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Why haven’t A listers said anything about the Israel-Gaza conflict?


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Why isn’t Taylor saying anything? She is currently the biggest celebrity in the world and her tour had a massive impact on economy according to her fanbase? She clearly has a bigger platform than Selena Gomez or Gigi Hadid, yet she chooses to ignore everything!!!!


What about Lady Gaga or Rihanna or Adele or Beyonce who most recently wrapped up the biggest female world tour as of yet according to her stats? 

why do we choose to crucify the people who said something, showed compassion, but we ignore the ones who stay silent and don’t want to spread awareness? 

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- it took years for Taylor to said something about Trump she’s obviously a big brand so she unfortunately is very calculated and more concern about how it will make her brand look. 
-lady Gaga is another one who actually used to be very outspoken but something shifted once she started perusing an acting career. It’s like doesn’t stand for anything anymore and tries to be as vanilla and safe as possible in order to not loose her new boomer/middle America fan base.

-Rihanna I can see her siding with Palestine but I will give her a pass because she just gave birth recently and it’s a lot to care for a new born.

-Adele: I don’t really follow her career but she’s another one who caters to older audiences and has a safe image.

-Beyoncé will probably release a statement soon. 

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If they are going to pull the neutrality card they might as well keep it to themselves TBH

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6 minutes ago, She-Rah said:

- it took years for Taylor to said something about Trump she’s obviously a big brand so she unfortunately is very calculated and more concern about how it will make her brand look. 
-lady Gaga is another one who actually used to be very outspoken but something shifted once she started perusing an acting career. It’s like doesn’t stand for anything anymore and tries to be as vanilla and safe as possible in order to not loose her new boomer/middle America fan base.

-Rihanna I can see her siding with Palestine but I will give her a pass because she just gave birth recently and it’s a lot to care for a new born.

-Adele: I don’t really follow her career but she’s another one who caters to older audiences and has a safe image.

-Beyoncé will probably release a statement soon. 

Oh, Rihanna made it known she supported Palestine.



However, she deleted it since 2021. So currently I don't know, but I assume she is still siding with Palestine.

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Unfortunately, it's being framed as an intensively controversial topic.. when the answer is right there... call for a ceasefire.


These girls are too concerned about optics... they know if they throw their hats in the ring there will be blowback. I love em but it's true.

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Because they would be eaten into pieces for saying anything even if it makes sense. 

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It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation


Look at Selena, she just made a generic peace and save the children post and she’s getting dragged left and right, and would be the same if she picked a side :deadbanana:


I wouldn’t say a word either

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Because you are waiting to verify if they think like you, so you can cause controversy if they don’t. People on your phone and TV screen don’t owe you their opinions. Consume what they create or don’t. It’s that simple. 

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what exactly do you want a popstar to do about this? genuinely asking. why would an entertainer need to give their input on the current situation? whats it to you?

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Because they can't go against the stablishment.

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4 minutes ago, #Beautiful said:

what exactly do you want a popstar to do about this? genuinely asking. why would an entertainer need to give their input on the current situation? whats it to you?

They Beyoncé want to go catch the bombs in Ivy Park.

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And what will happen if they declare themselves and voice their views?
I just don’t see how someone publicly saying anything about stuff like this will be helpful anyhow. People will continue doing and thinking what they want. It is probably unfortunate, but expecting some planet’s axis shifting from statements like those is unrealistic. 

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15 minutes ago, Lemon said:

And what will happen if they declare themselves and voice their views?
I just don’t see how someone publicly saying anything about stuff like this will be helpful anyhow. People will continue doing and thinking what they want. It is probably unfortunate, but expecting some planet’s axis shifting from statements like those is unrealistic. 

the whole reason people learnt about what had happened in Palestine and had bothered to educate themselves was because of word being spread around by people. Celebrities have huge reaches so people expect them to do positive actions with the fame and audience they have. it's a bit entitled to expect them to stand up for everything you believe in, but them staying neutral on the Palestine situation (selena)  is siding with the oppressor. 

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rihanna is working with puma (a zionist brand). she's an immoral capitalist and couldn't care less. same goes for a lot of the others

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47 minutes ago, thetea said:

the whole reason people learnt about what had happened in Palestine and had bothered to educate themselves was because of word being spread around by people. Celebrities have huge reaches so people expect them to do positive actions with the fame and audience they have. it's a bit entitled to expect them to stand up for everything you believe in, but them staying neutral on the Palestine situation (selena)  is siding with the oppressor. 

Okay, but celebrities aren’t educators. I don’t expect to learn from them things about what’s happening in the world and that is not why I listen to and/or watching someone’s material. Spreading of information is going to happen regardless, especially in this day and age we are in. 
Eventually, what I want to say is that no reasonable and effective solution would come with this standing up we are expecting from certain people. I can see how voicing their beliefs can be reassuring for people who also think the same though, but that’s basically it. 

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Who cares what they have to say about political matters when their takes would be misinformed as they live in a bubble 

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idk. all i know is that if people don't care if their faves say something or not (like NO ONE here seems to care) they shouldn't trash selena like they're doing for being neutral. 

i hate hypocrisy. that's all. 



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I'd rather they not tbh. Don't want any of my faves looking as stupid as Selena Gomez.


But then again they're not as stupid as she is so they could actually be helpful

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3 minutes ago, baelani said:

Who cares what they have to say about political matters when their takes would be misinformed as they live in a bubble 

:cm:  Unfortunately the liberals need everyone to conform and scream into the ether with them, or you're just a biggot (they obviously haven't actually read feminist theory which delves into the different roles people play to move a cause forward....and they don't all involve "speaking out").


It's clear that Israel has caused the whole thing with their years of brutalization of the Palestinians, but the problem is that the world is just catching up to that now, so anything said would really just spark outrage since they're seen as "just celebrities". People are paying attention and learning, tides are shifting, celebrities don't need to be poking in and out unless they are well-versed on the matter (i.e. Gigi/Bella).

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They enjoy Isreali money or they work and are friends with zionists.

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First of all, Gaga is a hypocrite.

Secondly, they don't need to.

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Why should they? No one is obligated to say anything about this conflict that’s been going on for yearS. Also,


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Isn't it well known Democrats and Republicans support Israel? Saying they support Palestine would be like career suicide, and this without even implying where the funding of their own careers come from to start with. Dua some years ago made clear her position about it, but she's not American like most of the other girls. P!nk debunked Israel propaganda spreading fake news about her but that was it, I don't think she'll go further than that

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