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Israeli Super PAC to spend six figures attacking Congress' sole Palestinian member


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Gross. It's funny how the US lectures the world, but is so utterly corrupt, with money influencing everything. 

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Is the basis of their argument her talking point about the source of the rocket attack by the hospital? At least was that the root of the heaviest criticism she still hadn’t retracted? Or am I mistaken.


Anyone saying you’re taking the word of Hamas over American intelligence in accepting the talking point that it was Islamic Jihad of Palestine the IDF claims I’ve already seen responded to with Bush’s stance on WMD in Iraq Colin Powell argued at the UN. I can’t dismiss that as whataboutism either.


Threats aside, in terms of electoral futures for the primaries of other members in that subtweet, I think they can handle themselves just fine……:celestial6:




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Since when do any of these goons care about Palestinian civilians in general? Let alone them being used as human shields. They couldn't care less if that was actually true or not. It's sick that they even pretend to.


As much as I don't like Rhadifa Tiba, whatever she did to piss off those demonic picks is a good thing.

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