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How did you cope with losing a pet?


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I just lost my dog of nine years on Monday. He was my everything. He saved my life from abuse, and I saved his. I can't cope, and I haven't been okay at all. Has anyone lost a dog or cat here, and how did you cope with It? I know It'll never get easy, but I'm miserable. Especially with the silence In my apartment. 

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With every loss for me, it took time and focusing on doing what I love doing (exercising, listening to new/favorite releases, watching deep dive documentaries.) I know that sounds unhelpful and basic but that's what helped me the most. Time does heal.


And I'm sorry to hear your loss. 

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that ******* ***** died 3 days before my birthday, i have mostly definitely not coped



i miss you everyday bb :(


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Sorry for your loss :( hugs.  I know how heartbreaking it is but over time things will get easier.  You will look back at him/the memories with more and more happiness instead of sadness. It might help to talk about him more, get a little plaque or something in his memory. 

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I had my other dog that's kept me company and made it a bit easier but I was very devastated when my first dog passed. I still get very emotional thinking about my pearl but I always remember she is in a better place. For the mean time keep yourself occupied, take a few days off work, go out with friends, possibly save another dog. Trust the new dog won't be the same but it'll be a new chapter in your life and you'll be helping another dog live a good life. Only when you're ready to take on a new dog of course. Always cherish the memories and keep some of your old dogs belongings with you. I cut a couple of hair strands from my pearl and have them on a necklace locket. Wish you the best and I'm sorry for your loss:heart:

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So sorry for your loss. I used to have a lot of pets (4 cats and 1 dog), and since they were all around the same age, they all started passing relatively close together. Went from having 5 animals to 3 in 2019, then 2 in 2020, then 1 in 2021, and now 0 this year. Some after long bouts of illness, some sudden. The house feels so much emptier and more depressing, but I'm still not ready for new ones.


As for coping, it's like anything else; grieve for a long time, but continue with life because you have no other choice. You will feel better eventually in your own time. Treasure the keepsakes, pictures, memories. If you can, get one of those cement paw prints and boxes to store the ashes, and display them somewhere nice. And know that your dog loved you and was grateful for all the time he had with you.

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I'm so sorry for your loss :chick3:


In all honesty, there's nothing I or anyone else can say to make it better right now and to just be blunt; it f*ckn sucks and it's gonna suck for awhile.


But as time goes by you get used to them not being around and it won't hurt so much and be just happy memories & knowing you gave them the best life possible, it just takes time.


The anniversary of my cat's death was just last week, 6 years ago I lost her. I was one of the worst days for me. I'm not much of an emotional person at all but when it happened I shut down and just didn't speak. Everyday you wake up to this cute little ball of love depending on you and giving you love & friendship in return for them just to not be there anymore and it hurts. But as time went by it got better. Now every year on the day she passed, I just take some time to smile and think about her and look at photos because sometimes I'll feel like I'll forget her, but when I see them I can still feel her sitting on my chest or the smell of her fur and it makes happy. I keep her collar in a frame with her photo so I see it everyday, gives a good start to my day.


I now have two more cats and it still doesn't fill that little hole but it helps me knowing even though she isn't here, I have these 2 little guys I can give a great home and life to, like I did for her. Pets are our family and just like us, we have a start and an end, so it's something we gotta live with and I dread the day when they pass on but I try to focus on taking them all in now & enjoying their company & affection as much as I can.


Again, I'm really sorry and I hope you feel better. Just keep all the good thoughts of them in the forefront of your mind and know it's okay to be sad for awhile, in time the sadness will fade and you'll only smile when you think about them. :heart2:

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Went on a road trip through Big Sur, went home and adopted another dog less than a month later. I'm a dog person. I just need one. I took myself for a walk that first week after my former dog passed away.


Sorry you're going through it, but the pain does subside. Hang in there!

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my last dog died on my birthday 5 years ago. I always try to remeber how fun and funny he was. he was so sweet and kind and my favorite person. it takes a very long time to come to terms with your new normal. I say feel all your emotions but find a healthy outlet. maybe volunteering at an animal shelter could possibly help with you processing your grief. I hope this helps. praying for you

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14 minutes ago, MasterXPosed said:

I just lost my dog of nine years on Monday. He was my everything. He saved my life from abuse, and I saved his. I can't cope, and I haven't been okay at all. Has anyone lost a dog or cat here, and how did you cope with It? I know It'll never get easy, but I'm miserable. Especially with the silence In my apartment. 

I’m so sorry for your loss.  Losing a pet is never easy.  I really hope that you give yourself the freedom to feel everything you are feeling now.  It’s just a testament to how great of a dog they were and all the important memories you had together which you will always have.  

Also give yourself the freedom to do something that will bring you some joy.  For me, I like going to a bakery and enjoying a doughnut in the park. Something small but I think it is important to still take time to enjoy the moment and heal.  

When the time is right you can consider getting another dog to make new memories with. 

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I’m so sorry for your loss. :heart:

I had to have my cat put down in October 2021 and I’ve not really felt the same since. It’s a weird feeling to describe but it’s almost as if a part of me is missing. One thing I have, which helps a lot, is my mum purchased me a cushion with his photo on it which I keep in my room, so now whenever I enter it, I’m greeted by his face and it’s nice being able to see him daily. I will say that time does heal and although you don’t forget about your pets, you do learn to live with the pain and continue moving on. 

It’s definitely a strange process learning to move on, as even now when I’m grocery shopping and see cat food and treats my hand wants to reach out and grab them and I have to remind myself that I don’t have a cat anymore, as it almost becomes like muscle memory and it’s a hard thing to lose. I even sometimes see something in the corner of my eye and think it’s him in the garden waiting to come inside, as he always used to sit at a certain window to let you know he was there lol, so things like that must take awhile to go or maybe they never do. I actually cried a few weeks back, which caught me off guard. I was listening to Birds by Imagine Dragons, which is a song about death and that same song randomly came on shuffle a few days after he was put down; so it reminds me of him. But, I’ve listened to it a lot since then and I always keep it together, but a few weeks back when it played it just really made me cry whilst I was trying to tell my friend it reminded me of my cat. It was weird, as I thought I was past the crying stage, but I guess grief is weird and there’s not really a right or wrong way to experience it.  


I don’t really have a lot of friends (by choice) as I find it hard to connect with people and he was the most consistent friendship I ever had and I’ll always be thankful for the joy he brought to my life. Some people recommend getting another pet at some point, but I’m 2 years in now and I can’t imagine getting another cat yet, but maybe that’ll change. Grief is different for everybody and you just have to do what works for you.  

I’d definitely recommend doing something to keep his memory alive, whether that’s a cushion like I got or something else. It really does help. 

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sorry for your loss we lost our family dog,it takes time to heal and grieve keep the memories with him

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I’m sorry for your loss :heart2: I lost my childhood dog last year. There’s definitely a period where it doesn’t feel real because this constant source of light in your life is gone all of a sudden. But like anything, it really does become easier with time. I think about how my dog isn’t in pain or uncomfortable in old age anymore. I am happy remembering the seemingly mundane but happy memories going on walks and silly things she did. I scroll through my photo album of her and it puts a smile on my face. When I see other dogs that look like her I see her energy in them and smile. Just take time to feel that sadness, and then I would recommend not getting a new pet for a while, and maybe planning a trip or new activity that can take your mind off of things.

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the day i loose my dog is the day i stop breathing deadass

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I’m sure your dog had the best life right beside you):


Mine are 10 and 8 years old. I really don’t want to think about this :chick3:

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Over the years, I've had the privilege of sharing my home with numerous beloved feline companions, each with their unique personalities and quirks. Unfortunately, the passage of time has seen them succumb to various illnesses, a heartache that pierces deeply into my soul with every loss. The pain of bidding farewell to these cherished friends is an ache that never truly fades, yet it is softened by the solace of the furry companions who still grace my life. While the sorrow is a constant companion, the enduring presence of my other cats offers a bittersweet consolation, a reminder that love for these remarkable creatures persists, even amid the inevitable cycle of loss and renewal.

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I'm sorry for your loss.

In my experience losing a pet could be as painful as losing a relative or it could feel even worse

I lost my Schnauzer a few months ago in an unexpected way and his lost hit me really hard, i stopped working for months, cried for weeks, i stopped seeing my friends, long story short i ended up into depression and i had to see back my psychiatrist, to this day im back on my medication and i take them everynight, so my advice to you its that you dont have be alone, you dont have to isolate yourself, seek help if you need to, dont lose your family or friends, try to find a safe place with your loved ones so you can express your feelings, cry if you want to because TIME will make its part in healing you aswell.

Dont worry things will get better in time, this is temporary, and remember that your furry friend doesnt want to see you sad


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I'm soooo sorry for your loss, losing a pet never gets any easier. 


Honestly, time is the only thing that can make you feel good. You're likely going to be depressed for awhile because of the sudden change of an empty house but I promise you that things will get easier. Don't feel pressured by others that simply say to move on or adopt another dog, just remember all the good times you shared with your best friend. :heart:

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I’m so sorry for your loss. 😭😭😭Some people fail to understand that pets can be just like family members, so losing them is very difficult.


This is the saddest part of life for me, it’s death.


I hope you spent a lot of time together at the last moments.


While I think every pet has their own personality, maybe adopting another animal that looks similar or different is another great experience that will recreate those past special moments again. 

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You don't. You just sort of get numb over time, but when I recall the day my cat of over 20s years died, I still turn into a mess.

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Thank you all for the responses. It meant a lot to me. my dog Dixon was my best friend, and the silence In my apartment has still been overwhelming which has made me severely depressed. So today I decided to go to an animal shelter, and found my new dog Dewey "on the left, Dixon Is on the right" I wanted to save another soul, and bring them much love. Once I saw Dewey, his underbite made me think of Dixon. He also has a similar personality. I'm picking him up on Tuesday. It won't replace Dixon, but I will love this dog so much. :heart2:



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