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Should Taylor Swift release a memoir or a tell-all book?


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You can get her life story from her songwriting. She seems to take the “not naming names” thing somewhat literally, or enjoys the illusion of it anyway, so writing a memoir would be the opposite of that. But maybe she will when she’s older and gives less of a ****.

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She absolutely should, so many fascinating things (both good and bad) happened to her in her career and it would be great to see her saying it all in the form of a book. It'd also be such a massive best seller, she would EXPLODE book sales's records out of the water :rip:

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I think it would be nice later in her career, to reframe things. She’s still so young and communicating her story through her songs - a memoir, to me, fits better later in a career.

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Yes she actually has a working memory and has dated so many celebs I would love the tea. Plus she’s an actual musician and could write about her process. 

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That book would be full of eastern eggs that would occupy Swifties for years 😂

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Yes and in that she reveals she is a Secret lesbian :eli:

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5 minutes ago, spiritboy said:

That book would be full of eastern eggs that would occupy Swifties for years 😂

Let's say months. I think she did it for Me Video too but it didn't Last years.

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Only if she includes high resolution color pics of all the famous penises she's had. 

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I think she will, but definitely not anytime soon. This is something artists usually do well after they have peaked. 

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Well I wouldn't read it....i don't really read at all lol 

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