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Biden losing to Trump in new swing state polls, Dems don't want Joe or Kamala


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Trump’s cult will literally and figuratively stick to their guns no matter what. Trump only received more support since Biden was elected because of all the flip-floppy mental gymnastics and hypocrisy liberals show case on a daily basis. It’s embarrassing and it allows the DNC to get away with upholding the same agenda as Republicans regarding foreign policy and the sales of weapons abroad (hence their “options” as candidates  and the way liberals scramble to excuse and decorate them as the only hope). But take the Israel/Palestinian conflict for instance. Like it’s suddenly shocking to know where Biden stands on that for many liberals for some reason. As if that man didn’t play a critical role in the most disastrous foreign policy ventures of the 21st century that continues to screw the future of America. It’s honestly time for a mass movement for people to vote third party and really challenge the status quo by taking corporations out of politics, but liberals more than anybody will tell you that it’s a waste/a vote for trump etc… this is why democracy as we know it is half dead. 

Edited by BGKC
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Not surprising considering #1 he lied and is running for a second term at his unfit state and #2 his genocide-supporting behavior. 


I'd hate to be an American because I truly wouldn't know who to vote for. I'd never vote for Trump, but I also wouldn't want to show support to Joenicide Biden, yet I think abstaining from voting is wrong.

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34 minutes ago, Dr. Alexander said:

Oh please. As soon as Trump preaches about banning abortion rights, Biden will be on top again. 

Trump has stated multiple times that for cases of rape and incest, abortion can be an option. He knows abortion will be a huge  voting issue and has already pivoted to a “common sense” abortion stance. His focus is framing it as a states rights issue, and some states that are red like Kansas have upheld Roe in some capacity.


Unlike DeSantis who wants a federal ban on it, which is why he’ll never win the presidency.


OT: The theory that he is our Jimmy Carter is only proving true (Recession, inflation, oil price disaster, foreign policy disaster, social unrest, etc). The DNC has destroyed the Democratic Party and because of this a conservative rise in politics is about to dominate for a decade just like it did with Reagan in 1980. That’s what happens when you spit on your voters for 8 years and say it’s just rain :michael:

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Are you guys using polls a year out again? The same polls that said a year out that Biden would lose to trump in 2020, and only Bernie could beat Trump? When will yall learn. A lot can change in one year, on both sides. It happened last time when you guys were, unsurprisingly spamming these threads outside the presidential election thread to “prove a point.” And in reality, this should have been in the 2024 megathread if you guys just did not want to circle jerk yourselves.



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20 minutes ago, karron0624 said:

Are you guys using polls a year out again? The same polls that said a year out that Biden would lose to trump in 2020, and only Bernie could beat Trump? When will yall learn. A lot can change in one year, on both sides. It happened last time when you guys were, unsurprisingly spamming these threads outside the presidential election thread to “prove a point.” And in reality, this should have been in the 2024 megathread if you guys just did not want to circle jerk yourselves.



Every poll a year before 2020’s election had Biden winning in a landslide, which we all know the electoral college margin tightened to about 43k votes across three states, being only the second most narrow victory for a president-elect behind Bush-Gore 2000. This erasure of history is ******* hilarious :ahh: 

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Joe is awful but Trump is a literal criminal who has been indicted multiple times, impeached multiple times and tried to literally stage a coup and overturn the results of an election, I will literally never understand how he has any support :psyduck:

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Dr. Alexander
32 minutes ago, bad guy said:

DNC has destroyed the Democratic Party and because of this a conservative rise in politics is about to dominate for a decade just like it did with Reagan in 1980. That’s what happens when you spit on your voters for 8 years and say it’s just rain :michael:

Yes as if Donald Trump didn’t turn the Republican Party into the Trump Party, and destroyed it in the process. It produced a whole new range of extremists and racists. You honestly believe conservatives, who at this point are very transparent with their ignorant agendas, will dominate politics when you have minorities in this country? Sure Jan…

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pleeeease americans, LEARN, not trump again.. they don't even want kamala? i thought she was liked .. someone call michelle o :dancehall:

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  • ATRL Moderator

While I think Joe is a complete disappointment and would not be surprised with a loss due to how awfully he's handled recent issues such as student loan debt and the Israel/Palestine war, I don't think the Republicans are going to sweep in and be able to change everything for the worse. They can barely elect a speaker of the house, their party is also in shambles, if Trump wins there will be a whole segment of the party that will remove themselves from wanting to be affiliated with his administration, just like last time but worse.


Basically, both republicans and democrats are in disarray, neither party at the national level (especially with these two candidates) are representative of what their party as a whole wants and we're just stuck in limbo until 2028 when neither can run (or both are dead)

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Any deranged moron who votes for an insurrectionist who mounted an insurrection because he democratically lost the election is damning this country beyond repair. If the insurrectionist is let back in office it is completely over for US.

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59 minutes ago, Sombre said:

Not surprising considering #1 he lied and is running for a second term at his unfit state and #2 his genocide-supporting behavior. 


I'd hate to be an American because I truly wouldn't know who to vote for. I'd never vote for Trump, but I also wouldn't want to show support to Joenicide Biden, yet I think abstaining from voting is wrong.

Same. It's a horrendous voting system

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1 minute ago, khalyan said:

While I think Joe is a complete disappointment and would not be surprised with a loss due to how awfully he's handled recent issues such as student loan debt and the Israel/Palestine war, I don't think the Republicans are going to sweep in and be able to change everything for the worse. They can barely elect a speaker of the house, their party is also in shambles, if Trump wins there will be a whole segment of the party that will remove themselves from wanting to be affiliated with his administration, just like last time but worse.


Basically, both republicans and democrats are in disarray, neither party at the national level (especially with these two candidates) are representative of what their party as a whole wants and we're just stuck in limbo until 2028 when neither can run (or both are dead)

You have the right of it I think. Both parties are in disarray but in very different ways.


The Republican voter base is unified in their resolve to support Trump and the MAGA movement by any means necessary while the elected officials are in a constant state of chaos and power brokering.


The Democratic voter base is fractured and has never been more divided than it is now. Meanwhile the elected officials have never been more in lock-step in running cover for Israel and for Biden. The few dissenters there are are marginal voices that will easily be ignored and will be facing AIPAC/DMFI-funded primary challenges that will be extremely hard to survive.


Republicans seem to be in a more desirable place with that in mind. Their problems in the House come from having only a small lead, and they have actual bomb-throwers willing to flex their muscles unlike the Squad who all united behind both Mama Bear Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries- both of whom would rather see the Squad primaried and out of their hair than have to deal with them making the donor class nervous.

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50 minutes ago, karron0624 said:

Are you guys using polls a year out again? The same polls that said a year out that Biden would lose to trump in 2020, and only Bernie could beat Trump? When will yall learn. A lot can change in one year, on both sides. It happened last time when you guys were, unsurprisingly spamming these threads outside the presidential election thread to “prove a point.” And in reality, this should have been in the 2024 megathread if you guys just did not want to circle jerk yourselves.





Why are you lying. All the polls showed Biden destroying Trump, even 1 year in advance :rip:

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It’s not too late to push an alternative but the institutional Democratic Party is too much of a joke to change course. The writing is very clearly on the walls that people want something else this time.


But god… the slate of backups is just tragic :deadbanana2: Hard to not feel doomerish.

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The dems are sleepwalking into a Trump 2nd term exactly the same way they sleep walked into his 1st term (by backing an extremely disliked candidate). They will never learn :rip:

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Dr. Alexander

Everyone understood, except the Democratic Party apparently, that Biden was a shoe-in. He was elected to simply get Trump out. During his term, they should’ve been looking for his replacement for 2024. I don’t understand why they didn’t do that.


Biden was never meant for two terms. He was supposed to do one, and a younger, sharper Democrat was to be elected to replace him.

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1 hour ago, karron0624 said:

Are you guys using polls a year out again? The same polls that said a year out that Biden would lose to trump in 2020

For those reading: keep in mind, the OP literally features NYT/Sienna highlighting that a poll from the same point in 2019/2020 showing Biden winning:



Why would a user like this try to blatantly lie to everyone reading? 

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I said it before and I’ll say it again: Biden and his administration’s response to Israel-Palestine cost him the election. 

He wasn’t polling all that well especially with young democrats anyways but supporting a full on genocide has killed any chance he has of getting re-elected. 

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Instead of guilt tripping Arab Americans/Palestinian Americans/Americans in general who don’t want to vote for Biden after his support of genocide, how about y’all use that energy to tell Biden to stop supporting genocide instead :lakitu:

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I mean... Biden hugging genocide Netanyahu only twenty-four hours after Israel's government bombed a Palestinian hospital was such a picture -- Nobody will ever forget it! :skull:

Edited by Lil Mxnster
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3 hours ago, BGKC said:

Trump’s cult will literally and figuratively stick to their guns no matter what. Trump only received more support since Biden was elected because of all the flip-floppy mental gymnastics and hypocrisy liberals show case on a daily basis. It’s embarrassing and it allows the DNC to get away with upholding the same agenda as Republicans regarding foreign policy and the sales of weapons abroad (hence their “options” as candidates  and the way liberals scramble to excuse and decorate them as the only hope). But take the Israel/Palestinian conflict for instance. Like it’s suddenly shocking to know where Biden stands on that for many liberals for some reason. As if that man didn’t play a critical role in the most disastrous foreign policy ventures of the 21st century that continues to screw the future of America. It’s honestly time for a mass movement for people to vote third party and really challenge the status quo by taking corporations out of politics, but liberals more than anybody will tell you that it’s a waste/a vote for trump etc… this is why democracy as we know it is half dead. 


That's it! :clap3:

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Biden fans truly in denial. You guys forgot about political fatigue which people tend to boycott the election due to failure after failure by genocide Joe. :-*

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I will vote for Biden and it’s **** republicans forever, but my goodness Biden has not done anything progressive for young Americans who DO want to vote for progressive policies 

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Amerikkka is fked for their next election :jonny5: (just like they’ve been basically every 4 years at this point) 


Omg I feel next election will be messier than 2015/2016

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