Palestinians living in Gaza? The best card that the pro-Palestinian has to pull right now is "Joe Biden, we won't vote for you!", but he's counting that as a bluff because the other option is Donald Trump. So either, people cave and vote for Biden and this continues, or they don't, and Donald Trump (or Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis or Vivek Ramaswamy or whoever) becomes the president, and that will only make things worse. Slavery abolitionism and the development of the fundamental rights of man took centuries to develop and required like three religious and moral upheavals alongside the death of 1/3 of the European population from disease (and things like the racial equality of Americans took over 100 years to actually make happen). Again, I don't know how the pro-Palestine movement is planning to set off shocks to the political system that are strong enough to initiate that level of change before the Israeli's have succeeded in wiping out the Palestinians. I've already admitted that my position on the issue is pretty nihilistic, dreary, and hopeless, but I haven't seen anything actionable or realistic to stop what's happening now before it's too late (hence the nihilism, dreariness, and hopelessness). 

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Wtf is wrong with him, it’s like he’s trolling at this point 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, wastedpotential said:

I mean I'd really argue that human morality was initially designed to include ones clan of like 30-40 people at the exclusion of everyone else because of sheer scarcity and competition back in the Stone Age, and that the extension of inclusive morality to one's broader ethnic (or ideological) group was a big stretch for our species as it was. The US and the West hold to their morals when it benefits them (best example being the self-motivated abolition of slavery or the literal concept of human rights through the Christian Enlightenments of the 17th and 18th centuries), and to ignore those morals when it suits their interests (such as the famines in Bengal or the implementation of Jim Crow laws), just as everyone else does on both individual and geopolitical levels. Frankly, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, though I do think we'd all be better off in being more honest about that fact. I don't think American morals, Israeli morals (those governing the actions of the IDF) or Western morals are rooted in anything more than self-preservation and self-furtherance any more than I think Palestinian morals (particularly the morals governing Hamas), Chinese morals, Russian morals in Ukraine, or Senegalese morals regarding LGBTQ+ people (just to tie in to other current events). Benevolence without an ulterior motive is fake and pretending (or believing) otherwise is foolish. Wasn't the noble savage myth propagated in the belief that some people just aren't evilly self-interested, and then destroyed by revelations of Iroquois genocide?  


Surely you can recognize and would be willing to publicly admit (lest you be intellectually dishonest) that your own individual morals can apply selectively to cases you are more or less sympathetic for, and that at least some degree of your support for Palestine comes from your own anti-Americanism. I'd have to speak with you in greater depth to determine if this comes from some internal sense of ideological rebellion against the system in which you were brought up, or if you saw something when you were younger that strongly turned you away from the US (I don't know how old you are, but maybe Iraq 2003?), or if you decided at some point that opposing the US is the right thing to do because it was the first ideology you fell in with online, and you're driven to support Palestine by a desire to feel morally superior to the supporters of the evil colonialist regime in Jerusalem? I'm not sure if you've ever elaborated on why you believe what you do believe so strongly or where the motivations driving your beliefs and morals come from, but as someone who studies stuff like this for a job, I'd love to hear more. 


In the real world, I don't think anyone should be offended by what actions a state (or a non-state actor such as Hamas) might do in the furtherance of their political goals, even if they may disagree with the methods. I can rationalize as to why Hamas has acted the way that it has, and I can rationalize the reasons that Israel has acted the way that it has, but that doesn't mean I'm tolerant of shooting up music festivals or bombing hospitals. 


There is quite literally nothing that you or I can do to support the Palestinians at this point, unless you want to go over Jerusalem and stand outside the Knesset wearing a suicide vest - and even then, the snipers on the roof would get you before you could actually accomplish anything in support of Palestine. The money that is sent (let alone the money that actually makes it into Gaza) is microscopic compared to what Israel gets from the US, and at this point it's not as if they can buy any more food or water or gas or medical supplies. The people of Gaza are going to be driven out of the strip into camps in Egypt, the stragglers will be summarily executed, and the refugee camps will be bombed and forced through man-made famines. My own personal sense of morality (be it self interested) finds that fact disgusting, but it is the inevitable. The Israelis will have no trouble outlasting the toothless UN resolutions and the peaceful protests that will eventually die down to a much quieter level and will be even easier for world leaders to ignore than they have been, and the violent protests will be stamped down upon, and life will go on for those of us fortunate enough to not have been born in Gaza. Either Joe Biden will get re-elected and the war will continue at its current pace, or Donald Trump will be elected president and the war will be sped up. There is no form of radical regime change in the US that can be forced through by a group of unarmed protesters who don't have the support of the military or of the people. To my mind, as I've said several times, this is an inevitability and pretending otherwise is naive. I'm not encouraging you (or anyone) to give up the fight, but I don't think you've got even a microscopic chance of succeeding here, and the more you try the greater the pushback. 


I'm going to be quite honest and say that I think that whatever it is that appeals to you about lost causes is the same thing that drives me to want to cut my individual emotional losses and move on. To my eyes, as I said earlier, this is a lost cause. I feel a deep sense of pity for Palestinians right now, but I also know better than to throw my lot in behind a cause that will only lead to more tragedy and disappointment. I hope for your sake that the payments you make to the families of the PFLP and DFLP fighters that get executed in Israeli prisons actually make it through the remittence barrier, I'm sure your sense of morality needs it :heart2:

Sis... I genuinely have no clue how to read the tone of this post nor how to respond to it.


It reads like you're trying to hide the brazen contradictions in your worldview - or the worldview of the forces you try to defend - via pontification and empty philosophy.


“Well, you see… genocide occurs.” That’s literally the point you make over 2 paragraphs. You even know this is needless because you *anticipate* the natural rebuke: “Yes, but in the world as we live in it in 2023, the powers that be claim to find such immoral.” To which you then go: “Well… YES! But….. they don’t *actually* disagree with it.”


It’s veers into being masturbatory. “But Israel leaders WANT to commit genocide.” “Well YES America *SHOULD* be opposed to this, but they are *NOT*, so wouldn’t you concede that ending such is unrealistic?”. “We *CAN’T* actually stop Zionists from committing genocide so we must try to understand them.”


What? I think you think this will convince someone that there is futility in the idea of opposing a Zionist state, but all you have done is reiterated the moral contradiction of the West, and that then such should not be the basis of which someone judges the actions of Palestinians. I mean, you literally say so here:


I honestly think it's a waste of everyone's time to be stuck in the trivialities and the moralistic back-and-forth of whether Israel should be allowed to do what they're doing, when it's clear that they have the ability to do it anyway. 

Let alone... “Anti-Americanism”? If my intolerance, as you say, for the genocide of the Palestinian people was rooted in anti-Americanism, why would I be *upset* over American politicians I support not only tolerating genocide but also being unmoved by the overwhelming hurt and intolerance to it expressed voters? 


It feels.. pedantic. There’s no material difference between Offense and Tolerance. If you are arguing, as you are, that not tolerating the genocide of Palestinians is a pointless stance to take because Israel is going to get away with things like bombing hospitals anyway and those who oppose genocide can't actually stop it, you’ve not convinced me to accept the alleged futility. You’ve only convinced me that it *is* then similarly fine to then tolerate mass civilian casualties at music festivals.


Again, I don't hold those views, but in your theoretical where Israel is in unstoppable force in motion that simply cannot be stopped, you only then further convince me that Western moralism is a needless distraction for Palestinians they should be free of, not a force by which we should just forcibly apply to them to accept their fate.


Like this:


I'm going to be quite honest and say that I think that whatever it is that appeals to you about lost causes is the same thing that drives me to want to cut my individual emotional losses and move on. To my eyes, as I said earlier, this is a lost cause. I feel a deep sense of pity for Palestinians right now, but I also know better than to throw my lot in behind a cause that will only lead to more tragedy

is pretty garish. I have to simply give you the benefit of the doubt you don't understand how such read to others, because the only other explanation if you're fully cognizant and emotionally aware of what you're saying is that your views are no different than the kind of Atlantic Council, Western NGO forces who are pro-genocide.

Edited by Communion
38 minutes ago, Bloo said:

More than 300,000 people marched for a ceasefire in London alone. You must live in a cave if you think only people on ATRL and X share the opinion that Israel should’t be committing war crimes. 

300,000 - wow! I wonder why that would be... Let’s see:


Total Muslim population
  • 3,868,133 (2021)[1]
  • 6.5% of the total population
  • (Figures for England and Wales only)
Regions with significant populations
Greater London 1,318,754
West Midlands 569,963
North West England 563,105
Yorkshire and the Humber 442,533


  • Thumbs Down 15
9 minutes ago, Airlie said:

300,000 - wow! I wonder why that would be... Let’s see:


Total Muslim population
  • 3,868,133 (2021)[1]
  • 6.5% of the total population
  • (Figures for England and Wales only)
Regions with significant populations
Greater London 1,318,754
West Midlands 569,963
North West England 563,105
Yorkshire and the Humber 442,533


Are the voice of Muslim people less valuable? What are you implying? :rip:

  • Like 10
28 minutes ago, Archetype said:

Wtf is wrong with him, it’s like he’s trolling at this point 

He’ll be on his uncle Ben Schnappiro‘s show next.

17 minutes ago, Airlie said:

300,000 - wow! I wonder why that would be... Let’s see:


Total Muslim population
  • 3,868,133 (2021)[1]
  • 6.5% of the total population
  • (Figures for England and Wales only)
Regions with significant populations
Greater London 1,318,754
West Midlands 569,963
North West England 563,105
Yorkshire and the Humber 442,533

Just as I thought. Extremely vile and racist.

  • Like 7
Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Airlie said:

300,000 - wow! I wonder why that would be... Let’s see:


Total Muslim population
  • 3,868,133 (2021)[1]
  • 6.5% of the total population
  • (Figures for England and Wales only)
Regions with significant populations
Greater London 1,318,754
West Midlands 569,963
North West England 563,105
Yorkshire and the Humber 442,533


Oh god! Just this post doesn't make me wanna dig further into this thread.

Wont bother reading these 10 pages..

Edited by Mystic Boy
  • ATRL Moderator

I mean, the Hamas one is whatever, but what the actual hell at the Zionism one?  Does he fully understand what he's endorsing?

18 minutes ago, Artistofthedecade said:

Are the voice of Muslim people less valuable? What are you implying? :rip:

How the hell do you gather that from my post? :deadbanana2: 


I’m implying that obviously the march in London had a lot of attendees because London has a large Muslim population :rip: just like in Australia (Sydney, Melbourne), Canada (Toronto, Montreal), etc. Didn’t think I had to dumb it down any further but also not surprised. 


11 minutes ago, ICLDXU4HS said:

Just as I thought. Extremely vile and racist.

Vile and racist?? Babe, you’ve been publicly supporting a terrorist group on this thread killing innocent people. Please have several seats, bird brain. 

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1 minute ago, Airlie said:

I’m implying that obviously the march in London had a lot of attendees because London has a large Muslim population :rip: just like in Australia (Sydney, Melbourne), Canada (Toronto, Montreal), etc.

And why does it matter if they are muslim or not? :rip:

1 minute ago, Artistofthedecade said:

And why does it matter if they are muslim or not? :rip:

How many of the 1.8 BILLION Muslims in the world are pro-Israel? Quick!


Israel is literally surrounded by countries that have been wishing for it to be wiped out for 75 years now. Y’all are so clueless :deadbanana2: 

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Airlie said:

Israel is literally surrounded by countries that have been wishing for it to be wiped out for 75 years now.

Whereas Israel is the one that wipes out other countries for 75 years now so where are we going on from here?


Edited by Artistofthedecade
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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Artistofthedecade said:

Whereas Israel is the one that wipes out other countries so where are we going on from here?


What other countries? Palestine isn’t a country and never will be - otherwise it would’ve happened by now. Google Maps didn’t even recognize it until a few years ago. :rip:  Now you’re just saying literally anything :deadbanana2: What else you got? 

Edited by Airlie
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3 hours ago, ForgottenSoul said:

Okay then they are both terrorists groups will you call Hamas that now? 

Yeah IDF is a terrorist, fascist organization full of brain-dead, racist, bloodthirsty ghouls.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Airlie said:

Palestine isn’t a country and never will be.

Palestine is currently recognized by 138 United Nations member states but thanks for basically admitting that Israel is wiping out the land of Palestinian people who have been living there for centuries. You are really not the brightest, are you 

Edited by Artistofthedecade
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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

Sis... I genuinely have no clue how to read the tone of this post nor how to respond to it.


It reads like you're trying to hide the brazen contradictions in your worldview - or the worldview of the forces you try to defend - via pontification and empty philosophy.


“Well, you see… genocide occurs.” That’s literally the point you make over 2 paragraphs. You even know this is needless because you *anticipate* the natural rebuke: “Yes, but in the world as we live in it in 2023, the powers that be claim to find such immoral.” To which you then go: “Well… YES! But….. they don’t *actually* disagree with it.”


It’s veers into being masturbatory. “But Israel leaders WANT to commit genocide.” “Well YES America *SHOULD* be opposed to this, but they are *NOT*, so wouldn’t you concede that ending such is unrealistic?”. “We *CAN’T* actually stop Zionists from committing genocide so we must try to understand them.”


What? I think you think this will convince someone that there is futility in the idea of opposing a Zionist state, but all you have done is reiterated the moral contradiction of the West, and that then such should not be the basis of which someone judges the actions of Palestinians. I mean, you literally say so here:

Let alone... “Anti-Americanism”? If my intolerance, as you say, for the genocide of the Palestinian people was rooted in anti-Americanism, why would I be *upset* over American politicians I support not only tolerating genocide but also being unmoved by the overwhelming hurt and intolerance to it expressed voters? 


It feels.. pedantic. There’s no material difference between Offense and Tolerance. If you are arguing, as you are, that not tolerating the genocide of Palestinians is a pointless stance to take because Israel is going to get away with things like bombing hospitals anyway and those who oppose genocide can't actually stop it, you’ve not convinced me to accept the alleged futility. You’ve only convinced me that it *is* then similarly fine to then tolerate mass civilian casualties at music festivals.


Again, I don't hold those views, but in your theoretical where Israel is in unstoppable force in motion that simply cannot be stopped, you only then further convince me that Western moralism is a needless distraction for Palestinians they should be free of, not a force by which we should just forcibly apply to them to accept their fate.


Like this:

is pretty garish. I have to simply give you the benefit of the doubt you don't understand how such read to others, because the only other explanation if you're fully cognizant and emotionally aware of what you're saying is that your views are no different than the kind of Atlantic Council, Western NGO forces who are pro-genocide.

Then I don't think we're in nearly as much disagreement as you seem to think. We both agree that the Israeli action as it is happening is a clearly bad thing, and that it has its roots in American interests, and that the Palestinians are in the fight for their basic existence and thus are at the point where they have nothing left to lose and are pretty much entitled to act as they feel the need to in an effort for basic group-preservation. Where we truly differ is that you still have hope they may actually be successful. 


The piece that I think you're not understanding to its full extent (be it from bias - and speaking of, you didn't answer my question regarding the origins of your worldview other than to say it's not anti-Americanism - or something else) is that the Zionists in Israel also see this as an existential fight. They have security concerns which they believe can be resolved only by the eradication of Palestinians and they are taking steps to that end. Hence, we have two groups, one fighting for survival, and one fighting to exterminate the other (that also has nuclear weapons, a robust military and weapons manufacturing system, powerful friends, and immense internal and external wealth), that are going head to head. The Palestinians are facing an uphill battle, and on top of that hill are the Israeli's firing down bombs at hospitals and schools and fleeing civilians and the US, the EU, and the Gulf State regimes hardly bat an eye.


The source of my ultimate conclusion, that the pro-Palestinian cause is basically doomed, comes from one key place. There is no negotiation tactic that Israel will accept to end their massacres aside from the complete removal of Palestinians from Gaza (and probably the West Bank too, if they can swing it), because that's the only way that the men in Jerusalem see their security crisis resolving itself (on top of the fact that a lot of modern right-wing Israeli identity (ie those running the country right now) is founded upon being Jewish and not Palestinian and that Palestinians are sub-humans). Obviously, such a point would be a non-starter for anyone pro-Palestine because it's an ethnic cleansing and would be an incredible loss, and then we're at square 1 and the Israeli's have continued to bomb and shell and snipe away in the meantime, and no one who can force a resolution is interested in doing so. I truly support you (and others) believing what you need to believe, or doing what you feel you need to do, in an effort to try to force Israel to the table in good-faith, but I just don't see it happening. 


I've never been particularly good at articulating myself without a lot of time to hash out an argument (why I prefer to research), and I'm not really trying to convince anyone of anything other than to try and acknowledge the point that for all the attention Israel/Palestine has received from millions of people who are strongly pro-Palestine has not led to a single actionable solution (and that even in spite of the horrific circumstances, that I think you're still too optimistic about the outcome). There's a clear desired outcome, to quote you from earlier in this thread "A one state Palestine for all to live equally is the only way to stop Israeli settlers from subjugating the Palestinian population", and one that I wholeheartedly agree with as the only positive outcome from this situation. I have not seen you nor anyone else on this thread, nor anyone on Twitter, nor any one in the mainstream media nor anywhere else (and I promise you, I am looking) propose anything actionable that may actually get us from here to there. For the first few weeks of the fighting (though I guess calling it a massacre is more appropriate) all I could do was personally wallow in the misery and hopelessness because I decided pretty quickly that any action I could take would be worthless. I've actually gone to a few protests and I may still go to more, but I'm politically aware enough to know that these sorts of long-running protests aiming to address issues that don't have an immediate fix (see Occupy Wall Street, March for Our Lives, The Women's Marches, or even Black Lives Matter), have a really hard time reaching any of their big goals before the activity peters off and people go back to their regular lives, never enacting any of the lasting changes they were fighting for. I've donated some to organizations like MSF and UNRWA, but I'm watching their medical supplies and food reserves and ambulances and shelters and convoys literally get blown up on live TV with impunity. I'm seeing some of the best and brightest people I follow in the fields of diplomacy and conflict resolution (people who have been active and instrumental in trying to "solve" this conflict in any way possible since the time before the Oslo accords or even earlier) reach a similar negative prognosis. My sense of hopelessness doesn't come out of nowhere. I really have been venting my frustrations on you, and for that I do apologize. If I'd taken more time I probably would've been more coherent and less verbose. Even if we don't agree on much (and I do suspect we agree on more than you realize), I hope you can at least begin to understand where I'm coming from. 

1 minute ago, Stankonia said:

Can we ban this racist? @Bloo

Throwing the term ‘racist’ around when you have no comeback just like y’all do with ‘genocide’, ‘apartheid’, ‘ethnic cleansing’, or whatever else y’all found on Tumblr that day. :deadbanana2: :deadbanana2: as I said before, a bunch of pick-me, birdbrained, Western white twinks. Lol

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I'm not gonna pretend cause in all honesty all I know is Israel has been taking over Palestine for decades and cleansing or whatever but hasn't this going on for like forever? 

Is Hamas a new terrorist group cause prior to the last few weeks I've never heard of it. U know what. I'm not informed enough I should just stop

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