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Are Michael Myers and Ghostface overexposed?


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Hollywood continues to do reboots and sequels, including for Mr. Myers and Mr. Ghostface. Are all these unnecessary movies making these Ghoulies overexposed? Discuss.

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26 minutes ago, Euterpe said:

Hollywood continues to do reboots and sequels, including for Mr. Myers and Mr. Ghostface


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They're beloved characters and franchises. Scream has been largely consistent in its quality, so people keep watching and loving. And Halloween is too iconic for someone into horror to not want to see, even if the most recent films were a little janky. The concept of something being overexposed is relative, which I don't feel as though they are.

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I would say so. There are going to be at least 7 Scream movies (that's not to mention 3 seasons of the TV show). That's a little overboard. I thought the point of the franchise was to satirize all the big slasher franchises. Now it's becoming exactly like them with endless cash grab sequels and repetition. 


And I knew Halloween Ends wasn't going to be the last. Horror franchises have done this so many times before. Freddy's Dead: The "Final" Nightmare is an example with a new movie 3 years later. Friday the 13th did it twice with Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (with "A New Beginning" released just a year later) and Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday. But I think it may be too soon. People really, really hated Halloween Kills and especially Halloween Ends. You would've thought David Gordon Green was the Second Coming in 2018 in the Halloween fanbase with all the praise his first Halloween movie got, but he ruined everything with the other 2. So I think they should maybe give people more time to forget about the last two. 

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No, Michael is currently in a hiatus.


Idk about Ghostface, it looks like they're going to serve Fast & Furious consistency at the moment



Anyways, both are much better than not being exposed at all, the Boomers Clot movie can't relate.

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Ghostface? No, did y'all forget we went a whole decade without a Scream film. Plus there's only been one bad Scream film. Can't say the same thing about the buffoon in a William Shatner mask. 

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yes. been bored with both of them honestly. like the premise of both plots has been recycled so many times and is pretty unimaginative atp. 


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20 minutes ago, secretgarden said:

Ghostface? No, did y'all forget we went a whole decade without a Scream film. Plus there's only been one bad Scream film. Can't say the same thing about the buffoon in a William Shatner mask. 

? Michael also went 9 years without a movie

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42 minutes ago, secretgarden said:

Ghostface? No, did y'all forget we went a whole decade without a Scream film. Plus there's only been one bad Scream film. Can't say the same thing about the buffoon in a William Shatner mask. 

don't be shy

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Myers just had his Farewell Tour (until they bring him out of retirement for the pay cheque.) but he’s a Halloween staple so the overexposure is to be expected. 

Ghostface, pulled a Rihanna and showed there’s still demand for him even after not dropping anything for 11 years and instead harassing survivors on DBD. :clap3:


We need new main horror boys to stand alongside the new main horror girls like Valak and Megan. 

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Who cares? They're both still selling our stadiums WW and banking. Clearly the GP wants more. 


You should focus on your own fav. Trust me, they need the streams. 



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They are in DEMAND. Unlike Vegetabelle, who nobody wants to see again.

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