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Rachel McAdams vs. Amanda Seyfried: who's doing better?


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Rachel is way more talented than Amanda, but Amanda is really taking off lately. 

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Definitely Amanda. Everyone left Rachel with Mean Girls/The Notebook

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  • ATRL Moderator
3 hours ago, okgo said:

Amanda of course, but we love Rachel too, she just makes weird choices.

Rachel's first movie as a lead in ages this year made no noise commercially, she's not a box office draw but that's probably her fault too for not investing in her profile more. She's clearly no Meryl Streep as a lot of people try to make it seem with the way they speak about her career :toofunny3: I mean some were saying she's above being in an ad by the biggest US retailer honoring what is arguably still her most iconic movie but she was fine being in Lil Dicky's show this year alongside this crew so make it make sense




Dave is a critically acclaimed TV show. Why are you comparing it to a Wal-Mart commercial?

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12 minutes ago, supaspaz said:

Dave is a critically acclaimed TV show. Why are you comparing it to a Wal-Mart commercial?

well it won't be winning her any Emmys or Golden Globes now will it? and because she was in an episode alongside the likes of David Dobrik, MGK, Megan Fox, Jack Harlow and Travis Barker.


I'm glad Emmy winner Amanda Seyfried chose to do a Walmart commercial that will give her more exposure and a much bigger check than an FXX show, while she gives fans a long-awaited reunion and pays tribute to one of the most beloved movies of our generation. everyone makes their career choices, that's why I compared, seeing as that's literally the point of this thread?


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  • ATRL Moderator
4 minutes ago, okgo said:

well it won't be winning her any Emmys or Golden Globes now will it? and because she was in an episode alongside the likes of David Dobrik, MGK, Megan Fox, Jack Harlow and Travis Barker.


I'm glad Emmy winner Amanda Seyfried chose to do a Walmart commercial that will give her more exposure and a much bigger check than an FXX show, while she gives fans a long-awaited reunion and pays tribute to one of the most beloved movies of our generation. everyone makes their career choices, that's why I compared, seeing as that's literally the point of this thread?


Yes, the confusing part is treating acting on a well-received TV show as embarrassing and somehow beneath an actor, then lauding another actor for doing a commercial instead.

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2 minutes ago, supaspaz said:

Yes, the confusing part is treating acting on a well-received TV show as embarrassing and somehow beneath an actor, then lauding another actor for doing a commercial instead.

I simply treated it as the choice she made while comparing their latest career gigs as, again, that's what this thread's about?

To me no work is embarrassing, you're the one using that word. Which is why I originally implied one thing isn't above the other (to me) -- as some people on social media were acting like a Walmart commercial was so beneath her and, if anything, for my bank account and career's sake, I'd probably choose the Walmart commercial. If you think Dave is a better move then cool, I hope it's fruitful for her as I am a fan and think she could have a better career if she made better choices too. But yea, I would rather be in a commercial that will put my name/face in front of millions of people and gets me paid big time.


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Rachel rejects rolls for whatever reason. She’s the better actress however. Amanda works more so she probably has the bigger profile at the moment. 

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Amanda doing bad stuff like that silly terrible acted Elizabeth Holmes series. It is really sad!

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22 hours ago, Antikythera said:



Amanda doing bad stuff like that silly terrible acted Elizabeth Holmes series. It is really sad!

The series that won her the Emmy? :toofunny3:

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Just now, Riot said:

The series that won her the Emmy? :toofunny3:

Still terrible. They dont get the story right, her acting is childish, she doesnt dont have the physical to do an intimidate psycopath like Holmes.


I cant take her serious after that. She can win all the awards, it wont change my mind.


Just like that tragedy with Sarandon and Jessica, Feud, this is was the worst stuff I saw and years and people seemed to like.

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Right now? Amanda


the answer would have been Rachel up until like 3 years ago though

Edited by Price of Fame
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