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French senate debating new migration law to suspend healthcare to illegal immigrants

Kitty Kat

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Darmanin said the bill aimed to be "welcoming to the nanny, the waiter, and fruit pickers, while giving more powers to expel delinquents."

It includes measures designed to appeal to conservative lawmakers to win their votes in parliament, such as making expulsions easier for undocumented migrants, denying welfare benefits to those told to leave, and removing an existing provision that prevents the government from expelling trouble-makers who arrived in France under age 13.

The provision that makes it easier for migrants who work in sectors of the economy with labour shortages to obtain residency has become the main sticking point.

The conservative-controlled Senate has also made the bill lean more to the right by removing the rights of undocumented migrants to the French healthcare system, and replacing it by a provision that would only allow emergency care.

Advocacy groups including Amnesty International say the bill is an attack on basic human rights.

Even with a deal in the Senate, the bill needs to go through the lower house of parliament, where Macron's supporters are divided.


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I mean... the estate doesnt have the resources to take care of everyone. Its a complex issue but we cant pretend there is not a problem

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I wish Liberals would put their money where their mouth are…

Open your doors and invite them into your homes and feed, house them. See the economic impact they have on finances. 

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2 minutes ago, tili33 said:


...is this suggesting a teenager should be deported from a country for throwing a piece of trash at a parked car? :redface:

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41 minutes ago, LittleStarmen said:

I mean... the estate doesnt have the resources to take care of everyone. Its a complex issue but we cant pretend there is not a problem

While this is true, Macron and his governments made it even worse for everyone with their austere policies, and this regardless of immigration, they’re pointing fingers instead of admitting to their own failures. 


However I wholeheartedly support stricter laws regarding the treatement of foreign delinquents (and stricter laws in general), the current justice system is way too gentle with them and I’m tired of hearing of new gruesome crimes every week perpetrated by people who were already known by the police.

Edited by Take Me Apart
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I'm glad Europe is finally waking up and fighting against illegal immigration and islamism. Islamists and illegal immigrants shouldn't be allowed to come to Europe and should be send back. Islamist organizations should be banned and islamists should be send back home. I hope this is going to make the far right weaker.

Edited by Anthinos
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9 hours ago, LittleStarmen said:

I mean... the estate doesnt have the resources to take care of everyone. Its a complex issue but we cant pretend there is not a problem

That’s true to a certain extent but they have no problem welcoming Ukrainians, giving them homes, jobs, aids etc. 
some of these immigrants are leaving their countries due to political issues and wars. 

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Makes sense, France has always been actually the dumb nation.


And when a sickness emerges due to this, they'll act like there was no way to prevent it and that actually, immigrants are to blame for them not doing basic precautionary work. Almost like they want problems to arise from immigration, that they will then use to justify their unjustified premise of immigration being bad.

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