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Is Taylor Swift overrated?

Lana Banana

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you can always make a blanket statement that someone as successful as her is overrated based on your subjective opinion so I honestly do not understand the point of the question, as there is never a correct answer to these


if someone were  to ask me I would say she probably has some part of her fan base that is delusional and overrates her in some way and also there are people who actively dislike her for no reason at all.  As some of the people here already explained  - the praise for her comes from every aspect of her output - so based on the metric of GP who likes and streams her music and critics who give her acclaim I would say no she is not

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When you consider the fact that both ATRL and the media are calling her the greatest and most successful artist of all time,  yes. And the fact that she's more ubiquitous than ever with the endless press coverage. 

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No she deserves everything she has and more mostly cuz she's both talented and humble :marshmallow:

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Country Taylor is underrated.

Pop Taylor is (a bit) overrated.

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12 hours ago, Hector said:

When you consider the fact that both ATRL and the media are calling her the greatest and most successful artist of all time,  yes. And the fact that she's more ubiquitous than ever with the endless press coverage. 

Well she's paying them to.

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9 minutes ago, Sweetness said:

Well she's paying them to.

OTH spewing lies without any proofs :rip:

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I think she is overexposed (which is proving to not matter at all so far), but not overrated. Considering she consistently puts out music, even if you ignore the fact that she is re-recording her albums, she still has put out more albums of higher quality in the last 3 years than most others in her field have in the last 10.


You (general "you") may not like her music, but that is down to personal taste and you are free to dislike her as a music artist. But most of the people who find something to be overrated think that because they don't vibe with it.

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19 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

Just because something is popular doesn’t make it good. Do we also have to accept that the MCU makes the most amazing movies ever because, up until recently, people went to the theater to see them?

But when something is popular, acclaimed and awarded, how can you say it's not good? 


You don't like it? That's perfectly fine and completely understandable. Tastes have never been universal. But there's a difference between opinions and reality. Reality shows that Taylor's musical outputs is liked by a very large group of people (more so than the output of most if not all of her contemporaries), acclaimed by music critics, and awarded with some of the highest honors by members of her field, the music industry.


If she was just successful but not acclaimed, I'd understand the overrated discourse. If she was only acclaimed but not successful, I'd understand it too. But I don't understand nor agree when there's such a congregation of approval coming from every single angle. 

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35 minutes ago, Klein said:

But when something is popular, acclaimed and awarded, how can you say it's not good? 


You don't like it? That's perfectly fine and completely understandable. Tastes have never been universal. But there's a difference between opinions and reality. Reality shows that Taylor's musical outputs is liked by a very large group of people (more so than the output of most if not all of her contemporaries), acclaimed by music critics, and awarded with some of the highest honors by members of her field, the music industry.


If she was just successful but not acclaimed, I'd understand the overrated discourse. If she was only acclaimed but not successful, I'd understand it too. But I don't understand nor agree when there's such a congregation of approval coming from every single angle. 

Let them know.


Success alone does not equal quality

and quality alone does not equal success 


But how many entities can claim they have BOTH at the level that Taylor does? You can find movies that make a lot but aren’t respected like marvel, or you can find movies that are respected but not mega blockbusters like a lot of the lowkey Oscar buzz films, but it’s like striking gold when you find a movie that is both high quality AND a major success. (think Titanic or Lord of the Rings)

Same in music. You’ve got quality, acclaim, awards and respect at the cost of a lesser amount of success in artists like Lana or Frank Ocean, or global success but a typically smaller pool of acclaim or awards or respect like Ed Sheeran or Justin Bieber… 


But then you’ve got Taylor. Who, for nearly 2 decades, has had it all.


Respect? From her peers, evident by Grammys

Acclaim? Yup, Metacritic compiles it all. 
Awards? too many to count

Success? on ALL fronts — touring, physical sales, digital sales, streaming… you name it. 

Taylor has ALWAYS been a well rounded artist. The Marvel or McDonalds comparisons fall apart because… the only thing they are is successful. Nothing more. 


Edited by PoisonedIvy
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Taylor Swift has tons of vocal haters and tons of vocal stans and they both can be equally obnoxious and annoying. 


Actually, Taylor reminds me of Eminem in that sense. Both have this odd tendency to bring out the worst in haters and stans alike. 



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3 hours ago, Klein said:

But when something is popular, acclaimed and awarded, how can you say it's not good? 


You don't like it? That's perfectly fine and completely understandable. Tastes have never been universal. But there's a difference between opinions and reality. Reality shows that Taylor's musical outputs is liked by a very large group of people (more so than the output of most if not all of her contemporaries), acclaimed by music critics, and awarded with some of the highest honors by members of her field, the music industry.


If she was just successful but not acclaimed, I'd understand the overrated discourse. If she was only acclaimed but not successful, I'd understand it too. But I don't understand nor agree when there's such a congregation of approval coming from every single angle. 

There’s Best Picture winners that people despise, Avatar has a bunch of haters, and plenty of AOTY winning albums are despised. Critics also have gotten it wrong plenty of times. There’s no way to prove something is good, we have to argue for the merits of something and whoever makes the best arguments wins. 

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It depends on what your definition of overrated is. If you mean her success doesn't match her talent/material then there's a case to be made. But if the gigantic amount of fans she has generally agree that she's just ok then no, the argument goes out of the window.

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Absolutely. A large portion from her sales come from her immaculate business mind/marketing instead of ya know making great music. 

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She's, by far, the best 'album artist' from her generation. So no, her success is deserved. 


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As a stan, I can see why people think she is overrated. The way she's blown up over the last few years is crazy. Literally everything she does is a news story and massive, I actually prefer when she wasn't as big. Of course music subjective but I feel like she's one of the few artists that actually cares about success, which a lot of people take as a negative thing but she's always puts in the effort. The GP hears songs like SIO, LWYMMD, ME!, etc and just think she has these cheesy songs,  She has multiple songs that draw back to previous songs, situations or people that make you feel connected. Like listening to IBYTAB and WSC knowing the situations makes it more personal, its like getting tea from a bestie or sumn. I love a good random bop but knowing most of her songs are real situations and situations we've seen her go through makes them hurt even more; For Instance, You're Losing Me. We all thought Joe was going to be her prince on a *white horse.mp3* and hearing how she knew he didn't wanna marry her when some stans literally thought they WERE married. Idk. I guess shes overrated in the sense of she's not dancer or a powerhouse vocalist but she's still good at putting on a show and has a nice voice but overall I don't think she is. Shes one of the only pop stars left that cares about being a pop star. She could of gone away during the pandemic and just been locked in with Joe. I would say since you said you dk much about her music besides like SIO, theres a channel called chats & reacts these 2 Australian girls who are Taylor stans and they break down every song on that specific album and what its about and you can get into all that if you want lol. 

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Yes you can’t convince me you’re bopping to the corny ass children’s self victimizing music she makes. I immediately swipe left on anyone that mentions being a swiftie. She deserved her accolades and success up until 2017. Everything after that is pure ass kissing paid propaganda. All the other hit makers aged out or retired so she got all the hype, acclaim, and records despite releasing some of the worst music of her discography. It’s truly baffling. 

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she's the hardest working artist in the industry, so she deserves the success, BUT her music is overrated.   She has a few great singles among a sea of generic, cheesy Hot AC fodder.  None of it is boundary-pushing or forward-thinking in any way....if you've heard one Taylor album you've heard them all.  It's not like she is genre-pushing in any sense.  It's all middle-of-the-road which reaches the biggest overall demographic.  Nothing wrong with that, she works harder than anyone and I believe hard work should pay off.  But the music itself just doesn't compare to the legends in which she now ranks among.  But major kudos to her work ethic.  It's crazy to watch. 

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The pure anger some people have at someone they don't like being popular :rip: can't relate

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Taylor is overrated in the sense that she gets excused for being mediocre in so many aspects solely because she writes songs. :bird:

She was smart for branding herself as a singer-songwriter because that definitely did take away the attention from all the rest.


What bothers me is someone like Beyoncé has been called overrated for a long time, when she's a better performer, better vocalist, better dancer, etc.

But because Taylor plays the guitar, she's the one to take seriously, please. :rip:


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