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Fetterman tells Arab voters: "Shut the f- up", says Biden is entitled to full support


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The way he's basically white cishet Ritchie Torres at this point :gaycat6:




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What the **** is happening to this man? Why is this the issue being the thing that is exposing so many of these supposed leftists/progressives? Are they being fed propaganda from Israel that is making them believe the narrative they are pushing? Maybe I am trying desperately to come up with an excuse, I do not know, but I just do not understand why everyone from Sanders to Warren to Fetterman are seemingly falling in line to support a genocide. What. The. ****. Is. Happening?!


On 11/7/2023 at 10:26 PM, Airlie said:

Yaaas let’s instead stay home and give Trump or Desantis 4 years like with Trump v. Hillary :jonny5: y’all are truly birdbrained 

Yes, it is silly and hypocritical for so-called progressives/leftists to sit out and not vote and subsequently cause the suffering of millions of minority Americans because of what is happening overseas, but you can not sit here and at least not understand where people are coming from and why they feel hopeless and like it does not matter? Look at what our administration is supporting... how could you not be angry? The only thing that sucks is that we are still stuck with "choosing the lesser evil," but at this point Biden supporting genocide is making him seem like he may not be the lesser evil. Yes, this would be happening under Trump too, but Trump is not the President right now. It is unfortunate that we are in the place we are politically, because if Biden wins again then we have a real chance at change in 2028 with the under 40 crowd having all the power, while if Trump wins in 2024 there will not be a 2028 election... so it is like, do I vote for someone supporting genocide for the hope of 2028, or do I just sit home and possibly help Trump and GOP take forever control of our gov't? A lot of people struggle to see the bigger, longterm picture, and I really do not blame them.

Edited by Sannie
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What is this timeline :gaycat6:

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