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Have jehovas witness knocked on your door before?


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I live next door to my super religious grandma and whenever she's not home the doorknockers come to my family's house instead. Because my dad knows them we have to let them in, give them tea/coffee and have to make the most awkward small talk ever about religion :rip: When I was younger they used to make me read excerpts from their religious pamphlets and quiz me over what God was trying to teach :toofunny3:


Apart from that we used to have a few Mormon doorknockers every now and again

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13 minutes ago, Leptine said:

It's like a cult, in my country there are tones of testimonies of people that had very difficult time to leave them, especially because they were constantly pressured to give money to the organization every month.

It most definitely is a cult. Everything these people do there is under pressure. Giving money to the organisation, cutting all contact with people who aren't part of the organization, spreading the faith to others as many hours as you can, getting baptized, building their assembly halls fo free, etc... Everything you do in your life has to be in the name of the faith.


But when you decide to leave all hell breaks loose. They start harassing yo and  guilt-tripping you into coming back. I saw it happen with my younger brother, right when I was about to do leave them, and got so spooked that I decided to stay in another 2 years before I finally left.


But the weight that falls off your shoulders when you do leave makes it all worth it. I'm also glad I didn't get baptized in that ****, otherwise getting out would've been even worse. They make your family cut all contact with you in order to isolate you and to pressure you into coming back.


There probably also go a lot of disgusting stuff on behind the scenes as well. I'm talking about sexual harassment and child abuse. I've heard many rumors about it.

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yes. i argue back with them that christianity is a scam all the time,

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I live in Australia on a farm and somehow they still managed to come and door knock :rip: 

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I was part of that cult since childhood but im free :giraffe: very dangerous one. Be careful. I was lucky to being able to exit that. So many dont
Dont really have bad memories but some of the things and teachings there can totally ruin your life.

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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39 minutes ago, Haschwalth said:

americans n their weird cults:rip:

They're all over Europe too :skull: You either never run into them or can't get rid of them

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Yeah, it never happened as far as I can remember while I was growing up at home, but when I moved into my own apartment it became semi-regular except they would call my intercom to ask if they could come in :deadbanana2:

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One that used to look like nancy pelosi used to come knocking loud as hell every sunday. People in my apartment building would have a fit cuz this lady never gave up. She was very committed because I remember when the elevators were out of service and yet this little ass lady still managed to walk up 25 floors up the stairs. Even the christians in my building were annoyed but thank goodness she stopped harassing us. 

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My cousin and her husband are jehova witnesses :deadbanana: They used to give the family those Watchtower pamplets ALL the time but it has since stopped.

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Oof I live and work in an area with a lot of them. They don’t knock on doors, but they always carry their cards around. I can’t have small talk in public with them (“when’s the bus get here?” Etc) without them instantly using that time to pounce and try and get me to join.


I also know many people who have suffered from the pressure the church gives to people who try to leave and to the family members of those who have left. Scary!

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Yes we have Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses come by. My family and I are Christian now and so we have conversations and do an uno reverse card on them since they’re not really Christian and don’t believe in the Trinity/biblical Jesus.

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30 minutes ago, Bad Decisions said:

My cousin and her husband are jehova witnesses :deadbanana: They used to give the family those Watchtower pamplets ALL the time but it has since stopped.

Girl that's the SAME **** I used to receive here but translated to my language:bibliahh: The other one was Awake! I think

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Yes they used to knock on our door all the time when I was a kid. My dad is a fundamentalist but a different kind and really into theology and reading about other religions just to find dirt that his own is correct so he would answer the door just to fight them :redface:


I don’t see them in my neighborhood much anymore but a couple of years ago I was staying in a more immigrant-heavy neighborhood for a couple of months and there they were with their leaflets translated into languages like Spanish and Amharic. They didn’t have any in English so I guess they started targeting immigrants.

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7 hours ago, Illuminati said:

They're all over Europe too :skull: You either never run into them or can't get rid of them

not their harassment being global :khalyan2:

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No if they did I probably would of shut the door on there face anyways

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Only once but sometimes they would call and i'd hang up after saying i'm the antichrist lol

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1 minute ago, skyandground said:

I'll let the cute tall Mormons preach to me :celestial6:

what in the Mormon Boys fantasy :deadbanana2:

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