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White House compares anti-Israel protesters to Charlottesville neo-nazis


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4 minutes ago, Bloo said:

It is Anti-semitic to equate Jewish people with the Israeli government. I'm so tired of this brain rot. :deadbanana4:

And to compare Jews who organized a sit-in at Grand Central to neo-nazis is so deranged. :deadbanana4:


She's comparing Biden's own base of young left-wing progressive muslims, jews and people of color to neo-nazis. :deadbanana4:

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7 minutes ago, Bloo said:

It is Anti-semitic to equate Jewish people with the Israeli government. I'm so tired of this brain rot. :deadbanana4:

And yet, as we're seeing with the White House's stance, as well as the Senate (including Bernie Sanders) basically adopting the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism (which lays out criticism of Israel specifically as an anti-Semitic act that could be prosecuted as a felony hate crime), I'm afraid we're heading towards a very dark period in this country. Protesting genocide is going to be anathema to being able to be a contributing member of society, as you'll be thrown in jail or blacklisted from ever holding a job.


5 minutes ago, SignificantOther said:

She's comparing Biden's own base of young left-wing progressive muslims, jews and people of color to neo-nazis. :deadbanana4:

That is genuinely what neoliberals like the Democrats have always believed about the Left.

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2 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

And yet, as we're seeing with the White House's stance, as well as the Senate (including Bernie Sanders) basically adopting the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism (which lays out criticism of Israel specifically as an anti-Semitic act that could be prosecuted as a felony hate crime), I'm afraid we're heading towards a very dark period in this country. Protesting genocide is going to be anathema to being able to be a contributing member of society, as you'll be thrown in jail or blacklisted from ever holding a job.


That is genuinely what neoliberals like the Democrats have always believed about the Left.

Hopefully the courts stay strong on first amendment jurisprudence and prevent people from being thrown in jail for simply protesting, but they're definitely going to lose jobs unfortunately. 

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Funny considering both this president funds nazis and both him and the previous president are friends with nazis.

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3 minutes ago, Sombre said:

They're going to suffer next year for these despicable acts lately. 

Progressives are never going to forgive them for supporting genocide so zealously. 

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Not only is it anti-Semitic to equate Jewish people to the state of Israel.


It is also disgusting (and illogical) to equate people protesting AGAINST war and genocide with Nazis.  

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So disappointed of her. Particularly because she’s of hatian descent. Does she understand the amazing legacy and how inspiring her people’s liberation was to every colonized country around the world. You would think she’d be more sympathetic.


i will be happy when Biden loses re-election. What a disappointment of a president. 

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30 minutes ago, SignificantOther said:

Progressives are never going to forgive them for supporting genocide so zealously. 

People do have sympathy for Palestinians, I do believe that, but after October 7th, pro-Israel support increased on both sides of the isle. That has probably changed since Bibi’s ongoing assault on Gaza since but I wouldn’t underestimate how fickle Americans can be about issues like this.

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1 hour ago, Domination said:

People do have sympathy for Palestinians, I do believe that, but after October 7th, pro-Israel support increased on both sides of the isle. That has probably changed since Bibi’s ongoing assault on Gaza since but I wouldn’t underestimate how fickle Americans can be about issues like this.

I think the main impact will be on the volunteer base than raw numbers outside of Michigan.


Voters aren't ideological. Much of what they respond to is material. People don't say that capitalism is the reason for their ills, but also somehow largely find politicians untrustworthy and think it's unfair that they can't afford to pay their own bills.


So kitchen table issues will impact the actual voters, but the people who phone bank? The people who donate weeks and months of their time putting up flyers, registering people to vote, helping people find their voting location?


Those are the activist base of hyper-activated young people who largely create the kind of GOTV efforts in 2020 that the DNC simply didn't have any money to give to state parties to do after Hillary bankrupted the party in 2016.


Like... why would a bleeding heart progressive volunteer for PA Dems, for example, after seeing someone they rallied around and got elected like John Fetterman have one of his staff members assault a voter for asking him to consider a ceasefire? :toofunny3:

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Well that shouldn’t be a problem for them considering America’s history of protecting Nazis. :cm:

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She could have phrased it better, for example, pointing out the 7k+ who marched on Brooklyn Bridge calling for the elimination of the Jewish state. Critiquing the Israeli government ≠ anti semitism obviously, but supporting Hamas, denying their atrocities, and failing to condemn them, let alone going out of your way to support them? Yeah, that's straight up hatred towards Jews. I think this is what she meant when pointing out the protests.

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2 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

What do you think neo-nazis support if you think it's neo-nazism to not agree with the existance of an ethno-state? If you replace the word "Jewish" with "German", what does that sound like?

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Just now, Communion said:

What do you think neo-nazis support if you think it's neo-nazism to not agree with the existance of an ethno-state?

I'm not debating you again with your previous post history.


I've made my POV clear multiple times, as I have a right to. I don't support violence of any kind. I do not support violence committed to citizens by IDF, OR Hamas.


Palestinians deserve dignity. Hamas will not achieve that for Palestinians. Israelis deserve a government better than it's current one.


I don't support the elimination of either Palestine, or Israel. I support a two state solution.


My views are not going to change, and I have no interest in debating someone, who, mind you, I've asked in the past several times, to stop quoting and responding to me, yet you do not stop. It's borderline cyber harassment.


We're never going to agree, so give it up.

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9 minutes ago, Miss Show Business said:

She could have phrased it better, for example, pointing out the 7k+ who marched on Brooklyn Bridge calling for the elimination of the Jewish state. Critiquing the Israeli government ≠ anti semitism obviously, but supporting Hamas, denying their atrocities, and failing to condemn them, let alone going out of your way to support them? Yeah, that's straight up hatred towards Jews. I think this is what she meant when pointing out the protests.


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1 minute ago, Miss Show Business said:

Israelis deserve a government better

You mean one that's not an ethno-state?

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the dissonance between governments and the people right now is staggering 

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8 minutes ago, She-Rah said:


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Right... Because reporters are approaching people holding slaughtered family members and asking them to condemn Hamas... BFFR. People and reporters are asking this to protestors in western countries. Many have lost jobs and scholarships for being caught in these rallies with anti semitic posters.


It's hard to want to support Palestine when there are people on the pro-Palestine side who don't condemn Hamas and, in fact, praise them.


Supporting terrorists is never going to help the Palestinian cause. The more people push back on that, the less support the movement will receive.

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2 hours ago, Beyonnaise said:

God Trump is really winning again isn’t he 

i dread the endless posts complaining about trump again if we’re even allowed to say anything negative about him by then without being jailed. It’s going to be the same people talking about not voting and it’s going to be insufferable. 

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