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House Republicans Introduce Legislation 'To Expel Palestinians From the United States

Horizon Flame

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Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) introduced a bill that his office says will “expel Palestinians from the United States.”


The legislation has 10 co-sponsors so far.


Zinke, who served as Donald Trump’ssecretary of the interior, is seeking to revoke visas issued to Palestinians on or after Oct. 1, among other provisions.


According to a press release issued on Thursday, the Safeguarding Americans from Extremism (SAFE) Act would do the following if enacted:


Render Palestinian Authority passport holders (covered aliens) inadmissible to the U.S.


Bar DHS Sec from granting immigrant/non-immigrant visas to covered aliens.


Revoke visas issued to covered aliens on or after October 1.


Bar DHS Secretary from granting covered aliens Temporary Protected Status.


Bar DHS Secretary from granting future asylum or refugee status to covered aliens.


Revoke Refugee or Asylum status for covered aliens if requested on or after October 1.


Bar DHS Sec from paroling a covered alien.


Revoke parole of covered aliens if paroled on or after October 1.

Direct DHS with ICE/USCIS to identify and remove covered aliens without lawful status (including newly revoked status).


According to the release, a “covered alien” is defined as “an alien who is a holder of a passport or other travel document issued by the Palestinian Authority.”


Anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic sentiment have risen in the U.S. since the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, when Hamas militants attacked inside Israel and killed 1,400 people while kidnapping more than 200. Since then, Israel has been carrying out military strikes against Gaza, which Hamas controls. The Ministry of Health in Gaza claims 8,000 Palestinians have been killed.


The 10 co-sponsors are Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), Rep. Aaron Bean (R-FL), Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Bill Posey (R-FL), Barry Moore(R-AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ).



Edited by Horizon Flame
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Next thing you know we’ll have internment camps again :rip:


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Expel them where? Palestine, which has been occupied for nearly a century now? Palestine, which is being bombed and struck through US aid? Aha.

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omg...are you fckin kidding me?

I ****** HATE politicians straight up. 

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I wanna move to the USA and things like this are makin me reconsider. That party is so so evil :emofish:  shame to all the celebs supportin this party

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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Dems 🤝 Reps

Supporting & funding zionism, genocide, and war crimes

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17 minutes ago, AvadaKedavra said:

I wanna move to the USA and things like this are makin me reconsider. That party is so so evil :emofish:  shame to all the celebs supportin this party

Girl don’t. It’s truly not that great. It’s actually terrible. It’s absolutely not that free, gets worse weekly. Look into another country that has healthcare etc and absent of braindead Trump supporters and hillbilly inbreds of the southern USA 

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Oh this is 100% passing in 2025. Everyone is sitting this election out or voting third party. Trump has it in the bag as well as the house and senate because republicans stick together when it comes to making marginalized groups as miserable as possible. They thrive on it. 

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24 minutes ago, woohoo said:

Oh this is 100% passing in 2025. 

Given that Democrats and Republicans are lock-in-step with their votes on Israel, it'll probably pass by Monday, sis. :michael:

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Where are the clowns that promised a few days ago how they will vote for Trump to punish "genocide" Joe  :fan:



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I thought this wouldn't happen until Trump was in the White House and Republicans had regained the Senate in 2025, but I guess they're getting a jumpstart. I seriously doubt this will actually go anywhere (if anything it'll probably die in committee), but this would set a very dangerous precedent. If it is passed and survives the inevitable court process (given the makeup of the Supreme Court, I could see it making it if the language is sanitized enough), there's nothing to stop this from being applied to other immigrant minority groups whose previous government doesn't have the highest degree of internal legitimacy. Depending on the political winds, there's a path where for instance Somali, Yemeni, Syrian, Libyan, Sudanese, Afghan, and Iraqi refugees and immigrants get declared "covered aliens". Basically taking the original Trump Travel Ban list and retroactively applying it to people already here who don't have permanent residency or citizenship, but without the Iranians (given that most Iranian immigrants/refugees in the US at this point who haven't naturalized as citizens are anti-regime). At this point, this looks like some show of support for Israel from Rep. Zinke, but the ramifications even beyond Israel/Palestine are immense. This bill has a low rate of getting anywhere at present, but it opens the US up to the potential for the greatest immigration controls since Hart-Celler in 1965, which I imagine will be popular with both the nationalist Republicans and the labor Democrats, and that might get something like it passed in 2025.

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1 hour ago, woohoo said:

Oh this is 100% passing in 2025. Everyone is sitting this election out or voting third party. Trump has it in the bag as well as the house and senate because republicans stick together when it comes to making marginalized groups as miserable as possible. They thrive on it. 

i mean democrats haven't been protecting marginalized groups, if anything they continued to allow republicans to surpress them :emofish:

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2 hours ago, Communion said:

Given that Democrats and Republicans are lock-in-step with their votes on Israel, it'll probably pass by Monday, sis. :michael:

I know any Democrat in their right mind would not vote for this regardless of where they stand on Israel. But this is the trailer for the new version of the United States the republicans have in mind. With that being said, I’m not wasting my breath convincing anyone of anything anymore. You want it, you got it. 7 Dictators featuring the Trump family. Enjoy. 

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1 hour ago, Caesar said:

i mean democrats haven't been protecting marginalized groups, if anything they continued to allow republicans to surpress them :emofish:

Blue states are the ones protecting trans people and kids, gays, womens rights, sanctuary cities are in blue states in Democrat controlled cities in red states, granted the border is hot mess but it’s been a hot mess since Bush Jr, but all in all light years ahead of republicans. 

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This is not shocking it'll only get worse

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4 hours ago, Gottasadae said:

Where are the clowns that promised a few days ago how they will vote for Trump to punish "genocide" Joe  :fan:



I don't know. Where are they? There were many of them. They're fully silent now.

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1 hour ago, Delirious said:

I don't know. Where are they? There were many of them. They're fully silent now.

Oh they still will say we all deserve Trump and the gop back in power yet spew how much they care about people in other threads 💀

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8 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Oh they still will say we all deserve Trump and the gop back in power yet spew how much they care about people in other threads 💀

It's just so weird how there's one paticular user who defends Palestinians to the fullest extent but they deny that China is currently genociding Ughur people. I think we both know who that is.

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17 hours ago, réveuse said:





@GhostBox why the downvote?

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57 minutes ago, réveuse said:

@GhostBox why the downvote?

I think I saw that user say Palestinians deserved to be ethnically cleansed. :biblio:

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