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Gay pro-Israel Democrat faces backlash for attacking NYC drag icon defending Tlaib


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Get her Jade!


Sad because I used to like the guy but after all this I saw how messy and ridiculously hypocritical he is being :biblio: 

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10 minutes ago, dawnettakins said:

Get her Jade!


Sad because I used to like the guy but after all this I saw how messy and ridiculously hypocritical he is being :biblio: 

Even the Hillary Hens jumping him for trying to degrade Marti G. Cummings of all people. The AIPAC money rotted his brain. :redface:

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Why grown adults continue to bicker online is beyond me. 

Childish all around.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Democrats SCREAM that more people need to run in local races, and Marti is such a well loved person in NYC. It's completely bizarre that Ritchie felt like this was appropriate. 

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I’ve met Richie Torres in person on two different occasions, back when I lived in and was very politically involved in NYC. Really awful personality… He’s an idiot for trying to say that about marti but it’s nice to see progressive liberals realize what an asshat this guy really is. 

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4 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

I’ve met Richie Torres in person on two different occasions


4 hours ago, Gov Hooka said:

He’s an idiot


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Let's hope this rat get's primaried along with every AIPAC democrat that voted to censure Rashida

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Not surprised, check out his donors https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/ritchie-torres/contributors?cid=N00044346&cycle=2022


I voted for him when I lived in the Bronx. He ran against an openly homophobic Democrat, Ruben Diaz Sr. 

I moved to BK so Ritchie is not my Representative anymore. 

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9 hours ago, Tusk said:

Why grown adults continue to bicker online is beyond me. 

Childish all around.

My takeaway, yeah. And I wasn’t even aware of any of the history with Ritchie.

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He thought he was gonna "check" someone but ended up getting checked himself. Out of touch dems.

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