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Biden staff fear Israel support will isolate US, voters know "US weapons kill Gazans"


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2 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

And they rather have Trump and the republicans who just said they want to deport all Palestinians from the US? 💀

Oh look.  Here we have someone demonizing people for not supporting Genocide.  When are people like you going to learn that this rhetoric doesn’t work? 

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Biden worshippers are truly the worst. First they support the current genocide committed by terrorist state of ISISrael, agree with Biden his wrongdoing but somehow they want votes from Palestinians/Arabs/pro-Palestine to save his ass. Do they even hear themselves? This is insane :deadbanana4:

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There are very few Biden supporters. The majority voted for him cause they hated trump. The actual Biden stans are just as delusional as the MAGA crowd. Vote blue no matter who my ass the democrats & Biden are not entitled to anyone’s votes

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3 hours ago, GhostBox said:

And they rather have Trump and the republicans who just said they want to deport all Palestinians from the US? 💀

good point. It's a lose lose situation either way unfortunately...I just have no hope for the Palestinians because American politicians are too entrenched in this weird Israel ally narrative thingy. I get it's geostratic and stuff to be aligned with Israel but my God not to the level....giving it cart blanche to commit ethnic cleansing is horrific. I just pray some kind of drastic shift occures and these centrists fade out 

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6 hours ago, GhostBox said:

And they rather have Trump and the republicans who just said they want to deport all Palestinians from the US? 💀

You've exposed yourself as a Western jingoistic chauvinist already. You can guilt no one. 

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On no, genocide is going to look bad for Joe Biden.

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