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Killer who targeted gay men and DECAPITATED one sentenced to life in prison


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Yousef Palani previously admitted murdering two men and wounding a third


A 23-year-old man has been given two life sentences for murdering two men in Sligo, Ireland, last year.


The court heard that Gardaí (police) believed Yousef Palani's motivation "was to carry out murder due to prejudice against homosexuality.”


He pleaded guilty in July to the murders in Sligo of Aidan Moffitt on 10 April last year and Michael Snee two days later.


He further admitted intentionally causing serious harm to Anthony Burke on 9 April. Mr Burke was stabbed in the eye.


In his victim impact statement, Mr Burke called his attacker a “coward and a monster”.


The court heard that one murder victim was decapitated with 43 stab wounds.


The second man was stabbed 25 times mainly to his head, neck and chest.


Palani told Gardai (police) after his arrest that he suffered with mental health issues, the court heard.


He met his victims through a variety of social media messaging and gay dating apps.


“It would have to be their own house, and they had to be alone, you can’t be hurting kids or women,” he told arresting officers.


Mr Palani denied being in Anthony Burke’s house despite his semen from a previous consensual sexual encounter being found on a blanket there as well as evidence from seized phones that linked him to the victims.


Forensic evidence linked blood found on shoes and tracksuit bottoms in Palani’s house to both murder victims.


He told arresting officers: “I can get angry very quick” and denied he was gay, claiming homosexuality was “a sin, you wont find many Muslims gay and religious”.


Police confirmed Palani had no previous convictions and a psychiatric report was not provided to Gardaí or the prosecution.


He also told officers he would’ve continued to kill if Gardai hadn’t stopped him.



Edited by Talento
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42 minutes ago, Talento said:

Palani denied being in Anthony Burke’s house despite his semen from a previous consensual sexual encounter being found on a blanket there

literally wtf :mazen: so he had sex with him prior? literally sick. 

may those victims rest in peace, and this psycho finds no peace in his mind nor soul for the rest of his life. 

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Disgusting. This makes so angry. I won't say what I'm really thinking right now because I don't want to get a warning point. 

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3 minutes ago, Anthinos said:

Disgusting. This makes so angry. I won't say what I'm really thinking right now because I don't want to get a warning point. 

It should be said. It’s religion again. 

Chopping someone’s head off. Horrific. Unfortunately there will be more and more attacks. 2 Irish people dead because Ireland helped his family and he had his 4th victim lined up. 

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He should have received a death sentence. I'm offended that a portion of Earth's resources will be used to sustain his life in prison.

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He is gay and it was trying to kill his own nature. Now he will have fun being the prison *****.

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There’s not a word I can think of to describe how horribly evil this man is…


This also makes me understand why so many people are nervous about hook-up culture. We often forget that we’re putting ourselves in highly vulnerable situations.

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