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What's the European equivalent of US M7 MBA programs?

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The M7 is a self-selected formal group/association of 7 most respected business schools in the US. While MBA is originally an American product, Europe business schools are catching up in terms of brand recognition and rankings. As of now, there's no official group/association in Europe, but there are strong contenders. Which schools do you think make the top 7 cut?


The contenders:

RS9327_LBS_Standard_Logo_RGB_AW-hpr.jpg   2560px-HEC_Paris.svg.png   829f315d28ba15f703afa489c9f417191669047759.png cjbsexecedavatar-002.png 


Logo-IESE.png  medium-C36DA852-9836-44AC-98184C2141A7F5   Said-2.jpg   images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2mPFKVDyAKUk1RwXoDJY

SDA-Bocconi-School-of-Managment-logo.png   bvxu7cvq2bn5v06deumh.png   IMD_Logo_Blue_RGB_no-background-2.png   aXDPbFFBBp_auxGW_8yesuXHkidh1x7YryW7p61FznfV_uxUQpppGIpLDR5CEAM6QlcRB5gY34E=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj







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11 hours ago, ugo said:

HEC is up there or even higher

Would you say HEC is higher than INSEAD and LBS?

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